"Yes, the final land is the beginning of God's coming. How can the dirty bodies of mortals defile this holy land? Originally, I firmly believe in this, but hundreds of years ago, the arrival of that man completely broke my cognition

On the high priest's wrinkled face, a look of ferocity reappeared: "yes, that demon named ivanyevec, he was able to step into this final land!"

Shawlin was shocked. Ivanyevych, the Russian with double-S talent, created the immortal law, which can be said to benefit all the colonists. He even entered the world.

"Wait, hundreds of years ago? It can't have been so many years! "

"Hum, there is no concept of time in the final land. Time here is chaotic. It's fast and slow. I don't know how long the Norma world has passed, but I know I've been trapped here for 960 years!"

Xiao Lin was surprised again. If he had no wrong understanding of the history of the adjudicator's college, it would have been more than 100 years since the war, that is to say, the time of his final destination was almost 10 times that of the outside world.

The high priest drifted a little distance to the side, stroked the wall beside him, and said faintly, "but I have to thank him, because he has made me understand a little bit how to survive in the final land. This is the initial place of everything, including the law. If you master the law, you can create everything I want in this land!"

This is the old capital of the ancient thunder kingdom. In front of him, the old man copied the city of that time here by some rules. Xiao Lin was puzzled, but he continued to ask: "what's the matter with those skeletons?"

The old man didn't hide anything: "as you said, those were all prepared to drive you out of the world. I spent hundreds of years doing this work, and now it's only one step away from success."

"Which step?"

"Don't you almost guess? As I said, I can't leave the final land in my present state, let alone bring these soldiers back. The gate of the final land will open briefly when the two months coincide. "

"That's too bad. The month's day passed just when I came in. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for decades more!" Xiao Lin stepped back a few steps and sarcastically said, "Oh, no, according to the proportion of time, we should wait for hundreds of years."

The old man approached him slowly: "I was sorry about this, but you two appeared in this world, just like the man at the beginning. I think I may find a better way to get out of here."

"Why do you tell me so much?" "Since the last man left, you are the first person to talk to me. Do you know how boring it is in this silent world?"

Xiao Lin gently sneered: "tell your secret to someone you don't know, and it's still the enemy. Generally speaking, there's only one possibility. That is, you didn't intend to let me live again from the beginning, did you?"

"A man who is too clever will not live long." The high priest stopped his floating body, and his tone gradually softened: "in fact, I didn't want to kill you, but I hope to join hands with you. And if you want to leave here, you can only use my help. This is a good deal. How about it?"

"What do you want me to do?"

The voice of the high priest became seductive: "I need to study your power. You and Ivanovic are the same kind of people. There seems to be some mysterious power in your body that allows you to ignore the laws of the gods in their final place. I need this power!"

If there is anything in common between Xiaolin and Ivanovic, there is only one. They are both double S-level talents. Suddenly, Xiao Lin understood why he was sucked into the world.

Xiao Lin said with a sarcastic smile: "to be honest, the feeling of this place is really bad. I wish I could leave early, but why should I believe you? Since Ivanovic can leave on his own, I think I should be able to do it, and if you really need my help, you can actually take me away directly. But you didn't do that. Let me guess, don't you have the ability? "

The high priest's face changed slightly, which made Xiao Lin more sure of his guess. He didn't believe the old man's words. Especially after being cheated twice by the Norma people in the monthly examination more than half a month ago, he realized that the examination really made him know a lot.

Although he was not a member of the adjudicator's college, from the standpoint of the colonists, he was totally opposed to the high priest of the destroyed country. If reconciliation and joint efforts were made, he could only deceive the freshmen who had just entered the University.

"You're not a ghost or a ghost now, maybe you're in a state of soul? No entity exists? Or you are oppressed by the law of this place. After all, you are different from us. You don't have that mysterious power in your body, so you can't do anything to me at all! "

Xiao Lin once again unfolded rich associations and speculated. As a high priest who had the hatred of national subjugation, he did not think that the other party would have the leisure to talk so much nonsense to himself. The only possibility was that the old man had to do so.The high priest's expression became worse, so that his body twisted again. He took a deep breath, and his voice became cold: "you missed your last chance to live, arrogant heretical devil. You will regret your choice just now! You're right. I don't have the mysterious power in you demons, but I don't need to do it myself to deal with you! "

The figure of the high priest faded until it disappeared completely. Then Xiao Lin heard a low roar, as if something had been opened, followed by a clattering of footsteps, like the sound of a skeleton stepping on the ground.

Xiao Lin changed his color slightly and cursed him. He really guessed that the old man was not able to do it in person, but he did not expect that the old man could activate the sleeping skeletons, which still seemed to be able to move freely in the world.

The only good news is that almost all the skeleton soldiers are hidden in the palace of the Imperial Palace, while the city outside the palace is almost the same workshop and processing workshop, and there are no other skeleton soldiers, which gives him more time to escape.

"The old man seems to have said that the two of us have appeared in this world. Besides me, there is also an unfortunate devil coming in? Who would it be, eh... "

Xiao Lin whispered to himself, but after a few seconds, he already had the answer in his mind.

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