Ning Yixu now knows that she is an insignificant stranger to Qin Yunjing.

Under the drizzling rain, Ning Yixu looks at Qin Yunjing across the human wall, and his body gets colder.

In addition to the rain, there seems to be no other sound between heaven and earth. Ning Yixu calls Qin Yunjing's name countless times in her heart. She moves with the crowd until there is a guard blocking the road in front of her. She can't go any further. Ning Yixu calls: "Qin Yunjing!"

Her voice was covered by the rain, but suddenly a dog barked at the quiet and solemn scene. The blue Kunming dog jumped over the fence and ran to this side.

Kunming Dog breaks through the guard of the guard and pours on Ning Yixu.

Both sides of the road are full shot media and idle people. Zou Qianjin died half a year later before he went to the funeral. There was enough topic about the event. Within the scope of the road on the scene, the media occupied the most favorable position to track and shoot.

No one dares to make any noise during the funeral. The sudden barking of the dog cuts through the air and makes people feel special in rainy days.

The Kunming Dog leaps up and pours on a girl in a white skirt. Everyone and the guard are scared and exclaim, "danger!"

Reporters recognized at a glance, "that's Ning Yixu! She's awake

Out of the sensitivity of the news, the lens of the media couldn't help facing the scene. Everyone was holding a cold sweat. How could the well-trained military dog of the Qin family suddenly change his temperament and rush to Ning Yixu?

Ning Yixu retreated two steps, and the black wolf stopped in front of her. His tongue was spitting hot air, and his eyes were staring at her.

Ning Yixu and he looked at each other, she boldly went up, she bent down to touch its head, "black wolf, you still know me, don't you?"

The black wolf rolled his eyes and rubbed his head against her calf.

Everyone thought that the guards were ready to come to save people. The painting style changed suddenly. A fierce military dog and a weak girl were in extraordinary harmony.

The crowd is confused. What's the situation?

The reporter told the cameraman: "zoom in, give a close-up."

Ning Yixu squatted down. She scratched the black wolf's chin and whispered, "black wolf, thank you for recognizing me."

The wolf whimpered, put his paw on her knee and looked at her trustfully.

Ning Yixu said, "he doesn't know me. What should I do?"

The black wolf held her calf as if to comfort her.

Ning Yixu had a little hope, "it doesn't matter. Just remember me."

Zou Fuxue is at the front of the funeral procession. She hears the barking of the dog and the voices of everyone. She looks back worried. She doesn't see any disturbance in the crowd, so she goes on with her journey.

How did Xu'er come out by herself? She hasn't fully recovered. If the media reporters here are recognized, they will have to show up in front of the public.

The funeral procession has entered the blockade area, and the reporter has nothing to shoot. They are all surrounded by Ning Yixu.

The black wolf defensively stood up in front of her. The threatening cry came from the deep of her throat. The White Wolf's teeth burst into the crowd, and he was about to bite.

The reporters couldn't dodge. Someone's backpack was picked off by the black wolf, and they screamed like killing a pig before biting them.

The guards dare not go up with the electric baton. It's the army dog of the Qin family. Even if the chief retires, his position is still there. Who dares to fight against the black wolf?