Looking at by such eyes, it's like being watched by a poisonous snake, which makes fan Yiyi very uncomfortable. Fortunately, she doesn't have to share an office with Zhou Mei to go back upstairs and do her own business.

As before, in the morning, she devoted herself to painting. After eating something at noon, she rushed to the hospital.

But what she didn't know was that there was always a shadowy figure following her to the hospital.

It's a fine day today. Amy seems to be in a better spirit than she was a few days ago. She seems very happy to see fan Yiyi. Seeing the sunshine outside the window, she wants to go out and get some sunshine.

Fan Yiyi puts on Amy's coat and a thread hat on her bald head.

Wearing a good Amy, more radiant, but such her, but let fan Yiyi uncomfortable.

The hospital has already informed that Amy's condition can no longer be operated on. By implication, she can only count the days, waiting for the arrival of death.

Amy's mental health at this time is not that her condition has improved, because her illness It's just going to get worse.

Amy rarely has the energy to go out. Fan Yiyi quickly pushes the wheelchair, hugs Amy, who is so light that she goes to the back garden of the hospital with her.

The autumn sky is very high. The cloudless blue sky seems washed by water. The occasional autumn wind blows down the dead leaves on the trees and falls on the paths and lawns, which is a little desolate.

The flowers in the flower bed are all withered, powerless drooping, and those petals, after gradually withering, fall into the soil.

Depression, even in this bright sun, also makes people sad.

Fan Yiyi pushes the wheelchair, trying to avoid the scenery, pushes Amy to a green lawn, so that the sun can cover her without blocking.

Amy was in a good mood to be able to come out for a breath, and the depressed scenery seemed nothing to her. No matter how desolate it was, could it be more desolate that she was about to leave the world?

She has to accept all this because of her long suffering and cruel reality. Instead of mourning for the last period of time, she should seriously feel the last beauty left by the world.

Fan Yiyi sat on a stone bench, chatting with Amy and chipping apples for her.

In the quiet afternoon, there was no one here, but fan Yiyi's Yu Guangzhong seemed to see a figure looking at it in the corridor not far away.

Subconsciously looked up, this look, let her surprise, hand uneven force, hand fruit knife suddenly cut fingers.

"Ah Finger to heart pain let her cry out, only to see the finger has bright red blood.

"What's the matter?" Amy was shocked and wanted to get up to have a look, but she couldn't get up because she was too weak.

"Nothing, nothing." Fan Yiyi quickly took out a piece of paper from the tissue box beside him and pressed the wound down.

All of a sudden, I saw the shadow under the corridor had come.

"What's wrong with your hand?" The man asked in dismay.

"Li, Mr. Li..." As soon as Amy looked up, she saw that it was Li Jingxi, the president of the Li family, who was coming.

"You, how did you come here?" Amy's eyes were haggard.

Amy didn't want to be seen like this, but Li Jingxi saw it.

"I came to see a friend. I saw someone like you just now, so I came to have a look." Li Jingxi, who is not good at telling lies, is a bit evasive when he says this sentence. He does not dare to look directly into fan Yiyi's bright and clear eyes.

Fan Yiyi didn't see what to ask, but Amy, a veteran, understood.

She would smile, it seems that this man is not fan Yiyi said, pestering her every day, just to get back the custody of her sons.

It seems that this man's heart is dependent.

That's a good thing!

Li Jingxi didn't expect that her appearance would frighten the little woman, so that she cut her finger. She was worried and reproached. She didn't pay attention to the people in the wheelchair nearby, and didn't hear Amy's words.

He quickly pulled fan Yiyi's finger and opened the paper towel that had been dyed red.

Fortunately, the wound is not too big, after just pressing, no bleeding.

"How old are you, and you are so careless!" Li Jingxi took a new paper towel and simply bandaged it again for fan Yiyi. At the same time, he said.

"Long time no see, Mr. Li." Amy knows the relationship between Li Jingxi and fan Yiyi and greets Li Jingxi with a smile.

This time, Li Jingxi noticed the wheelchair beside him. Look again

"You are..." I can't blame him for his blindness. Apart from fan Yiyi, he has no feelings for women, and Amy has only seen them several times, and has never noticed them.

After Amy's illness, it changed so much that Li didn't recognize her for a moment."She's sister Amy, my boss." Li Jingxi's unintentional questioning makes Amy's face a little lonely and embarrassed. Fan Yiyi reminds Amy in a low voice.

"Amy Li Jingxi never thought that the old woman who had never appeared was in the hospital, and It's like this!

Didn't she just faint? After such a long time, the disease is still not good?

Seeing Li Jingxi's questioning eyes, fan Yiyi wants to pull him away, so as not to make Amy sad.

But Amy gave a faint smile and said, "I'm scared. I've got a terminal disease. I can't cure it. I'll be one day less every day. That's why I'm like this."

Looking at Amy's sad eyes, fan Yiyi's eyes were red, "sister Amy, don't say that..."

At this time, she wanted to comfort Amy, but she couldn't find the right words.

Li Jingxi finally understands why fan Yiyi has been out every day recently, and he can be so righteous. It turns out that

"Yiyi, why don't you take her to Shengbo?" Li Jingxi asked fan Yiyi.

Although he has a cold temperament on the surface, it still makes him uncomfortable to see the life and death in the world, especially the people related to him.

Fan Yiyi is silent. What can she say? The medical insurance of his hospital is not easy to operate and the cost is frighteningly high. No matter how rich Amy is, he can't afford it.

Amy didn't want to embarrass fan Yiyi, so she explained to Li Jingxi, "thank you for your kindness. I'm sick It's the same everywhere, and I won't let Yiyi talk about it. Don't blame her

Li Jingxi can find here, which shows that he is dissatisfied with fan Yiyi's inexplicable going out, this will follow.

And what he said just now, there is something that fan Yiyi should not hide from him.