"Is the young master so romantic, Ning Yixu? What luck is it?"

"If we are different from each other, let's work honestly."

Qin Yuanyang takes his nephew to the office. When the Secretary sees the young master who is with the president, the cute and handsome baby is full of momentum. Her eyes are going to bubble.

I didn't expect to have such a surprise at work today. It's a rare opportunity to get close to the handsome guy!

She graciously served a cup of coffee to the president: "president, your blue mountain coffee."

Qin Yuanyang clicks on the desk. The Secretary carefully puts the coffee on his left side. Qin Yuanyang opens the document and starts to read today's itinerary.

The secretary turned his face and asked the young master gently, "what would you like to drink?"

"I want coffee, too," said Xiao Yi coolly

Qin Yuanyang looked up at him from the document, "what kind of coffee do children drink? Give him fresh milk. "

Baby, he is not a child any more. He will be four years old soon!

The Secretary quickly brought a cup of hot fresh milk, "young master, be careful to iron it."

Xiao Yi Lin wants to be cool and says she doesn't want to drink milk. She sniffs the smell of milk and takes a sip of it silently.

Well, it's the taste he often drinks. It's very good.

He looked up and said, "thank you."

The secretary was flattered. "You're welcome. I should."

Young master, he speaks like a little adult!

Xiao Yi walked around the office. "Second uncle, I haven't been to my father's office yet. Why doesn't my father take me there?"

"Because you are young."

"I'm almost four years old."

"Oh, that's still a kid."

Xiao Yilin climbed up to the chair opposite Qin Yuanyang's desk and was curious about the baby. "Second uncle, why are you also the president and my father the president?"

Qin Yuanyang very good temper said: "in the Qin family, you can call me vice president."

"Then why the president here?"

"Because it's my own company, it's different."

The little guy looked up at the ceiling for a long time and then asked, "whose company is Qin's?"

Qin Yuanyang knocked his head, "Qin's is our company, your father is in charge of it."

"Oh, my father is so hard to run a company with so many people."

Qin Yuanyang said, "young master, your second uncle and third uncle fly around the world all day. It's also very hard."

The young master said, "the second uncle and the third uncle are adults. Adults should be like this."

It makes sense.

Qin Yuanyang quickly took a sip of coffee and was shocked. Few people could stand the child's jumping words.

"Go to the sofa and sit and read. Don't disturb the second uncle."

The young master lay on the table and said, "when my father works, I can watch it by the side."

“…… You see. "

The secretary is very happy, and the young master is too painful!

Ye Hong, Miya's assistant, sneaks past the lobby on the first floor. She hears people here talking about the second young master. She calls quietly and says, "sister Miya, Qin Er Shao has returned to the prime time."

Shengshi film and television is an entertainment film and television group founded by Qin Yuanyang five years ago. At the beginning, it has little influence in the industry. In recent years, he has invested more energy in Shengshi film and television than in Qin family. He boldly acquired two entertainment companies and directly occupied the original market resources. With the business influence of Qin family group, the development of these years is overwhelming and has become the standard in the industry Rod like existence.