When the injured were rescued, Ning Yixu found that there were more serious problems.

Children's performance is not very normal, many will cry in the middle of the night, keep calling the names of their relatives, and even have a tendency to autistic, run to no one's place.

She took the initiative to give psychological guidance to the children, and said, "I hope I can give them psychological guidance."

The commander absolutely supported, "that's great. I'm just afraid that children's psychological trauma will not be solved."

Ning Yixu pays close attention to the condition of every child. She breaks through all the difficulties again and again. Looking back at these days at night, she can't believe that she can do so many things.

As time went by, when supplies were in short supply, the outside world temporarily repaired a path, and several volunteers and media reporters ventured to come.

Ning Yixu inquired: "when can I contact the outside?"

"It will take about half a month to start rush repair now."

Ning Yixu protects her stomach with her hands. The child has been nine months. In a twinkling of an eye, she has left Qin Yunjing for nearly half a year. Two months ago, the rescue here was about to see the dawn. She experienced a small earthquake again and broke the road again. She almost had to move the resettlement area.

Ning Yixu thinks about Qin Yunjing every night. He thinks about Qin Yunjing's warm hands, steady arms and his tenderness.

However, every day I wake up with empty pillow and wet tears.

She waited day by day. Recently, she felt that her stomach was a little heavy and her baby moved frequently. She couldn't sleep well every night. There was no condition for prenatal examination. She was afraid that the baby would be unhealthy. She was worried that the baby would not have umbilical cord around her neck and her heart rate was not even.

Once, she almost fainted at the bedside of the ambulance, and the doctor ordered her to have a rest, "you are pregnant with your child, and you are responsible for your child."

People in the resettlement area didn't expect that this seemingly weak young mother would be so strong. The old man wept, "poor girl, you will be the best and strongest mother!"

The doctor regularly infused her with nutrient solution and asked her, "I think you look familiar. Where are you from?"

Ning Yixu said the name of his hometown, "I'm a public face. Maybe I look like others."

"You are so beautiful, how can you be a public face? I always remember where I saw you... "

Ning Yixu is afraid of being recognized and turns back to the tent to have a rest.

The new rescue and volunteers brought a lot of materials. After the facilities were repaired, the communication equipment was restored briefly. The commander reported the situation here, and the next day a helicopter came to drop food.

The situation here has been alleviated. The media went to care about the children on the scene. Ning Yixu said to them, "the children are much better after psychological counseling. I hope they can go back to school in the future."

The media took a few photos, "we will report the situation here truthfully to let more people know."

Ning Yixu asked, "can I make a phone call?"

The reporter said: "I don't know if there is a signal, you try."

Ning Yixu finally got her mobile phone. She called Qin Yunjing's number several times. Occasionally, there was a weak signal, and the phone couldn't be dialed.

Ning Yixu was afraid that her mobile phone would run out of power and she didn't dare to try again. She gave up and said, "I'll see it the next day."

Qin family.

After half a year, in addition to finding Ning Yixu's ID card in the ruins, nothing else has been found. The situation is not optimistic.