(I've been watching the European Cup these two days, and my work and rest are very chaotic, so there is only one watch, sorry ╮ (╯╯╭╭╭╭╯╯╭╭╭╯╯╭╭╭╯╯╭╯╭╭╭╯╯╭╭╯╭╭╭.

After all kinds of adverse conditions have been analyzed one after another, no one thinks that the city can last for long. However, the rebel's pollution of the revival tower shows that the other party is closely related to the pollution incident of the revival tower in yehuo town before, and it also means that they are destined not to have any goodwill towards dawn college.

"So I have to leave." A bespectacled woman said what she thought after each of them added the benefits of the moment.

"If you leave now, you can't just give up a city." Although the disadvantages are obvious, not everyone agrees with the proposal.

"Yes, if we leave now, it means that we will completely lose the control of the rose duchy. According to the latest statistics three months ago, we have 13 resurrection towers in the rose kingdom. Once the kings are occupied, these revival towers will not be used by us any more."

"I'm more worried about the polluted Dark Resurrection tower than the destroyed one, which is the basis of our survival in this world. Imagine that there are 13 dark revival towers in this country. I think I will be awakened even when I sleep."

"We all know how difficult it is to make the resurrection tower. We all know that the star mine is very precious. It doesn't matter if we lose the resurrection tower. But I think the leader will dismiss us all for the loss of those star mines."


There were great differences in this small meeting. There were different proposals from different angles. Xiao Lin didn't speak. Of course, he couldn't speak on this occasion. So most of the time, he just sat in the corner, drank thick hot tea, and squinted to think about something.

After listening for more than ten minutes, Liang Taibai suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the crowd and said, "let's make some substantive suggestions. If we retreat, how can we safely leave the city? If we stick to it, how can we keep it? "

More than a dozen people were quiet for a moment, and they looked at each other in awe. For a moment, they were somewhat dumb. As foreign diplomats of Shuguang University, they could analyze their political interests perfectly, but in terms of military affairs, they were not professional officers after all.

"It's hard to keep."

"It is also very difficult to break through. After all, there is no resurrection tower, but it will be more safe."


There was another heated debate. It seemed that it was easier to leave than to stay. From the result, the choice seemed obvious. Regardless of political interests, their first concern was their own life. After all, no one wanted to stay in this foreign land and die with king rose.

Seeing that he was about to make a final decision, Xiao Lin, who was shrinking in the corner, suddenly raised his hand and said, "if you break through, what is the probability of success? Oh, I mean, is there a general plan? "

Others looked at each other and were not sure what Xiao Lin was asking for. Liang Taibai replied: "we had made similar plans a long time ago. In fact, we planned to take a Griffin to leave at a critical time. Unfortunately, the rebels came so suddenly that the Griffin flying point outside the city was afraid to have fallen. However, we have other alternative plans."

Liang Taibai simply said that they would take advantage of the law that the undead army can't attack at night, and go out from the north gate of the capital of the king at night. Because the rebel attacks come from the south, it is difficult to gather too many troops in the north for a while. They only need to fight a time difference. In addition, the complex terrain in the north makes it difficult for the low-level undead to catch up and get rid of the undead army After that, they will go around a large circle, which will pass through the Royal College site, and finally return to dawning college.

"It may take a long time, but it is the safest and most secure plan for the time being." Liang Taibai had nothing to hide from Xiao Lin.

But Xiao Lin frowned, but suddenly said: "I am against, I am against breaking away."

Others slightly puzzled, Liang Taibai was not angry, said: "why?"

Xiao Lin said with a wry smile: "if this is the only way to break through the encirclement, I don't think the rebels would be stupid enough not to notice that if they had ambushed and intercepted in the middle of the way, even if we could defeat each other by relying on combat power, we would have suffered a lot without the resurrection tower. Don't forget that there are many businessmen in the city besides us."

Seeing the other people's suspicious look, shawlington added for a moment: "I mean, maybe from the beginning, the other party was deliberately trying to force us out of the city. It was a trap, encircling the city, and deliberately leaving the most likely way out."

"This is the story of dog blood in TV series..."

"We don't have a deep blood feud with them. Even if they don't have good intentions towards us, at least they don't want to fight against us. I think they will deliberately let us go. In this way, it will be easier for them to get the capital without the power of Dawning college."

"What is the purpose of this?"Liang Taibai sighed a little and waved his hand. As the highest official here, the others immediately shut up after a little sign, but they all looked at him bewildered, because Liang Taibai had obviously begun to consider Xiao Lin's proposal.

"I received some intelligence from the intelligence department a long time ago. Originally, I didn't believe it. But Xiao Lin's words made me think more carefully." Liang Taibai hesitated and said: "originally, you shouldn't know about the information, but you can't care about it now. You can pass on this information. You don't need to inquire about the information channel. The intelligence itself has not been confirmed yet."

Liang Taibai took out a document from his arms. During the two days' cleaning, a large number of documents were burned, and important documents were often taken with him.

Xiao Lin was the last one to get the document. Although he felt something vaguely from everyone's ugly face, when he opened the document and saw the opening words, he also changed color instantly.

The name of the document is: investigation report on the Dark Resurrection tower in yehuo town.

Note: this document is the preliminary investigation result. Due to the lack of sufficient experimental samples and data, this report can only be used for reference before the final conclusion.

Then there are a series of analysis words, which even use a variety of complex chemical equations. Oh, of course, Xiao Lin also knows that there are many high-quality students or Xueba among the people who enter Shuguang college. It is they who connect the technology of the earth with the magic system of Norma world.

Xiao Lin didn't understand these things, so he jumped to the conclusion on the last page, just like everyone else.

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