
The remaining Lilith suddenly apologized to Xiaolin. She was not stupid. Although it seemed that both of them were temporarily detained, the detention of Lilith was obviously perfunctory and she had great freedom.

Xiao Lin sighed and knew that he couldn't go to Lilith, but he couldn't help complaining: "what do you want? At least give me a reason

Lilith stopped talking and finally said, "Harry asked me about you yesterday. Your strange fighting style. I mean, liuguangyu. I didn't disclose it. But Harry is a very smart man. I'm not sure if he infers it by himself. Besides, I think this action is probably Harry's personal behavior."

Xiao Lin's eyes brightened: "that is to say, the adjudicator college is not willing to detain me?"

"I was allowed to go back to new Washington city late yesterday. I asked a few friends about it. There has been a lot of trouble in the city hall. Now it is not only your dawning college that is putting pressure on me, but also the city hall is forcing Harry to release him." Lilith was probably very dissatisfied with Harry's behavior, and there was no concealment in her words.

"And the result?"

The bitter smile on Lilith's face had already given Xiao Lin an answer. She shook her head and said, "in the new Washington, or within the scope of our colony, Harry is a man of great weight. In addition, the Dragon hawk order is basically our best fighting force. As long as he does not let go, it will be difficult for anyone else to convince him."

"Persuasion?" Xiao Lin was a little angry and said, "why don't you give orders directly! Since he is a soldier, he should obey orders

"Command?" Lilith was a little strange: "how could it be! The city hall is not qualified to order Harry. This is determined by the basic management system. "

Xiao Lin was dumb. He didn't know much about the management of the whole colony.

Lilith explained a little, in fact, any college basically has two sets of management institutions, one is inside the college, the other is the new world.

Xiao Lin, the internal management organization of the college, generally understands that it is the student union. However, once the students graduate, they will not be managed by the student union, but will be subordinate to the new world management system.

However, the management system of the new world is different from each college. The ruling academy adopts the separation system of military and political affairs. Every city in the colony will set up such institutions as the city hall. The chief executive only has the right to administer all administrative affairs in the city, but not military affairs.

There will be a special military system in the whole adjudicator's Academy, which has direct management over all colonial military aspects. As for Harry's order of dragon hawks, it is subordinate to this military system. Because the fighting power of the order itself determines its particularity, it also makes Harry's status more important.

Although he is in charge of guarding new Washington, the city hall has the right to advise him. If he wants to direct orders, Harry can completely ignore it.

"And what is the highest governing body?" Xiao Lin was a little curious.

"In the United States, there is a grand parliamentary system. The president has almost the same power as the president. The only difference is that one is in charge of the new world and the other is in charge of colleges. This is just the country. As far as I know, the president of Shuguang college is not so troublesome. As far as I know, the president of Shuguang college is also in charge of both the college and the new world, and has no parliament. It is directly under the jurisdiction of various departments. In terms of power, it is much greater than that of other colleges. Of course, it is also because the president of Shuguang college is very strong. "

"And the Supreme Council?" Xiao Lin simply asked out the questions in his head. It would be better for him to clarify these things as soon as possible.

Lilith pauses for a moment and goes on: "the Supreme Council is an institution above all colonial colleges. It has management power over all people, regardless of nationality, color, race or college."

"Equivalent to the existence of the United Nations on earth?" Xiao Lin understood quickly.

Lilith shook her head: "no, the United Nations is just an empty shelf, but the Supreme Council is different. This Parliament has a great deal of power. Although they do not make regulations easily, once there are measures to release them, any college must unconditionally abide by it. For example, the Supreme Council sets down the ability learned in the college on earth There's no rules for playing games. "

After a pause, Lilith looked at the incredible shawlin and said, "don't you think it's hard to understand?"

Xiao Lin nodded. If it was just an organization like the United Nations, he could fully understand. After all, if we want to carry out colonial activities together in the new world, we always need a place to coordinate and discuss with each other. However, he could not understand that the Supreme Council has such a strong binding capacity on all colleges.

What is the composition of the Supreme Council

Lilith gave him an appreciative look: "you've got the point. Yes, the members of the Supreme Council are the reasons why everyone has to obey. First of all, you need to know that Ivanovic himself created the Supreme Council. "

"It's him again!" Xiao Lin exclaimed in silence. He had heard the name more than once, but when he thought about it carefully, the Supreme Council created by such a person was indeed very important.Lilith went on: "he was just the founder, and there were only five members of the parliament, which belonged to our adjudicator college, China dawn college, France Shenghui college, British Royal College and Russian war Academy. Only with the consent of all, can members of other colleges be added to the Supreme Council. No one can oppose it. Of course, most of the time, the Supreme Council will not easily interfere in the affairs of the academy or the colony. "

Xiao Lin was speechless: "Er, this is not the five hooligans, oh no, I mean the five permanent members?"

"In fact, this is also understandable. These countries basically have extremely brilliant history, so it is understandable that they have a very high status both on the earth and in the new world." Said Lilith, slightly proud.

Xiao Lin silently make complaints about it, but the history of the United States is very short.

"Then there are the members. The representatives of each college in Parliament are the earliest pioneers. To put it bluntly, these people almost represent the strongest fighting power of all our colonists."

Lilith's expression was a little more serious: "no one knows how strong they are, but at least they are legendary. If the law of resurrection created the future of the colonists, then these five people are the ultimate guarantee that our colonial college can maintain its present position in the new world."

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