ETL – Chapter 2

“You know that the hunting competition is coming up, right?” the prince asked.

“Of course,” I replied. Because of the hunting competition, the temple had been undergoing preparations for it. Priests were needed for their healing powers in case of emergencies.

“Nella needs your help for the reception afterwards.”

Nella was the nickname of Princess Ronella Nestro.

I thought about why I needed to help the princess but I couldn’t think of any reason. Even if I don’t know what it is, it would not unusual for me to help.

“I know that you don’t usually attend parties but I would like you to attend this reception,” he continued.

The prince gave a brief explanation but the conclusion was that the princess would like me to attend the reception. I wondered for what reason the princess would call for me but I was willing to go along with it. Wouldn’t this be fun?

Without knowing that I was already willing to go, the prince began to persuade me. I can’t believe that the prince would go to such lengths to ask me for her.

I decided to not only attend the reception but also the hunting competition.

“If you invite me, I will be grateful to participate.”


“What’s wrong?”

He looked at me with no hesitation. When I asked him why, he muttered in a low voice, “This is the first time.”


“I didn’t expect you to readily accept and attend the hunting competition and reception.”

When he pointed it out, I understood. I never participated in society, except one time where I stayed for 10 minutes at the emperor’s birthday celebration. It was natural for the prince to be surprised that I accepted when I usually refused.

“I’ll do it since it’s for Princess Ronella.” I decided to use my acting skills to my advantage and made an expression that I was slightly troubled.

The crown prince looked at me quietly and then gestured to me to leave.

I got up, bid farewell, and turned to leave the room.

I didn’t realize that I would get a chance to interact with the princess at the hunting competition. I placed my index finger under my lips and looked at the door of the reception room where the prince still remained.

“Miss. Emilone?”

I turned towards the owner of the voice that called me. It was a man with red hair that seemed to have come from a watercolor painting.

“Helio, it’s been a long time.”

He was the Imperial Sage, Helio Stuyennes.  Despite being young, the 28 year old was recognized by the emperor and earned the title of sage. He was also one of the fishes in the princess’ fishery.

If it was the past, I would have headed straight back to the temple and not stopped for a chit chat. I decided to talk to him instead today.

“It’s my first time seeing you at the Imperial Palace.”

I consider my charm point to be a small black mole under my ear, visible only when I turn my head to the side. His charm point was his bright big eyes that portrayed his personality. At first glance, he looks like an 18 year old who just reached adulthood.

“I’m glad to see you here though. Where are you going?” I asked with an innocent expression as if I was really curious.

Slightly blushing, Helio replied in a small voice, “Ah… The princess called for me.”

I knew it. There was only one reason why he would wander around at this time. He rarely came out of the office unless the emperor called.

“The princess? I thought the crown prince was going to see her?”

At my words, his face crumbled. Helio’s eyes started to tremble at the mention of the crown prince meeting the princess. The intensity of his red hair did not match the look of his eyes.

“The princess… she only called for me.”

The normally cute face with big round eyes suddenly turned dark.

He asked in a doubtful voice, “Is the crown prince really looking for the princess?”

“That’s what I heard.”

Helio dropped his head slightly. But soon after he looked determined about something. He said good bye and left hurriedly somewhere.

I muttered as I watched him disappear, “Hmm… this is so… interesting.”

My simple interjection easily swayed the flow of this story to my liking. I hummed as I walked back to my carriage.

When I arrived back at the temple, one of the priests rushed up to me. He was also played by the princess’s hands. Wherever I went, there seemed to be the princess’s fishes everywhere. I applaud the princess’s greatness in being able to manage all these men.

“I’ve heard you return, Miss. Emilone. I’m sorry but I ask for permission to go out for a while.”


Permission to go out? What did he mean? Wondering why, I stared at Reneben and his white hair.

When I first arrived in this world, Reneben did not hesitate to kneel down despite his high status and called me God’s blessing.

HIs eyelashes were slightly trembling, while he looked restless himself.

‘What’s going on?’

I pretended not to notice as I reached out to straighten out his robe.

“Come back in time for dinner.”

We always have dinner together, it was almost like a duty. I fixed the tilted brooch and then patted his shoulder.

Reneben was almost as tall as the crown prince so I had to look up for a bit. He looked at me with a slightly puzzled face. The expression was similar to that of the crown prince previously. However, Reneben was grateful for my permission to go out without saying anything.

I smiled with my hand covering my mouth when I said goodbye to Reneben, who was leaving the temple at a rapid pace.

This was exciting, I didn’t realize I could see everything happening from the novel that closely.

“I wonder what would happen with the princess and the hunting competition.”

Entering my room, I took off my clothes and changed into a comfortable dress. Cool, light-weight clothes clung to my body.

I swept my hands through my hair, removing the hairpins and untangling the knots. A few strands of hair fell through the air. I was still not used to the pink hair.

I brushed my hair as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Usually when I look at myself in the mirror, I would miss my black hair. It’s been half a year already…

“By the way, what is our princess up to?” I wondered.

There must be a reason why my men and specifically me were called to the hunting competition. I sat on my bed, my imagination actively running as if I was really writing a novel.

While I was imagining what might happen at the hunting competition, a sound suddenly went off in my head and I frowned.

I knew this feeling really well. Since I became a saintess, my body was in great condition and I rarely felt pain. I only had a headache in a certain situation.

I lie down on my bed and loosen up my body. I pulled the quilt over my body.

“Oracle” – it means to listen to the words of God.

The “Oracle” comes into my head as a voice of unknown origins.

I remembered the words that came down. The words of God were always vague and difficult. Eventually you would be able to interpret and understand it.

The voice I heard this time sounded like a young child with a lisp. God spoke in a different voice each time, ranging from an old guy to a young cheerful girl.

“Haa,” I sighed as I listened to the words of God.

My job as a saintess was comfortable and sometimes boring, but…

“A demon in the hunting tournament?”

At times like these, I feel like I did more work than the emperor. The thought of a demon at the hunting tournament was making my head hurt. At the same time, it would make for an interesting story. Evil was a pest that causes suffering for humans. They may not necessarily be smart but they were definitely stronger.