Just when Xiao Lin was not angry, song Junlang suddenly shrank from his banter and showed a very serious expression. His tone also became low. He said directly: "last time, because of an unexpected situation, I didn't have time to explain to you. In fact, when I went back to earth before, I met Gu Xiaoyue's sister Gu Chengyun."

Xiao Lin's full of complaints disappeared in a moment. He almost got up angrily and asked, "isn't that exposed? What did you tell her? That girl is still very simple. You can't cheat an ignorant girl! What's more, if Gu Xiaoyue knows, how can I explain to her? She attaches great importance to her sister! "


"Well, let me see..."

"Think of a fart!" Song Junlang immediately replied, "who do you think I am? If I can't confirm it in person, how can I find out the result? The blood samples I collected last time are not enough. But don't worry, I believe Gu Chengyun will not have any doubts, nor will he tell her sister. I have rich experience in fooling little girls. "

"Fool the little girl?" Xiao Lin's eyes are wrong again.

"Cough, I mean camouflage. This is a required course you will learn sooner or later!"

Xiao Lin, who is confused with his report, throws his own report on the desk.

However, the content of the opening chapter is the chemical formula that makes him a liberal arts student to read it. Xiao Lin has never touched it since he graduated from high school. After all, it is related to Gu Xiaoyue and her sister. Even if they can't understand it, Xiao Lin forces himself to read it.

Just a few minutes later, song Junlang suddenly reminded him, "Oh, I almost forgot that you can't understand. We are also old acquaintances. We don't have to pretend. Just turn to the last page."

Xiao Lin almost wanted to smash the report in his hand on the face of the goods. He honestly turned to the last page. There was no chemical formula, and there were only a few lines of conclusion on the last page.

DNA analysis: 40% elves, 40% humans, 20% unknown.

Xiao Lin Leng for a long time, then again looked up: "no?"

"No more."

Xiao Lin doesn't know what to say. Frankly speaking, it's just a DNA test. With song Junlang's research ability, it's not a difficult task at all. Moreover, he can directly analyze the blood samples taken from Gu Xiaoyue intentionally last time, and there is no need to go to Gu Chengyun. But in fact, song Junlang handed this report to Xiao Lin after a long time.

"The remaining 20% of the original lineage is no different from that of ghosts, but what's the difference between them?" Xiao Lin pointed to the last line of the report, suspiciously conjectured: "can't you write it blindly on purpose?"

Song Junlang sighed: "because I can't find out. Well, I admit that this report has been basically completed a long time ago, but it's because the composition of the last 20% is unpredictable, which has delayed such a long time."

"And the result?"

Song Junlang shook his head: "I can't give you a more accurate reply. If we continue to conduct in-depth investigation, we need to carry out more detailed detection on each pair of chromosomes in Gu Xiaoyue's and her sister's DNA. That's not what I can do here. There are a lot of resources that need to be mobilized, and it is bound to alarm more people. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Xiao Lin sits down again. The reason why he quietly asks song Junlang to investigate alone is that he doesn't want other people to know. However, he doesn't care who Gu Xiaoyue is. What Xiaolin really wants to confirm is Gu Xiaoyue's life span.

Song Junlang guessed what he wanted to ask, and said directly: "her life span is different from yours. Yours belongs to soul damage, while hers belongs to congenital genetic problem. The difference lies in that although you are also in the same trouble and can be recovered, it is not too difficult, but Gu Xiaoyue's life span is very difficult. Unless we reshape the gene, even I am afraid it will be difficult for me to think about it Come up with a better way, but... "

However, song Junlang did not care about the content of his life.

Song Junlang didn't mean to betray the truth. He was just thinking: "but maybe there will be a way to delay the rapid aging of his genes."

"Rapid aging?"

"This is an old problem. After the beginning of colonization, the mixed race has gradually become more and more serious. As I told you last time, the biggest common problem of mixed race children is that their genes will rapidly fail, but correspondingly, these people often have higher talent for learning. You can be like this kind of person who almost burns the essence of all their lives in a short span of years, respectable but pathetic.

Xiao Lin was silent. Many of the men who went to colonization wanted to collect wives of all nationalities. This kind of problem was beyond his control. He could only delay Gu Xiaoyue's loss of life as much as possible.

"As for the way to delay gene failure, it depends on drug treatment, but unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it." Song Junlang waved his hand to make a helpless expression."You don't know?" Xiao Lin opened his eyes in surprise.

"Please treat me like something."

"There are robot cats and things like that."

After a long time, he said, "but this research has been carried out by various colleges for a long time. After all, the problem of mixed race children involves too many people's interests. Even if some people mention their pants and refuse to recognize others, some people will not abandon their children, but who would like to see their children die in front of them ?”

"I didn't get involved in this research, so it's not good to help you. However, I suggest that you can participate in this research. If I remember correctly, Professor Qin, who is in charge of this research in Shuguang University, is an expert in the field of genetics and pharmaceutics, and an acquaintance of the old school president. You can inquire about it when you have time, and it will be good for you to enter his research room Yes. "

Xiao Lin wrote down this person in silence, and then went to check it after he went back.

Song Junlang's face slowed down a little and said with a smile, "well, after Gu Xiaoyue's business, let's get back to business and talk about your own business. You can really get into trouble. An ordinary monthly exam can be stirred by you. I heard someone talking about you in the research institute over there in Shuguang city. The popularity is really high."

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