Not to mention Li Jingxi's accident, even fan Yiyi was unexpected.

"How do you know?" Fan Yiyi asked first.

"I know!" Fan Yuran doesn't know these cars, but he knows what his brother has done.

"My brother found a lot of car books from daddy's study, and he let me see them. The cars in the books are the same as these!" Fan Yuran said this with pride and air.

"Then why didn't you remember?" Fan Yiyi asked immediately.

She cares about her sons' learning, no matter what they learn. She also knows that her two little babies have higher IQ than others and should make good use of them.

"This..." As soon as he heard Mommy ask this, fan Yuran immediately withered like a frosted eggplant.

At this time, Li Jingxi just opened the door of a car, and fan Yuran got in.

Later, he waved to fan Aoran, deliberately not hearing fan Yiyi's question just now.

The car started, through the quiet forest path, directly on the highway.

Fan Yiyi sat on the co driver and didn't want to talk to Li Jingxi, so he turned his head and talked to the two little guys in the back seat.

"Xiaoyu, you haven't answered Mommy. Why can't you remember what my brother can remember?" Fan Yiyi remembers the question before getting on the bus and continues to ask fan Yuran.

Fan Yuran immediately looked dejected and said wrongly, "I I'm not as smart as my brother... "

Every time Mommy is ready to criticize him for not studying hard, he just says this sentence, and Mommy's anger disappears immediately. Not only is there no criticism, but also there is comfort and encouragement.

Sure enough, as soon as he said that, fan Yiyi immediately looked at him painfully.

But before she comforts fan Yuran, Li Jingxi looks at the two same little guys in the rearview mirror and finally stares at fan Yuran.

"Who are you listening to?" Li Jingxi suddenly said: "my son Li Jingxi, everyone is the best. You are as smart as Xiao Ao, but you focus on different things."

although the first mock exam of these two little children was just a few days ago, Li Jingxi thought about them and made a detailed look at the two little ones who had different models.

One is quiet, calm, logical and has a good memory; the other is lively and loves art, but not as much as the eldest.

When he first came into contact with the two brothers, he was really worried that they would not know who was who.

Not long after contact, Li Jingxi found that as long as they were awake, just looking at their eyes, or their behavior, or listening to them, they could immediately tell who Xiaoao was and who Xiaoyu was.

Fan Yuran listened to Li Jingxi's words, tilted his head, seriously thought about it, said: "brother likes to study, I like to eat, but Mommy said, like to eat is not an advantage."

Li Jingxi glanced at the little woman beside her. "Don't listen to her. Children can grow fast and tall only if they eat more."

Then he turned to fan Aoran from the rearview mirror and added: "Xiao Ao, you should learn from Xiao Yu, eat more and play more toys."

In Li Jingxi's world view, children should grow up in happy play.

Carefree childhood is very short, want to read, want to learn, grow up with plenty of time, there is no need to work so hard at this time.

Like his childhood Because of the sudden death of his parents, he had to struggle in pain and effort.

It can be said that the first half of his childhood is happy, and the second half is unforgettable.

Fan Aoran gave him a white look. His voice was tender, but his tone seemed mature: "if I don't study, I can't be strong. How can I protect Mommy? Xiaoyu and I didn't have a dad before... "

Li Jingxi takes a breath, no daddy Because of his absence in their growth, will the young fan Aoran be so precocious?

If he could find these two children earlier, maybe his mind would not be so precocious and he would have a happier childhood.

Fortunately They are only over three years old now. There is still a lot of time and opportunities for him to make up for it.

Li Jingxi said with a smile to the two babies in the mirror: "one of you likes to study and the other likes to draw. You are both the best children!"

In his heart, his children are the best, and in fact, they are.

Fan Yiyi looks at Li Jingxi's intimacy and concern for the two children, and his heart is even more nervous.

She can feel that this man should really love these two little guys, but the more he really likes them, the more he will fight for custody with himself.

Secretly clenched his fist, fan Yiyi more firm her determination to leave here.

Holding the steering wheel and driving with their mother and son, Li Jingxi had a strange warmth and steadiness in his heart.

They are like an ordinary family of four, eating together and going out together.

He drives, women take care of children, and two children are so lovely and beautiful. Such a family of four is enviable and enviable.Passing by the kindergarten where the two kids used to live, fan Aoran suddenly asked, "Mommy, should we go to kindergarten tomorrow?"

He and Xiaoyu haven't been there for several days. Now I think of it, I miss the children and teachers there.

Fan Yiyi subconsciously looks at Li Jingxi. She didn't want to let the two kids go to kindergarten, but she was afraid that the man would take the children away secretly.

But now It's still hard to say.

Li Jingxi also frowned, looked at the kindergarten he had just passed, looked at the two children in the back seat from the rearview mirror, and asked tentatively, "Daddy, will you change the kindergarten for you?"

He doesn't like it very much. The kindergarten is too small and the conditions are not good enough for his two noble sons.

His sons should go to noble kindergartens and enjoy the most advanced education.

The most important thing is It's too far from his home. It's not convenient for him to come here, whether it's Forest Castle or his house in the city.

Li Jingxi's words, let fan Yiyi's heart "clatter"!

He Are you ready to do it? Now we can't wait to change kindergartens for our children. The next step is to pick them up and never send them back?

"I think it's very good here. The main reason is that they are already familiar with it. They need to change it and get to know their teachers and children again." Fan Yiyi quickly denied.

Her next step is to take the children away from here, so now we can never let them change kindergartens.

Another important reason is that the kindergarten is close to her home and the company. Once the man has a disturbance, she can come and have a look immediately.