Battle begins!

Because the virtual human will not attack actively in the combat system, Xiao Lin first picks up his sword and makes a random attack. Then he is in a defensive state all the time. The virtual man immediately attacks with a training sword, and Xiao Lin does not fight back. His purpose is to train phantom step as soon as possible.

The biggest difference between dawn College's combat system and new Washington is that the weapons here do not use laser like energy swords without any damage. Instead, they are wood-based training swords. Without armor protection, it is still quite painful to be hit on the naked skin.

In particular, Xiao Lin's setting of virtual human is the basic fencing Lv9, which can't be blocked by him. Unless he dodges completely, he will be hit.

The first round of attack soon ended, and Xiao Lin was killed after less than ten minutes. After all, he was in a state of complete passive defense. After the end of copying skills, his body's residual memory of phantom step reached LV1 at most, which was quite difficult to cope with.

Xiao Lin rubbed his arm, which was red and pained by the wooden sword. Without hesitation, he pressed the start button again, and the second round of fight began!

However, the second round of the fight was faster than before. It ended without accident after only eight minutes. The whole battle was a process of self abuse. Xiao Lin couldn't even dodge an attack from a virtual human. He looked at the empty blood tank and frowned slightly. It seems that he underestimated the actual combat difficulty of phantom step It won't work.

"In that case, reduce the difficulty first."

Xiao Lin changed the virtual human's skill setting to LV1, and stepped into the fighting room again. As the light went down, the new virtual human was projected to the center of the room.

Compared with Lv9, LV1's fencing moves become extremely simple. Each attack is the most basic actions, such as straight stab, smash sword, prick and so on. Each fencing action is also very monotonous, and it is difficult to achieve the combination of several movements. With Xiao Lin's current level, he can easily see through each action and intention of the virtual human, and can cope with it perfectly with ease At last, the role of the system has gradually emerged.

If in the past, Xiao Lin could easily defeat the opponent with basic swordsmanship LV1, but he could not guarantee that he would not be hurt. However, after having the phantom step, he could completely dodge the attack of each sword of the opponent. This is the greatest advantage of this skill. Every successful dodge in actual combat means avoiding the possibility of an injury or even death The chance of death.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Lin took the initiative to finish the training, and the basic fencing LV1 was no more difficult. He adjusted the virtual human settings again. This time, it was Lv2, which was not much more difficult than LV1. However, the swordsmanship movements of the virtual human were slightly changed, which would not be too rigid.

Xiao Lin's dodge rate immediately decreased a lot. The biggest difficulty of this skill is to deal with the ever-changing attacks. After all, in the real battle, no one will attack one sword after another according to the basic swordsmanship.

The battle lasted for about half an hour, and Xiao Lin's blood meter was cleared again. Facing this change for the first time, he still needed some time to adapt, so the fifth round of the fight began almost without any pause.

Xiao Lin's physical strength was also reduced to the lowest level. Xiao Lin, who was in defense all the time, also had the lowest physical energy consumption. However, the cost was that after the waves of attacks from the virtual human, the bones of his whole body seemed to fall apart completely. He was extremely sore, especially on the bare skin of the back of his hand, which was beaten by a wooden sword.

Xiao Lin stayed for more than two hours in Lv2 stage of basic swordsmanship, and each time he insisted on it was longer and longer. Until he was almost able to avoid more than 80% attack of virtual human, the room suddenly fell into a dark, and he had to stop.

When he walked out of the war room and looked at the dim energy stone, Xiao Lin realized that it was the energy stone that had been completely exhausted. The reason why this system could not be popularized was that it had to consume the energy stone every time it was used. This was only a battle below the level of black iron. If it was a simulation of a higher level, it might have to be replaced in more than ten minutes The speed of consumption, no matter how rich the colleges are, they dare not popularize them.

Xiao Lin searched the room and found that there were only five spare energy stones, which could barely support for a day. After lunch, he went back to the dormitory and checked his attribute changes through the central computer. His phantom step skill was really in LV1 state. What surprised him was that the agility attribute had been improved by 1 point.

This speed is faster than he thought, but think about it carefully, phantom step is purely dependent on agile body skills, which certainly helps to improve the agility attribute. Moreover, his basic agility attribute is really too low, and the increase effect will be obvious.

When the basic attribute is too low, the promotion effect of learning various primary skills is often more significant, which is also well known in the college, but when the basic attribute is high, the effect is very little, or even No. Of course, if you learn low-level skills in the high attribute stage, the speed of learning will also be very fast.Therefore, Xiao Lin decided not to attend the afternoon class for the time being, but continued to stay in the combat room to train phantom step. His goal is to improve the agility attribute of the short board to more than 10 points, and it is still three points short.

In the afternoon's training, he directly changed the virtual human's setting to basic fencing lv4, and then the process of being abused in the morning was repeated. The fencing movements at this level were more complex and changed. It was difficult to avoid the pure phantom step, or it could not be avoided in time.

Xiao Lin needs to connect different basic footwork together to make a complete set of perfect footwork process, which is the real phantom step. He doesn't know how much proficiency his phantom step skill will increase each time he successfully dodges, but it is certain that the stronger the opponent is, the higher the proficiency he can increase each time he successfully dodges.

Although the proficiency is digitized by the central computer, from Xiao Lin's experience, every time he successfully dodges, he has a deeper understanding of this set of footwork.

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