Even the content of the contract has been finalized. Gu Qingyu and Chuang Tzu Yizheng excitedly decide to find someone to draw up the contract. Both parties are afraid of a long night and have many dreams. Before they come out of the balcony, they are caught by Zhuang Jing

he looked at Zhuang Jing again and said, "jing'er, this is my younger martial sister from the Academy of fine arts of s University. She painted some of the backgrounds in this film."

did she offend her? It's the first time we met. Why does she feel that Zhuang Jing doesn't like her very much

is this... Warning her

Zhuang Jing squinted, "it's better!"

she will definitely stand on the side of her future sister-in-law. Although her sister-in-law is not in China, she only accepts her as her own sister-in-law. No matter how beautiful she looks or how kind she is to her, she will not accept her

Zhuang Jing thinks so, and is satisfied because she has defended her sister-in-law's love. Then, she sees her brother take the car key, trot to Gu Qingyu with shining eyes, and leave with a smile...

Zhuang Jing's face suddenly sinks

damn it