With Iberia's participation, the journey will not be boring. In fact, Lilith is not a person who can chat very well. After talking with her for less than two or three words, the basic topic will shift to fighting. Now Lilith's interest in shawlin seems to be growing.

Of course, Xiao Lin didn't dare to think in the ambiguous direction. This woman clearly wanted to fight with herself.

Accompanied by Iberia, people's topics are more focused on the culture and customs of Norma world. It's needless to say that Xiao Lin, who is a newcomer, has a poor understanding of the new world. Lilith has been here for more than a year, but you can't expect her to have any interest in anything other than fighting.

IbeA knows a lot about it, which makes Xiaolin believe that she is probably the illegitimate daughter of the royal family, because in Norma world, ordinary people have little chance to receive higher education except for the noble children with high status.

IbeA's conversation is very good, coupled with her lovely and likable appearance, it is very enjoyable to chat with her, but Xiao Lin occasionally gets a little alert, and the girl will suddenly use a casual and clever way to pry about them.

IbeA seems to have a strong thirst for knowledge, but Xiaolin and Lilith are not stupid. They are slapping at their core secrets, that is, things on earth. At most, IbeA pouts a little, mumbles "cunning" and then continues to talk and laugh.

Two days passed quickly. After leaving the valley, the group headed southwest along the foot of the mountain. Under the guidance of IbeA, they passed through a winding and winding path, crossed the mountain in front of them by the shortest way, and then walked for more than half a day, through a small forest, and finally came to the silver lake.

This is a very large lake. The blue and calm surface of the lake makes people feel relaxed and happy. Beside the lake is an open grassland. There is a place similar to a village. There are many houses of large and small size. Because it is evening, and there are wisps of smoke rising, which shows that there are people living here.

"Yinguang lake was originally deserted, but some people fled here due to frequent wars about a hundred years ago, and they gradually settled down here. Red Beard was born here. I heard that the guy was dissatisfied with the poverty situation when he was a child, so he encouraged several other people to start intercepting the business group on the way, and gradually gained the power now Scale. "

"In what capacity shall we enter?" Lilith was more concerned about their plans, thought about it and pointed to three prisoners: "they are in the way."


When the prisoners noticed Lilith's bad eyes, they spoke in a dialect. IbeA giggled and translated: "sister Lilith, your expression scared them. They said they would lead us to the village and would cooperate with us."

After discussing with Lilith, Xiao Lin still decided to keep them for the time being. If they want to find the treasure of Silver Lake, it is estimated that it will not be completed in one or two days. Even someone familiar with red beard is needed to help. Although Lilith is still skeptical about the three men's words, for the moment, it is better to keep them than to kill them.

bypassed the Silver Lake, and they were not obstructed by simultaneous interpreting. However, they still had many curious and watchful gaze. Many children could chase and play in the narrow streets. As the rumor said, there were really only children and old people here.

"It doesn't seem that red beard is good for his former people." Said Xiao Lin.

"Red beard is a cruel man. How kind can you expect him to be? I heard that people who wanted to come to find the red bearded treasure at that time tortured the people in this village. Therefore, even the old people and children have left one after another in recent years. However, no one has found the so-called treasure in recent years. The number of people coming to Silver Lake is less and less. This village is a little better. "

"It sounds terrible." Xiao Lin looked around. As a village with a history of 100 years, its scale is really too small.

"Oh, there must be something hateful about the poor people. At the beginning, many of those people went out with red beard to rob and kill people. Few of the aborigines here dare to say that they are completely innocent."

Xiao Lin and Lilith are chatting in Chinese, occasionally mixing a few sentences in English. They both attract other people's attention whether they talk or accent. Soon, an old man with gray hair, supported by several children, came to ask in a trembling voice.

He also spoke Norma, but there were not many dialects, which Xiaolin could barely understand. This time, she didn't need IbeA to translate. Lilith gave them a straight answer.

The old man is the oldest person in the village and is also in charge of the affairs. However, in terms of the situation of this village, the so-called village head probably has no meaning.

For Xiao Lin, Lilith and others, the old man was undoubtedly full of fear, and asked whether they were looking for the legendary treasure. Most of the people who could find it came for this purpose.

When we are talking about the scenery of the lake, we will not be disturbed by other people"Outsiders? Dawn college In the old man's words, Xiao Lin heard a few words about Shuguang college, and then the next thing became very simple. The old man's expression became very humble, even awed, and took the initiative to arrange accommodation for them.

"Outside, especially in the vicinity of our colony, our identity means privilege. As long as the Norma dare not openly oppose us, they will not resist." Lilith explained, with no expression.

Xiao Lin sighed. He also understood that in the non colonial area, they were all called outsiders by the Norma people. Over the years, the strength of various colleges and universities has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, Xiao Lin's mood is still complicated.

The three prisoners who had been escorted to the prison were also assigned a room. Originally, they were worried that they might escape. However, after they realized that they might not die, their attitudes changed a lot. They flattered Xiao Lin and others.

Xiao Lin saw through their intention: "they want a piece of the cake!"

"We'll use them for the time being. Let's find out the treasure." Lilith doesn't matter. Killing these three people is just a matter of raising hands.

After staying for a while, the next step is to study the trend of the treasure. First, whether there is a treasure in the silver lake. Rumors from the outside world have always been illusory. Until the last decade or so, many people believe that it is just a rumor, but Xiao Lin has more trust in Mei's intelligence.

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