Many people gathered in the street. Someone recognized the money of the Zou family and whispered, "Zou Li is not afraid of losing face and going abroad."

"I haven't heard from Zou Li for a long time. I've heard that he is ill. It looks like he's in good spirits. It's not like he's sick."

"You believe her when she says she's sick? It's just an excuse to evade military training. The whole national academy knows that. "

"That's too flattering and arrogant. If she doesn't go to military training, she will go to temple fairs actively. Her appearance is such a big show, and she doesn't know how to end it."

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't lose face once or twice."


Ning Yi Xu's ear power is good, these words certainly did not escape her ear.

She's full of fire. Isn't she also trying to maintain the status of national musical instruments in the world? Do these people know what it means to be consistent with the outside world? At this time, they are looking forward to her losing face in front of foreign programs?

She took a deep breath and recalled the meditation formula that Aunt Han taught her. She kept all the noise out and calmed down slowly.

She adjusted several timbres, and her slender fingers fell on the strings and gently moved them.

There were professional musicians in the crowd. After listening to a few notes, they were shocked, "ambush on all sides!"

Zou Li can play guzheng and dare to challenge this song alone!

Playing "ambush on all sides" requires very high skills. Playing alone is a test of the tension of controlling the music. Zou Li is too open-minded.

Ning Yixu's fingers flicked a few times on the piano, and the music deep in his memory rang in his mind.

This song is aunt Han's favorite. She has been learning it since she was ten years old and has played it countless times.

Every time I can't calm down, I rely on guzheng to make her calm down.

Ning Yixu was immersed in the music, and every tune sounded. What she remembered was scenes in her hometown martial arts school.

I can't help feeling melancholy. Aunt Han and uncle Han don't know what's going on. She's like now, and she doesn't know how to go back to them.

The street is completely quiet. Even people who don't understand music can't help listening. Their heart beats up and down with the music. They don't have too much thought to think about other things.

As the music becomes more and more urgent, it seems that every string has been buckled to the audience's heart, which makes people feel the dangerous breath brought by the music. Sometimes, the calm before the wind and rain comes, and immediately ushers in the murderous atmosphere of intense conspiracy in all directions.

Ambush, was Zou Li pop up such an excellent performance.

They looked at the girl on the stage without blinking. Zou Li's elegant skirt and flexible fingers plucked the strings. Her eyes focused on the guzheng. Her long hair moved slowly under the arm. Every move moved the eyes of everyone. What a talented and beautiful family.

When the breeze blows, the sound of the piano will be suspended for a while, and then the tune will become bigger and faster. It seems that there is a strong momentum coming from all directions.

Ning Yixu raised his eyes to look at the crowd, eyes Ling gravel, let a person's heart tremble.

At this time, Ning Yixu was like a killer with advanced martial arts skills in ancient times. He wandered in the river and lake's favor and hatred duckweed. With one move, he could put the enemy to death.

At this moment, she is separated from all the vulgarity around her, making people completely lost in the solid cage of ambush from sight to hearing.

Under the fingers of Ning Yixu, the zither has the penetrating power of life. At the end of the song, she stops her hand and the sound of the zither stops suddenly.