Chapter 300 < 300.00 Dungeon Reset >

Name:Dungeon Reset Author:
[You've got some pretty cool stuff. Where the hell did you get that?]

“I just picked it up. ”

[Don't be silly. Does it make sense that you just picked up a book with the truth about the dungeon?]

Solia's eyes are wide open, staring straight down at her.

“The truth of the dungeon? ”

At this point, I wanted to ask you more questions.

The rabbit whispered in his ear. Tr a nslat e d b y jpm tl .c om

[I think she's a fake goddess born in that beautiful sister's diary, but do you know anything about it by the time you get there?]

In fact, the witch's diary was just one of the empty grimoires embedded in the witch's library.

Whenever I touched the existences of the dungeon with my hands, regardless of any of the many magical books, the contents of the journal appeared.

Surprisingly, it was just an empty grimoire in the hands of others.

It can only happen in the hands of Jungdown.

Solia stares down, puffing her white wings, and opens her mouth as she sits over Rugal's head.

[Oh, I see. You've mastered the art of shadow, haven't you? Perhaps the truths lost with the apocalypse rise again above the abyss with the power of Shadow Arts.] Tr ans l at ed by Jpmt m

“Oh? Is this about the Shadow Art? ”

That's how it works?]

When I learned what I had been curious about, I was happy and clapping.

[Shadow is not just a skill in the beginning, but a forbidden trick that...... he studied. Those who inherit that power deserve a glimpse into the truth.]

[Hooray! Shadow arts were so important? Meaning heart!]

Solia frowns at the edges of her shoulder dancing rabbit.

[But just because you're qualified doesn't mean you can find out how to peek at the truth. Jung-down, how did you...... figure that out?]

She answered her question very honestly.

“Well, how did you see it? ”

[You're not going to tell me.]

“No, really, I just found out. ”

[There's no easy way to answer a question you have to ask.]

“ ……? ”

Jungdown was unfair.

The white owl stares at himself with suspicious eyes, as if he were looking at the villain who is now plotting a massive scheme. Tr an s l a te d b y jpm tl.c o m

[Jeongsoo, what are you... … planning? Did you go after all those people who didn't seem to have any ideas at all?]

“No, sir? ”

It was really unfair.

Why is it so serious?

The plan was shit. I just wanted to go back to the world like everyone else.

[Misunderstanding! This human is really a fool who has no idea. Why are you hitting me? Please take my side... Argh. Yep.]

The rabbit fell back humbled by the night of honey.

Their childish behavior, unlike usual, was no longer funny to Sollia.

She answered meaningfully the first question that Jungdown asked.

You asked me if I killed a witch. If you want the answer, you'll have to attack Harun here first. …… if only I could.]

“No, I'm not really that curious. I'm not the enemy of my parents. ”

[Hm. Like that again. I'm not fooled anymore.]

“ ……. ”

[Wow, you want to see my sister's suspects? It's like you've always been deceived.]

* * * Tra nslated b y jp m t m

Either way, I still had to attack Harun.

The participants here were unable to catch the cold because they had eliminated the demons.

Moreover, once I learned the location of the ruins, I wondered what other treasures were hidden inside.

However, knowing the location did not guarantee that the process of getting there would be smooth.

A vast lake deep in Harun was home to flamethrowers.

When they lived in the water as larvae, they were born again as worms that gained wings and ate firearms when they became adults and spread to Harun.

In a way, this lake was the same place as the heart of Harun in the burning forest.

Following Rugal's guidance, Jundown and all the participants made their way through the burning forest to the lake shore.

All along that journey, a number of flamethrowers came from all over and exploded.

The Alpha has issued an urgent warning of a dangerous situation.

“I know. It's like taking down a mountain of dynamite, right? ”

After building the golems at least a line of defenses, Jungdown joins forces with the participants to fight off the flamethrowers.

Of course, it was the servants of the shadow, not him.

T ra n sl ated by jpm t Myooon!

Yay! Yay!

[Swallows, swallows well. Why is is is he just playing around? Do something!]

“I'm busy right now, too. ”

In fact, I was quite busy wringing my hands.

From afar, Solia looks at Geumz with suspicious eyes.

[What does that hand mean? A Demibeast for Magic? Secret art of quitting?]

Of course not!

Fifty Shadowy Hands of Authenticity!

He continued to think of the various hand shadows in an instant, increasing the number of shadows that the cats could transform.

Shadow cats flew like butterflies and turned into leopards, attacking flamethrowers or, conversely, shifting rapidly from the air when they felt the flamethrowers were about to explode.

“This may seem like nothing, but metallurgy builds up to be incredibly efficient! I am the maestro of the battlefield! Ha, ha! ”

A horse in the dungeon hides in the back and commands the Shadow Cats.

Of course, it didn't have to be built until we met.

[Wow, just watching you get pinched in the back?]

“But you're playing, too! ”

[Heh. It's best to play.]

It wasn't the rabbit's idea.

And just in time, I heard good news thanks to the hard work of the Shadow Servants.

[Shadow Secret Skill has advanced to level 5.]

[Hiic? He's playing and leveling up!]

“See? I'm not playing! Ha, ha! ”

Thanks to this, I was a more confident and arrogant dungeon maestro leading the battlefield.


* * *

Upon reaching the lake, some of the participants who were walking ahead gave people a hard look and attention.

“Everyone, stop! ”

“It's dangerous to go any further! ”

As they shout, they hurriedly block their ears.


“ ……! ”

I heard a comet from somewhere.

It was the sound of Maestro's singing that made me dizzy as soon as I heard it.

Turns out it wasn't just a dangerous way to get to the lake.

Charming men and beautiful women made of water stood on the lake and sang a beautiful song.

It was the Seirens who lured the humans into the water.

[Glug. This place is called Lake Seiren.]]

Participants were asked about Rugal's late introduction.

“Tell me that in advance! ”

“You said you had to attack the dungeon! ”

[Knowing beforehand doesn't change anything. You have to go through the Seirens before you can enter the Ruins anyways.]

Rugal just stands there with his arms folded shut.

The King of the Ferocious Beasts.

Ruler of Violent Forest.

I had no effect on the Lugaru clan, the nobles of the forest who were wiser and more formidable than anyone else.


“Puha! Sa, help me! ”

Splash, splash!

There were already sailors at Lake Seyren.

Participants who arrived here a long time ago, separate from Jungdown.

They were drawn to them and left to drown in a desperate struggle with them.

When I was drowned by the song, I came to my senses, but I had already fallen into the midst of the enemy.

[Glug. They were driven here by flamethrowers and demons. Usually that's Harun's normal flow. If you don't want to be like that, you'd better cover your ears.]

Even if it wasn't Rugal's advice, they were already blocking their ears in a variety of ways.

At this very moment, I had to deal with the flamethrowers that were being born in the lake.

A situation that cannot be cared for at all.

[But how do I get down to the ruins? Just diving?]

A bunny, who had her ears tightened and deaf, pointed at the bottom of the lake and asked.

The lake's water is so clear that you can see the ruins buried beneath it.

Lugal turned to all the participants who blocked his ears and announced the mission in full ear.

[Grunt! Listen to me! You will now have to dive into the water and fight the Seirens. We must surrender Seiren by force and get their recognition so we can safely descend to the ruins.]

“ ……! ”

“What? Against Seiren in the water!?" ”

“New suicides? ”

Participants who are bewildered.

“No way! Seiren has no physical attack whatsoever! ”

“How am I supposed to beat the Seirens underwater? ”

“We have to get into the Ruins, so we can't just attack from the outside, right? ”

“Isn't this the same thing that didn't get seduced or seduced by Seiren in the first place? ”

Participants realized why Rugal didn't talk about Seiren first.

I also realized the alpha.

It's the worst imagination ever. Wow! Goddess Hair is so cool! It took us a long time to find the world's water and keep it from going!]

The rabbit raises its thumb and bursts into elasticity.

It was an amazing heart.

No matter how innocent I was, I couldn't roll another bald spot in this situation.

[Glug. Right. The Earth Golems, your primary weapon, lose their power when they enter the water. Do you understand what I'm saying about running out of time? It takes a long time to get through here.]

Lugal and Solia were confident.

No matter how hard I tried to get into Harun's Ruins, I had to endure the same hardships as the rest of the group.

[Your clay-clumping skills won't do you any good here. It's unlikely, but don't think about filling the lake with dirt.]


Lugall's expression is clear, and she shoves her tongue.

[Glug. Otherwise, the ruins will be buried too. Even the lake will flood up and extinguish Harun's fires. Then the real game is over.]

“It's okay. There's another way. ”

[…… what? Not you again.]

Rugal frowns as he opens his belongings with pride.

Come to think of it, he had once been recognized by Seiren.

I don't fight at all.

Not in power, but in a completely different way.

There was a history of subduing Seilane by feeding her until her stomach exploded.

[Grunt. Don't be ridiculous! I don't know how much food you have, but do you really want to be able to feed all these Seirens? We're wasting food!]

“Well, maybe. If only the Alpha would let me. ”

Bang, bang, bang!

In front of Jungdown, there was already a pile of good food piled up like mountains.

There were many different types and sizes.

One Horned Boar Meat, One Eagle Meat, Slug Pieces, Ghost Meat…….

Except for all the little vegetables and grains.

An Alpha that saw an enormous amount explodes in no time.

“Then you'd be wasting your time here. I thought you said we had to gather warmth. ”

“Why do you look more and more like a rabbit? ”

Eventually, more food piled up at his feet as he fell to the authorization of Jaringovi Alpha.

The spectacular sights opened their mouths.

“Wow, what's all that? ”

“Oh, my God. They're all food? ”

“As expected, Mr. Jung-Down. ”

“I've never seen a monster before! ”

“How much hell has she been through?" ”

Of course it was a misunderstanding.

However, the participants' eyes began to widen.

“But what are you going to do with it? Huh? Why are you throwing those poor things in the lake...!? ”

“Here, eat! ”

Fondant Fondant!

Food release!

Jungdown starts throwing food at the Seirens one by one.

The Seirens reacted violently to him.


“Ahhhh!? ”


Boom, boom, boom!

The Seirens start diving under the lake, as if they were competing in surprise rather than singing.

It was to take the food before the other Seirens.

[Ahh! Look at that! They're fighting each other!]

“Huh! There's more, so don't fight and share, you bastards! ”

Jungdown smiles and sprinkles them generously, as if they were feeding goldfish.

[Glug. Such a pitiful face. Are you saying there's more food than that?]

Lugal laughs in vain as he looks back at Solia.

[Solia, can we attack this much sooner than we really think...? Where have you been?]

Rugal looks puzzled when he suddenly doesn't see Sollia next to him.

Then I was in a hurry.

[Oh, my God! Solia!? What the hell were you thinking?]

You see a white owl flying fast with its white wings spread out in front of it.

Beyond that lies the Lake of Seyren, the Spirit of Water.