It will take at least ten or twenty minutes to expect the embassy to send someone to support him. However, Xiao Lin's state of destruction still has a few minutes at most. As long as the state of destruction is over, Xiao Lin can only be slaughtered.

Xiao Lin understood the woman's intention, and the sword's movement was faster and faster. The shadowy footwork was even more extreme. The shadow of the drag tried to bypass the dark tree man and directly attack the woman who was the summoner. He suddenly burst out of the limit speed really caught the other party by surprise, the dark tree man did not respond in time, let Xiao Lin in the breath around the woman's back.

However, the falling blade is blocked by the light green energy shield again. Xiao Lin can feel a very obvious rebound force coming from the blade. Even after he has opened the destruction state, he is thrown away by surprise and falls heavily on the ground.

Xiao Lin was surprised. He was not very proficient in shield and other magic arts, but he also learned it in related magic classes. There are limits to any shield. After eating his dragon breath and several times of flame sword Qi, the Green Shield came into effect again as if nothing had happened.

No, no!

Xiao Lin, who failed in one hit, quickly retreated and pulled away. It was obvious that the woman's shield was different from the ordinary shield type he had learned in class.

Xiao Lin noticed that the woman's expression was obviously dispirited after each use of the shield, and the shield disappeared immediately after being hit. When he tried to wave the flame sword again, the woman did not resist, but directed the dark tree man to block in front of him as a flesh shield.

Although the energy shield looks very powerful and can even resist the sword Qi of dragon breath, it seems that it takes a long time between each use.

Xiao Lin speeds up again, but with some precautions, these dark tree men block his route ahead of time. Xiao Lin no longer cares about wasting his sword energy. He sweeps away with his sword in his back hand, and the silver light flashes away. A fan-shaped sword Qi cuts off the tree man's waist. This is what he learned before, but this sword also consumes a lot of his physical strength.

Estimating the little strength left, Xiao Lin went straight to the woman, and made a very subtle turning movement on the way. The woman saw that he had already made a evasive action in the air, but she just hit the muzzle of the gun. She saw Xiao Lin who had already turned to attack, and cut the sword out again.


This time, Xiao Lin's sword met the woman. Although she just made a slight cut, Xiao Lin sneered and sarcastically: "I thought you were so powerful. The protective cover doesn't seem to be omnipotent."

"It seems that you have found it!" The fairy woman indifferently wiped the wound on her arm. Her blood was very strange. It was red and green and dark. She put her finger stained with blood in her mouth, licked it clean, and smeared her saliva on the wound. Soon, the wound recovered slowly.

"My absolute defense is very limited. Unfortunately, I am still in incomplete form. I can only continue to study complete form after asabeno gets you But it doesn't matter. I've blocked your biggest Assassin's mace. Your strength is not as strong as asabeno said

"You really know a lot of things. It seems that you have to be captured alive."

"Can you do it? I can feel that your strength is almost exhausted. There are still dozens of seconds left at most. You can't even beat the tree people I call

"Oh, really? I'm more interested in the absolute defense you're talking about

Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes. After a moment's silence, Xiao Lin suddenly attacked again. The powerful flame sword spirit was blocked by the green shield that was opened again. At the same time, after calculating silently, he also got a number, 30 seconds, which is the approximate interval time for each use of the shield.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Linguo turned on copying. The object of copying was the woman who had just used absolute defense. He was not sure whether he could copy this skill successfully, because the level of absolute defense was uncertain, but soon the feedback information flashed in his mind made his expression strange.

Absolute defense, you can defend against all attacks against yourself, only those with original lineage can use it.

Incomplete absolute defense can defend against attacks not higher than one's own level of strength, and can be used by those with incomplete lineage. Use interval of 30 seconds, each time lasting no more than three seconds, each time will consume 10% of the total physical strength.

Incomplete absolute defense copied successfully!

Xiao Lin was slightly flustered. He was a little confused. He didn't know whether it was a success or a failure of copying. The conditions of use were even more strange.

What is primitive lineage? Incomplete blood?

Compared with absolute defense, it is obvious that incomplete absolute defense has many limitations. For example, the use interval is 30 seconds, lasting for three seconds at a time, and each time needs to consume 10% of physical strength!

Xiao Lin didn't immediately use this skill to verify whether the copy was successful. Instead, she recalled carefully. From just now on, the elf woman has used absolute defense about six times, which means that she has consumed at least 60% of her physical strength.

The cost seems huge, but Xiao Lin also knows that his destruction will end in a minute at most, that is to say, the other side will consume at most two opportunities for absolute defense.Xiao Lin guessed that the reason why the fairy women were so afraid was that she was not sure how many times she could use the dragon breath sword Qi. However, unless it was absolutely defensive, the other side could not stop it.

Obviously, before she came here, the woman listened to asabeno's advice faithfully. She might have imagined Xiaolin as a powerful person, or she might have been a very conservative and prudent person. So she would rather spend a lot of physical strength to waste the time of shawlin's destructive state.

Xiao Lin will never be her opponent after losing her destruction. Xiao Lin knows this, and the other party obviously knows it.

Unfortunately, Xiao Lin's dragon breath can only be used once in a state of destruction. At present, he has no more power to use the second sword. Fortunately, the opponent does not seem to know about this.

First of all, what he needs to do is to break the absolute defense, but women are also very smart. As long as they find that they have no absolute defense, they will never confront Xiao Lin. they will not come back until 30 seconds later.

I can't. I can't wait.

It was the first time that Xiao Lin encountered this kind of almost rogue tactics, which was really a headache. But now that he has copied absolute defense and understood the launching mechanism of this mysterious skill, he soon has his own plan.

"It looks like you're really good. In that case, I won't play with you. Bye!"

With that, Xiao Lin turned around decisively and ran away , the fastest update of the webnovel!