Chapter 274 < 274 Dungeon Reset >

Name:Dungeon Reset Author:
It's been a few days since I came to paradise.

Participants who walked through the dungeons to get to the ground learned many new facts.

First things first.

The number of participants invited to paradise was much higher than I expected.

While I went around the dungeon and met a familiar face, I often encountered a face that I did not know.

He too, on the last day of the dance, Jungdown and Ryu Seung-woo tried to gather as many people as possible into one place.

T ra nslat e d b y jpm tl .co m However, there was not enough time for one day, and many people were unable to gather because the dance was so wide.

They were lucky not to see the shadow of the Doppelgänger King, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's weak.

After all, they also endured the aggression of Mugando, so they were struggling to survive against the magical octopuses that were moving in troop units.


“But you can't fight a dungeon! Aaaah!"

[The realm of paradise is limited.]

“Dammit! The tunnel's closing again! ”

T ran s lat ed by jpm tl .com “Just run! ”


Regularly stirring the geniuses, regardless of their combat strength.

The second thing I learned.

‘Restrictions of area’ continued to occur periodically.

The cycles and times were always irregular and were in limited positions, respectively.

But there was one clear rule.

“If you stay in one place too long, it will be closed from there! ”

“Don't you mean keep going!? ”

Of course, it was okay to hide in the corner and sigh when I was sleepy.

But it was impossible to live there for a hundred years.

Paradise, perhaps...... seemed to want participants to constantly wander around the earth.

And number three.

If a person dies underground or an octopus dies, the bodies disappear immediately.

However, it did not feel like the corpse was decaying like the 'dirt of corruption’.

Translat ed by jp m m More like a lump of salt melting in the water.

The dead bodies become more and more dreamy, completely aligned with the surroundings and merged into a pale purple cloud.

It disappears forever like a corpse in the deep sea.

And I put all this information together…….


Participants were finally able to reach one conclusion.

“Maybe this paradise is meant to fertilize us by mixing us evenly in the ground? ”

“What? What do you mean? ”

“No, I mean, come to think of it, What power could a cloud of this physical nature have to float in the sky? We're all gonna melt our lives into fuel, aren't we? ”

“Huff! Wait, and then...? ”

“ ……! ”

Suddenly, people's faces were pale.

Sounds like a reasonable logic to me.

Clouds are dirt.

If humans and octopus are fertilizers.

You have to mix the fertilizer so it doesn't get fertile in one place! T r an sl a t e d b y Jpmt l.c om

Like all farming!

“Well, yeah. I think it makes sense. ”

“Floating islands used to be dirt, but this place isn't dirt at all, and it's cloudy and touching like dirt, right? ”

“So we're like airplane fuel? ”

“Wait, then it can't be! These clouds don't all melt people like us, do they? ”

“Huff!? ”

Participants who are frightened at times.

It gave me goose bumps.

How to look as much as you know.

To think so, the dreamy clouds all around suddenly felt different.

It was like they were buried in a pile of pale purple corpses.

* * *

And finally, Jungdown met Ryu Seung Woo.

“Oh, I found it! It's Seung Woo!”

Tr ans l a te d by jp mtl .com “Huh? Down! ”

“Seungwoo! ”

This is how it feels to meet a 10-year-old friend in the middle of Hongdae Street!

Ryu Seung Woo, who was fighting with the magical octopus, almost forgot that he was in battle, and ran and hugged him.

Of course, it would have been electrocution.

“Down, it's dangerous here! Stay back for a second! I'll get it over with!”

Ryu Seung Woo quickly raised his hand to stop Jungdown from approaching.

And the blue flashlight that was wrapped around his body exploded at one point.


“Pow!? ”

Boom, boom! Boom!

Thunderstorms spread out from all sides around him.

With that incredible power, the magical octopus that had been classifying him all along fell into one blow.

If there's a downer! You don't need to save your strength! ’

Ryu Seung Woo did not have anything rough.

He was fighting as hard as he could, not just for a day.

However, after meeting Jungdown, you can release all the stress that has been accumulated and stretch it out immediately.

Boom! Boom!


“Root……! ”

The smell of grilled octopus spread throughout the ground.

The octopus staff, holding it steadily in its miserable sight, closed his eyes and smoked a fart.

In the blink of an eye, the entire tribe was wiped out.

As soon as the battle was over, Ryu Seung Woo fainted in front of Jungdown.

It was a moment of hardship for him.

“Then... I'm asking you to do something later. Tick, tick.”

“Eat and sleep. ”

“Oh, is that so? ”

Ryu Seung Woo woke up again.

And I sat down in front of a sumptuous dining table with a crooked statue.

“Wash your hands before you eat. ”

“Oh, is that so? ”

I washed my hands and sat down again.

Then Rugal, Hugh and Chairman Oh Chang-suk, who were with him, washed their hands and sat in front of him.

And they stared at each other in horror.

“Hmm, hello again. ”

“Oh, yes……. ”

It was a little awkward to eat with people I didn't know very well.

However, during the meal, I suddenly saw the Shadow Servants working hard with Jungdown in Ryu Seung-woo's eyes.

“Downah, what are you making? ”

“Oh, this? ”

My heart told me all the things that had been waiting for me to ask when I was going to ask this.

“What? I copied the order! Is that possible?"

As soon as I heard, Ryu Seung Woo's feelings were sufficiently empathetic to the others who were eating.

But nothing was impossible.

No, just innovation.

“Then it can't be...... that's all? ”

Ryu Seung Woo opened his mouth when he saw a bunch of thick paper that had been holding it for a long time.

“That's right."

Sieg, snicker.

Even at this moment, there was a nogada factory on top of a cloud golem that was made up of domestic manufacturing.



Shrug, shh.


Mutual Name: Jungdown Headquarters

Representative: Jungdown

Senior Director: Jungdown

Factory: Down

Union Representative: Jungdown

Number of employees: 7

Business Type: Service/Manufacturing

If so, the union leader is so happy that he can't even dream of a strike (?) was a factory.

Everyone was busy.

Some of the servants print prints.

Some of the servants carve new wooden planks.

But the really wicked thing was that Junglike, who was the head of the company, was working so hard that he didn't even have time to rest.

Jungdown is currently carving the ‘Rune of Power’ wooden plank.

After all, the Shadow Servants were only able to imitate his actions in the same way.

So in order to get them to carve out a new wooden plank, Jungdown had to do a demonstration of the wooden plank.

So, while other people have been fighting hard everywhere for the past few days, Jungdown finished the wooden planks one by one.

And the result was this:

[Magic Scroll (Duplicate)]

Durability: 100/100 (%)

Special Option: Rune of Flame (Level 1)

[Magic Scroll (Duplicate)]

Durability: 100/100 (%)

Special Option: Rune of Speed (Level 1)

[Magic Scroll (Duplicate)]

Durability: 100/100 (%)

Special Option: Rune of Protection (Level 1)

“What do you think? All you need now is a power rune. ”

“This is really gonna work? ”

It was quicker to see it once than to doubt it.

Jungdown immediately used the 'Rune of Speed’.

Then, with a groan, his woodcutting speed increases tremendously.

“Now, what do you think? In the future, if you use this, you'll be able to make anything faster! ”

“No way.... ”

Ryu Seung Woo lost his words in a cheerful, upbeat look.

And at the same time, a laughter appeared.

With that huge amount of replication orders in hand, it was so formal that the flow of thought was not a battle, but something to make.

* * *

As soon as Ryu Seung Woo had eaten enough food, he experienced the effects of the replication spell.

And I realized...

Why did Hugh and Chairman Oh Chang-seok keep eating?

While Jungdown was shearing the planks, he was responsible for both of them's fierce battles.

And now he was with them.

“By the way, this replication order seems a little weaker than the original one. ”

“Yes. It's half effective. And now it's an overlap? If you tear two of the same Scrolls, it's the same performance as the original. ”

“What? Really? ”

Ryu Seung Woo was surprised.

It was an amazing fact.

As far as I know, the spell book has never overlapped the same effect.

But a clone order is possible?

Jungdown touched the boat and said.

“But the problem is that when you tear up chapter two, your satiety becomes completely zero percent, and you get terrified of hunger. That means you have to keep eating and fighting if you don't want to lose your stamina. ”

“You keep eating and fighting? ”

Ryu Seung Woo had an unfamiliar face.

Eat up, Dong-min!

If you're a middle school kid, you can still eat more than 100 percent!

If it were him, he would still be able to use three or four orders instead of two!

Imagining that, Ryu Seung Woo asked excitedly.

“Then what if he tears 10 Runes of Power at once!? ”

“Why!? ”

At the most exciting moment, Alpha suddenly struck a candle.

In the beginning, the runes in the order were written like that.

That's why it was possible to use up to two copies of the order because it would only take two copies to become a level 1 power.

“Hmm, that's good. ”

Ryu Seung Woo shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

But it wasn't that there was very little that we could use.

It may not be possible to overlap one skill, but it will be possible to use multiple abilities simultaneously.

“Let's find the villagers first. It's gonna be a huge help to the power. ”

“I think so, too. But now that he's over here, it'll be easier to wait for the others to find us than it is to find us. ”

Only the mini altar, which Ryu Seung Woo always kept in his possession, had fixed coordinates.

Thanks to the fixed coordinates, Alpha was able to give the other apostles this location.

Ryu Seung Woo asked.

“So we're just going to stay here? If I did, there'd be a realm limitation here. ”

“There's always a way. ”

“ ……? ”

Ryu Seung Woo tilted his head in a self-confident manner.

“I failed last time, but this time I'll dig better. ”

“Good head? ”

No, that was very wrong.

It was right to write "good head," and read "ignorant."

I tore another ‘Rune of Speed', which Jungdown was delighted to hold.

Chug Chug!


At that moment, two ‘Runes of Speed (Clone)’ overlapped over his body, gaining a perfect level of speed. I was a little hungry.

Jungdown quickly snatches off his feet, filling his hunger, and raises his hands and bursts the photon.

“Now, this will allow me to sell the land faster than ever! Mwahaha! Muddling! Clump of dirt!”

Squishy, squishy, squishy!

Clouds are beginning to rip out of his hands at incredible speeds!

That speed was incredible!

The downturn was to try again a plan that had failed once because it had hit a zone restriction the last time.

Grow as many tunnels as possible to make it easier for others to find!

Of course, all sorts of octopuses started pouring out from all over the place before people did, but that was entirely up to Ryu Seung Woo.

Soon after, I heard some bad news.

[The realm of paradise is limited.]

“It has finally begun! ”

Staying in the same place for a long time, they begin to fill with particulate dust to repel them.

But this time it's different! There's always a way! ’

His eyes flashed as he reached his hands over his head.

The moment the ceiling reached his fingertips, charisma that was completely invisible during the battle erupted from his body.

“No matter how much fine dust gets in my way! Blow through the sky and ventilate! That's my lump of dirt! Clump of dirt!”


At that moment, all the clouds on the ceiling, which were stuffy over his head, were torn from his hands.

“Clump of dirt! Clump! Clump! Clump! Clump! Clump! Clump! Clump of dirt!”

Let's do it.


“Ahh…! ”

A dazzling bright light falls over the heads of the group who are with you.

The bright sky, which they almost knew was beyond the ceiling, would be pierced in one fell swoop!

And that's when the hole to the ground was drilled.


The pale clouds of dust that were coming from everywhere began to be drawn up at an enormous rate.

“Oh, my God! The dust, or the dust cloud, is ventilating! ”

“Just like that... ”

Ryu Seung Woo was really impressed.

The ceiling is gone.

The past few days, wandering in a dark dungeon.

I forcibly dragged the bright sky that I couldn't reach even though I wanted to see it so much.

And in the middle of the bright light, the sundown smiles freshly and looks this way.

“Now, that shouldn't be a problem. Then I'll dig deep into the ground right here. Just hold on to the monsters. ”

“Yes……. ”