After the farce of Ning family trying to regain custody, Ning Yixu's life in his hometown was deeply dug out on the Internet.

Naturally, there is not a good word in it, or even adding oil and vinegar, which adds a lot of labels to Ning Yixu.

When he was a teenager, he robbed his sister's boyfriend, beat his stepmother and classmate, and was punished and criticized by the school several times. What's more shocking about Ning Yixu is that he has had an abortion as a minor and is notorious in his hometown.

In this way, the sisters of Ning family are not good things.

After the accident, Ning's family demanded huge compensation from Zou's family. In Li Fanlian's mouth, Ning Yixu is a good girl who studies hard. Their family saved money to cultivate her. She was admitted to the National University. Such an excellent girl should get high compensation.

As things continue to ferment, local reporters go to interview Ning's neighbors and get confirmation from their aunt: "Ning's family quarrels every day, falls things and makes noise, but it's not a quiet day. That little daughter is very fierce and starts fighting All fractures are light! "

In all kinds of noise, this is quite different from what Ning's mother and daughter have said all the way. She said that the talented number one girl who is worth tens of millions of compensation is actually a rebellious and dirty girl?

Ning family is surrounded by reporters again, "Miss Ning, it is said that you and your sister have been at odds since childhood. Didn't you say that you love your sister most? What's Miss Ning's explanation for these?"

"Miss Ning, your sister robbed your boyfriend. It is said that the boyfriend is Lin Luoyan, a talented man in the Finance Department of National University. Is he your child's father?"

The problem of the media is extremely sharp. The higher authorities have ordered that they must bite the Ning family. Miss Zou's name can no longer be mentioned. Only Ning Yixu's scandal can be used to quell the matter.

As long as the public's attention is diverted and the moral corruption of Ning family is thoroughly magnified, who cares about other trifles?

Ning Xingyao brings up Ning Yixu's case again, hoping that the media can make Zou Li famous and please the Qi family.

She never thought that the media were so interested in the family affairs of their little people, digging up the old stories, lifting stones and hitting her own feet.

She splashed all the dirty water on Ning Yixu. "Yes, Ning Yixu is not an excellent student who works hard as you imagine. She is a girl who has been lying since childhood, has a bad habit of stealing, cheating in exams and robbing her sister's boyfriend. She is ashamed of the honor given to her by the National University! I don't know if she cheated in the exam. Isn't your media very powerful? Go and find out! "

She broke the jar and broke it. Anyway, the situation is so bad. Where can it be worse?

The media, like a shark smelling blood, are frantically encircling the Ning family for interviews. The history of Ning Yixu has been magnified and spread more and more wildly.

Lin Luoyan took advantage of this opportunity to show off his enthusiasm in front of the media. He said with regret: "before Yi Xu, I didn't make any comments. She was too young to understand Things are always in the past, and now she is a vegetative person without any life characteristics. I hope you can be kind to her. "

Reporter sharp asked: "Ning Yixu is the initiative to seduce you, because you have a history of abortion?"

Lin Luoyan denied, "her behavior is frivolous. I know my bottom line. I have never done anything against morality. As for whether she has been with others I'm not good at appraising them. Her sister knows them better. "