So why is this tomb so strange?

If it was not for the life of the dead described in the murals around, it would be difficult to make sure that this was a tomb. Of course, unless there is another explanation, there may be something else in the depth of this tomb, which is enough to protect this place and make any tomb robber who is easily involved in it to retreat.

With such doubts, Xiao Lin and song Junlang became more careful in their depth, and all the way was unimpeded, until their feet suddenly stopped in front of a corpse.

This is a corpse buried for many years. It is dressed in a red robe. The sleeve length of the body is unknown. The other parts of the body are completely indistinguishable. This ancient corpse also has skin covered with bones, and has a bunch of long gray hair. His weak body is wrapped in a dark red broad shoulder robe. The cuffs and necklines of the robe are engraved with mysterious gold letters The letters line up on the corpse's coat, more like a magic array with special effects.

On the left side of the corpse, a staff engraved with mysterious letters was held in his big, dry hands. The staff was about the height of an adult. The top of the staff was inlaid with a round crystal ball, but the crystal ball had completely lost its brilliance.

"This guy is a wizard." Xiao Lin judged, and then resolutely stepped back a few steps. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe. For the magician, this distance was not a safe distance, and he quickly retreated to the edge of the stone chamber.

Song Junlang made the same judgment as him. This guy was more afraid of death than Xiaolin. He touched his chin and said, "how long do you think this guy died?"

"It's definitely not our people." Xiao Lin can only say that since he is not a colonizer of the earth, it is also an Aboriginal grave robber in the new world. Unless the corpse or remains are taken back to the college for special identification, it is difficult to accurately determine the specific age.

"It's kind of interesting." Song Junlang narrowed his eyes for a long time and muttered.

Xiao Lin looked at him and asked, "how do you think he died? Can't have died of nature, died of a trap? Gas? But it's strange that there is no fluctuation of any elements. In this tomb, except for the dead breath, it's very difficult to feel the other two kinds of energy. I even doubt whether magic can be released here

Song Junlang nodded: "you are right in this sentence."

"Ha? Which sentence? "

"Last sentence."

Song Junlang pointed to the front. At the end of this stone chamber, the place leading to the next door is completely closed. This is quite different from all the other stone chambers They came to. This means that the passage has come to an end.

Xiao Lin fumbled out the glass bead again: "so it's actually found from him. After entering the tomb, he didn't know where he got it, but he died here."

"Besides these, what's strange about this hapless devil? You can have a good look." Song Junlang has seen more things, but it seems that he intends to study, and did not immediately point out.

Xiao Lin frowned and looked at it again from the beginning to the end. Like all the dead people, the corpse itself could not see anything unusual, but his robe was a little different. After so many years, although the robe was covered with dust, it was still quite intact.

This is enough to show that this robe is not ordinary goods, and it may even be above the gold level. Even if it is a gold level item, it will take hundreds of years to destroy any magic it carries. Only higher level items can be preserved for a longer time or even eternity.

Not only that, Xiao Lin's eyes fell on the collar of the robe. Those golden magic symbols were dazzling. Although they were obscure and difficult to understand, Xiao Lin had some attainments in ancient language. He came back and looked back, and carefully identified those complicated patterns on the robe. Of course, these patterns are not just decorations. As magic objects, each pattern may be Part of an extremely powerful magic array.

After a long time, Xiao Lin looked back, some surprised and some uncertain said: "the robe of the undead bird? I've seen it in the library. " Of course, this part of information still belongs to the forbidden list of libraries.

Song Junlang rarely showed a look of serious approval, nodded his head and said: "it seems that your usual homework foundation is quite solid. Well, you are right. This robe is called the robe of the undead bird, which is a legendary magic item. Many colleges want to get it. Unfortunately, the manufacturing method of the immortal bird robe has been lost for a long time, and we are just historical records in the new world I found some information in the book. It's the first time I've seen the real one. "

The reason why wearing a robe is that it can be a powerful power for people who wear robes! When the user's life is fatally threatened, the undead robe will stimulate the special energy inside it to take the damage instead of the user's soul.

Such a role alone is enough to make the undead robe a legendary magic item! After all, even if today's colonists have resurrection towers, they can only be used repeatedly on the premise of consuming life. If they can have another chance to revive, no one will mind.It seems that this corpse is not only an ordinary mage, but also a grave robber with great strength and rich financial background. Wearing the robe of the undead bird, he has predicted the difficulty of the tomb, otherwise he will not easily use such precious and expensive items. We should know that although the robe of the undead can revive people, this opportunity is only once The robe of the undead will be shattered.

But this guy is still dead, and his robe is still intact, which means that the resurrection of the undead's robe has no time to play a role.

"It's no wonder that the last grave robbers only dare to go deep here, and then go in, the danger is unimaginable." Song Junlang sighed.

"Why didn't the last one who came in take the robe of the undead?" Xiao Lin asked.

"Because he has already taken away the glass bead, which is more precious than the robe of the undead bird. As far as I know, usually they will not do anything, and they will always leave something for the dead, which can be regarded as an accumulation of virtue for themselves." Song Junlang shrugged and said.

"Do we need to move on?" Xiao Lin asked.

Song Junlang looked at him and asked, "what do you think?"

Xiao Lin looked straight back and nodded firmly: "we must move forward!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!