Ning Yixu was not willing to let him waste so much. She took away the painting first and said, "I'll take this one. Thank you. I won't disturb your creation. See you next time."

She ran back with the painting. The black wolf followed her. Her horsetail swayed a few times under the back of her head. Her graceful and slender figure walked through the shadow of the tree, like the purest spirit in nature.

Qin Xinchi lost his mind. He watched her figure go away. For a long time, her smile appeared in his mind.

He picked up the brush, the colors fell on the white paper, outlined a beautiful figure.

He slowly filled in every detail of the painting and finished the whole painting in one breath.

Such a spring of inspiration, he rarely encountered.

Qin Xinchi thought, there is such a beautiful girl in the world, not stained with dust.

He looked at the painting for a long time, and when it was dark, he knew it was time to go back to the yard.

He hid the paintings in a stack of failed works, went back to the yard, went directly into the study, hung them on the wall, and covered them with a pair of calligraphy and paintings.

He knew that it was the girl he liked. He didn't dare to miss her in a big way. He still had to hide.

Qin Xinchi walked out of the room and the lights were on. Every courtyard of the Qin family mansion was lit up and looked very warm.

Only he knew that this was not the case inside the big house, which was calm on the surface.

I used to live here every day, but now I know that the girl lives at home. It seems that every tomorrow is worth looking forward to.

Ning Yixu returned to the Xixiang building. She put the painting on the table and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

She came out in her nightgown and there was one more person in the room.

The young master hugged him and said, "what's the matter with her

Qin Yunjing held her hand. He turned back and asked her, "where did this painting come from?"

Ning Yixu didn't think much and said, "I asked the sixth young master to take it. I saw him painting from life over the guard River and talked with him for a while. Do you think it's very good?"

Qin Yunjing's voice became unfriendly, "so, do you appreciate it?"

Ning Yixu wiped her long hair with a towel. She said, "yes, if he goes to the competition, he can definitely win the prize."

She had just taken a bath. Her long hair was dripping. A few strands of hair stuck to her cheek. Her skin was very white and delicate, and her face was more delicate and beautiful.

If in peacetime, Qin Yunjing is to hold her do not want to let go, today's he is not like this.

He crumpled the painting and threw it into the paper basket. He said, "don't walk around in the future. Don't meet idle people."

Ning Yixu also wanted to talk about oil painting creation with him, but Qin Yunjing poured cold water on him before he started.

She said, "how can you do this? It's his hard work. It's disrespect for people!"

Qin Yunjing said: "what respect does it need? The painting is not good. Anyone can draw at this level. If you like oil painting, I can buy you some masterpieces casually. There is no need to take these defective products as treasures."

Ning Yixu was angry, "you are being unreasonable, mean, wild and autocratic! That's your brother, too. Do you want to hurt people like this? "

She scolded several derogatory words in succession. Qin Yunjing saw that this clever girl was angry with him for a man. He said, "I just ruined his painting, so you mind."

Ning Yixu couldn't understand his twists and turns. "His identity is sensitive. He doesn't go to school or go out of the house. He can only forget those complicated things by painting He's your brother. Of course, I can't treat him like other people. At least I should communicate with him as an ordinary person and give him a little encouragement. Is that what I did wrong? "