"Don't you think my elements are very powerful?" The old man saw his thoughts from Xiao Lin's face, and then he directly waved his sword into the air.

The dim light of the fire became extremely dazzling in an instant, but only lasted for less than a second, and the flame disappeared without a trace. The whole process was extremely rapid, and even if we looked at Xiao Lin carefully, we could hardly feel it.

After waving the sword, the professor did not speak or move again, because he found that Xiao Lin was frowning and meditating. More than ten minutes later, Xiao Lin opened his eyebrows suddenly and said with uncertainty: "although it is not very obvious, we can feel the powerful power released in a moment just now, but why is it very short? Or are you hiding your perception of elements with special abilities? "

"No, No Xiao Lin thought quickly, shook his head and denied: "elements can't be hidden. Wait, what's the strange feeling at that moment?"

Xiao Lin has been murmuring in that God, but it's no use just thinking like this. So he simply sat down on the floor with his legs crossed, closed his eyes and quickly entered the meditation state. The old man raised his eyebrows and did not disturb him. He waited quietly beside him.

In the micro world of the universe in meditation, Xiao Lin's consciousness explores everywhere and perceives the surrounding space. Because of the old man's sword, the element particles walking around are still completely dispersed. Therefore, in the micro meditation world, Xiao Lin can clearly feel that countless planets are gathering around and remaining.

However, these stars representing elements are very strange. They are still stars emitting light and heat, but their size is much worse than usual meditation. Moreover, there are many rings of meteorite debris around. Of course, in the real universe, these scenes are not strange, but in the micro stars, it is quite different.

After half an hour in meditation, Xiao Lin opened her eyes again. When she looked at the old man again, her eyes were already quite admirable.

"You seem to understand." The professor laughed.

"Compression and release of elements, my God, how this is done!" Xiao Lin was surprised. He almost understood the meaning of the sword.

What Professor Zhang has just done is actually very simple. He continuously compresses and fuses massive elements. Although the final elements are almost the same size, the same volume and quantity contain more unimaginable amazing energy. When released in an instant, the destructive power will be amazing.

Although it sounds simple, Xiao Lin, who is no longer a rookie, also knows that this is a problem that countless elemental mages have never overcome even in Norma world for tens of thousands of years. To compress elements to such a level that almost does not let any energy leak out, this difficulty is almost equivalent to crushing the two planets and then merging again Together, but also to ensure that the structure of the planet itself is not destroyed.

Since dawn college colonized the new world, countless people have been studying this problem in the past two hundred years. However, although they tried to combine physics and magic on earth, they could not solve it.

But now, it happened in front of Xiao Lin.

If it wasn't for the old man's silent gesture in advance, Xiao Lin would have screamed out. This is a miracle, not only in the field of magic, but also in the field of micro physics.

"Keep it down. I don't want people to know." The professor whispered, looking at the way he was not joking. He really didn't want to reveal it.


"They won't approve of my approach." Professor quipped his lips: "those stubborn guys, like those old mages in Norma world, have long been rigid in thinking."

Xiao Lin was helpless, but it had nothing to do with him. His mind was ready to move. He burst his eyes and said with a smile: "so you want to teach me?"

"Do you understand how much the element of sword Qi can be compressed

"Of course Xiao Lin was filled with emotion.

There is a big difference between element sword Qi and internal sword Qi, because it controls a great deal of external energy. Element sword Qi is not very particular about sword moves. It is simple, direct and violent. However, it is easy to be restrained and targeted, and it is difficult to control and release as freely as inner sword Qi.

If the elements can be compressed, there will be no big difference between the elemental sword Qi and the internal sword Qi. Not only that, Xiao Lin even thought of more. If it is directly used in the field of magic, then many magic powers will be improved. The value of this achievement is immeasurable.

"In fact, it's not difficult to do this, just look at the elements as life. It is true that matter is difficult to merge, but in life, compression and fusion is not unimaginable. "

"There seems to be some truth, but it is not so simple?"

"Start with the most basic meditation! Originally, elemental sword requires basic meditation as a pre course. Unfortunately, the school's diehards refused to give me the opportunity to teach elemental sword Qi meditation alone

"Well, I think my meditation level should be enough.""No, it's not the kind of general meditation you've learned about bad street. What do you say?" The professor scratched his head and asked, "if you want to really master this method of compressing elements, you have to start from the dead meditation. Well, you are a new student. I will explain that there are three types of energy in nature: life, death and elements..."

"I know that elves are proficient in life energy, humans and most races are proficient in elemental energy, while death is a rare skill mastered by undead and dark races." Xiao Lin read these things in the library last semester.

"Well, if you want to understand life, you have to start with the energy of death, which is called the Qi of death..."

"Oh, and then?"

"What then?"

"How do you compress the elements after you learn undead meditation?" Xiao Lin asked simply and bluntly.

Professor Zhang frowned discontentedly: "don't aim too high. I know you are very curious and eager. But the course is to come step by step. It is not easy to meditate on the dead, especially for those who have mastered the basic meditation..."

"But I've learned to meditate on the dead." Xiao Lin can't help but remind.

"Oh, so." The old man nodded his head slightly, then suddenly widened his eyes: "ah? wait! What do you say

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