At the moment when the black revival tower was destroyed, the whole wildfire town seemed to be covered by some slight fluctuation. However, in a short time, Xiao Lin frowned. He felt that something in his body seemed to be pulled away with the collapse of the black tower. Lilith seemed to have the same feeling and nodded to him.

Xiao Lin understood in an instant that this strange feeling might also mean that he was no longer within the scope of the resurrection tower. The earth people who have the law of resurrection have an invisible silk thread connection with the resurrection tower. If the resurrection tower disappears, the connection will be interrupted, so they also have corresponding feelings.

This basically verified Xiao Lin's previous worry. Sure enough, the nearest other resurrection tower here has also been artificially and deliberately destroyed, in order to let Lilith be buried here completely!

After destroying the black resurrection tower, they returned to the mine in the basement.

Xiao Lin and Lilith took a magic lamp from the door and explored the deep part of the mine under the light yellow light. The air inside was not very good, but the sealing of the mine made the death breath outside completely impossible. As they walked and observed, there were many marks of wheels and feet on some wet ground. It is obvious that someone has been in and out of it recently, which means that there is a usable exit at the other end of the mine.

Of course, they will inevitably think of more possibilities. For example, they may encounter more monsters that will come back to life yesterday, or asabeno will fight in person. While Xiaolin and Lilith have not eaten or drunk for two days, their physical strength has been greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that they are not within the scope of the resurrection tower at this moment. No matter how much life they have, they are only one-off lives. They can't afford to die. If they are not nervous at all, Xiao Lin doesn't take back the undead swordsman, but continues to let it lead the way ahead.

If there is a possible attack, it will be buffered by a meat shield, although he also knows that the longer the undead swordsman stays outside, his mental energy consumption will be no small burden. But in any case, the hope that they can live still makes their pace quicken gradually.

The mine tunnel is longer than expected, and it also makes people more sure that it can not be completed in a short time. God knows how many years ago it was excavated here.

The deeper you go, the fewer magic lights you'll be able to place. Only relying on the lights in the hands of three people, the light is not very strong. With the twists and turns of the mine, it is extremely narrow. If you encounter enemies here, it will be very troublesome, and their pace will slow down again.

Two hours later, Lilith, still in the mine, couldn't help breaking her silence: "we should have left wildfire Town, right?"

Although her voice was deliberately lowered, it still reverberated in the mine for a long time, but so far she has not met any monsters or enemies. Either this is an abandoned mine or the miners have left after nightfall.

Xiao Lin nodded: "although the speed is a little slow, wildfire town is not very big. If we leave wildfire Town, where are we going?"

Xiao Lin is not very familiar with Baiyin province. He originally planned to supply the rest in wildfire town according to his original plan, then he started to join the constable school, but now he has the final say. But it's also good news. Leaving wildfire is like leaving the fog.

Lilith knew nothing about the export, but she was very sure that it would not be any known mineral deposit. She was even more surprised than the assabeno incident that someone dared to secretly mine stars in silver Province under the eyes of many colonial colleges.

Half an hour later, Xiaolin and Lilith felt strange again, just like when the resurrection tower was destroyed. But this time, the feeling was reassuring. They knew that it meant that they had entered the scope of the tower again.

After that, the journey was much easier. Xiao Lin didn't have to maintain the swordsman of the dead. His mental strength, which was almost exhausted, could finally rest. What made him a little strange was that when he took back the swordsman, the holy soul sword in his hand seemed to shake slightly. This is something that has never happened before, but now he is not concerned about such trivial matters, Xiao Lin It was soon forgotten.

After there was no undead swordsman, IbeA volunteered to lead the way ahead, because the vampire race had better dark vision than human beings. If there was any danger, she would find out in advance, and their speed of going on the road began to accelerate. In addition to IbeA, the hunger of Xiaolin and Lilith was becoming stronger and stronger.

At this time, it was estimated that it was night outside the mine, which meant that they had not had any food or drink for two days. The mine, which had given them the feeling of being a Jedi, became disgusted and could not wait to see the dawn of the exit. On the way, IbeA still does not forget to introduce the benefits of becoming a vampire to Xiaolin, which makes Xiaolin feel that this girl has the potential to become a MLM salesman. However, there was IbeA as a moderator along the way, which also made the other two not too bored.

About two hours later, Xiao Lin obviously felt the strong wind, and the mine tunnel became open. He was surprised and pleased, and quickened his pace again. After a quarter of an hour, their eyes suddenly opened up, and the starry sky of the moon was unfolded.Xiao Lin suddenly took a breath of fresh air, and his lungs felt extremely free. If not for the fact that it was not completely safe, he would like to roar a few times.

It is more than four hours' journey, and because the speed of the second half of the journey is accelerated, the whole journey is close to half a day. It is very doubtful what the intention of the mine was originally developed.

"I think we should be in the southern part of silver province." Lilith made a calculation based on the travel time.

They are located in the deep valley, surrounded by mountains, which are full of lush forests. It is obviously not like there is a town nearby. According to Lilith's understanding, the whole southern area of silver province is full of mountains and mountains. Beyond these mountains, you will enter the central area of silver Province, which is a large basin and the main place of star mines Fang.

A few people moved slowly in the valley with vigilance. At the foot of the mountain, there were many mining tools lying about. Not far away, several huge crucibles were placed on the open ground. However, some crucibles had been poured on the ground, and the residue in the crucibles was completely solidified. It can be seen that it seems to have been abandoned here, but the time of abandonment is not long, maybe weeks or months. , the fastest update of the webnovel!