Zheng Ling was just surprised that Li Jingyue's cousin went out to see a movie. How could she have such a big reaction?

Not only did she have a big reaction, but the cousin who called her seemed to have a bigger reaction.

Zheng Ling did not know that she met Li Jingxi, but she decided to find a chance to tell the gentleman she met yesterday about Li Jingyue.

Before Li Jingyue hung up, Zheng Ling hurriedly looked for an opportunity to slip away.

On the surface, Li Jingyue seems to be indifferent to everything, but in fact, her mind is heavy and her suspicion is even more serious.

If she finds out that Zheng Ling has been eavesdropping, the consequence will be Zheng Ling can have goose bumps when she thinks about it.

There is a storm here, but fan Yiyi has a different scene.

That night, she and Li Jingxi took fan Aoran and fan Yuran to the cinema. There were only four of them in the audience, but the two little guys watched it completely until the end of the movie.

As soon as the spirit relaxed and the sleeping time passed, fan Aoran and fan Yuran fell asleep as soon as they got into Li Jingxi's car.

Fan Yiyi went out, afraid that the two little guys would fall asleep.

When they used to ride in the pram, even if they fell asleep, it was convenient for fan Yiyi to push this double lane.

But now they don't make that kind of car for a long time. Every seat of the twin's car is very small. Although fan Aoran and fan Yuran are only over three years old, their small bodies are so strong that they can't get into that kind of car.

Therefore, as long as they fall asleep before they go home, fan Yiyi will force them to wake up, because she is a woman, she really can't hold two heavy little guys at the same time.

But not this time. Li Jingxi is here.

Li Jingxi held one on one arm, and there was no pressure at all.

Looking at this man is not fat, I didn't expect him to be so strong. Fan Yiyi suddenly thought of Li Jingxi and her bed that morning, but nothing to wear

A pretty face turned red instantly. Fortunately, at night, she walked behind again, and no one found her embarrassment at this time.

Fan Aoran and fan Yuran looked very tired. After they were tossed to their own little bed, they just hummed twice, seemed to have a dream talk, turned over, pouted up their buttocks, and continued to sleep.

as like as two peas as like as two peas, the two little guys at this time are not only the same, but even sleeping.

Li Jingxi put it behind them and looked at it in a trance. His heart was full of warmth.

I can't imagine that last month, my sister was still talking about when he could ask for a wife to have a child. I can't imagine that in this short time, although my wife didn't ask for one, my son had two, and they were both so old!

Thinking of the two soft and glutinous little guys on the bed, who are the extension of their own blood, Li Jingxi was in a very excited mood. His whole blood seemed to be boiling, and his father's love filled his heart. He wanted to give all the good things in the world to these two little babies.

Fan Yiyi has been waiting beside, he thought Li Jingxi put down two sons, will leave immediately.

But unexpectedly, he stood here and watched endlessly, and the look in his eyes All of a sudden, fan Yiyi made a big alarm!

Li Jingxi's love for these two little guys is coming out of his eyes, which makes fan Yiyi even more afraid.

The more he loves them, the more determined he will be to fight for custody with himself.

What do you want to fight with a man who can only cover the sky with one hand for children?!

Secretly clenched his fist, fan Yiyi decided to finish the work as soon as possible, before Li Jingxi made the action, she must take the children to escape!

"Mr. Li," fan Yiyi took a deep breath and said in a gentle and steady tone, "it's late. You should go back to bed early. I have to go to work tomorrow."

Fan Yiyi's dry voice brings back Li Jingxi's thoughts.

He turned his head and looked at the little woman beside him, but found that although fan Yiyi was tired, his vigilance and vigilance in his eyes did not decrease at all.

When Li Jingxi frowned, he didn't understand. When other women saw him, they were almost crazy. If they wanted to be more enthusiastic, they would be more enthusiastic. If they wanted to be more active, they would be more active. But this little woman is good. Staring at herself is like staring at a thief. She never takes the initiative to smile at herself, let alone say something nice to herself.

Li Jingxi was still thinking about whether to stay tonight. He really didn't want to go back and face the cold walls and furniture alone.

He wanted to feel the warm feeling of the little woman reading in front of the bedside lamp, but when he saw the indifference and alienation in fan Yiyi's eyes, Li Jingxi's heart suddenly gave birth to a cool air.

Proud as he, in the face of such a cold face, he had to swallow those words, turn his head and leave.

But fan Yiyi was afraid that this man would repent. He followed him closely until he was sent out of the gate.The second day was a busy working day, but as the weekend approached, everyone's heart seemed to be a little loose.

Li Jingxi still didn't go to the company to find fan Yiyi, which made other employees start to murmur:

"this rich man changes women faster than changing clothes. Look, our Miss Yiyi gave birth to two sons to the president of the Li family. They have only been fresh for two days, but we women have been in for a lifetime..." All these words are sour and schadenfreude.

"It's true. I pity those two lovely children..." There was a whispered answer beside her, but she didn't feel sorry for her tone.

"I think that if Mr. Li doesn't come, at least we won't be so depressed here." A male employee said realistically.

"Xiao Zhang, don't you still think about Yiyi? Even if the president of the Li family doesn't want her, do you think Mr. Li will let his former woman marry someone else? " Another person retorted, and immediately made the male employee speechless.

Tang Xue can't listen to it any more. She says lukewarm: "you are really idle. You don't have to manage your own affairs well, and others' affairs are quite attentive."

"Oh, I said Tang Xue," which made Zhou Mei quit. She stood up, went to Tang Xue and said sarcastically, "are you afraid that we will tell Mr. Li back?"

Tang Xue's face is stiff. She knows what Zhou Mei is alluding to, but she is not afraid of the shadow, and she does not want Li Jingxi to come back.

Because she didn't want to see fan Yiyi lose her two lovely children.