Chapter 240 < 240 Dungeon Reset >

Name:Dungeon Reset Author:
Once upon a time, Hugh Bernstein's dilemma was always anemia.

Using a broad skill, the user gains tremendous combat power while boiling blood, but the side effects are not great.

There were many things during the battle that almost fainted at the moment of anaemia, and many times I fell asleep in the arms of my colleagues as soon as the battle was over.

A single warrior with extremely short combat time, instead of gaining immense momentum.

A Weak Bone Warrior that grows increasingly awkward and weary from time to time.

That was Hugh Bernstein.

But……. T r an sla te d by jp mt l.c o m

It was only after he found the Butcher's Blade in Stage-4 Witch's house that he began to awaken.

[Butcher's Blade +4]

- Durability: 100/100 (%)

- Optional: Butchering (Level 3)

- Special Option: Vampire (Level 1)

Restores itself by stealing the enemy's health.

The moment the special option 'Vampiric’ was combined with his‘ Wide Width ’skill, everything changed. Tr a nsla t e d b y jpmt l .c o m

Berserker Hugh Bernstein.

His legend began then.

There was always an infinite amount of close combat time on the wire.

Explosive combat strength, which was a singularity, was always fixed with basic combat strength.

Hugh wielded his original longsword and butcher's sword simultaneously and dominated the battlefield with overwhelming force.

The colleagues who were with him at the time of his change were greatly pleased and congratulated him, and at the same time began to feel extremely jealous.

To put it simply, a friend who was always poor and in need of help had won the lottery one morning and had passed out.

The minds of the colleagues who were almost watching him turned incredibly sleepy and childish themselves.

Hugh, wouldn't it be more efficient for me to use the Butcher's Blade than you? ’

Hugh, can you lend me the Butcher's Blade for one day? ’

"Hugh, it's not worn out. Why don't you lend it to me? ’

"Hugh, don't you think we're being a little too modest? ’

"Hugh, don't you even think about what we've done for you? ’

Phew. Phew. Hugh.

T r a n sl ate d by jpmtl.c o m Whew...!

From the moment the insurmountable treasure came into their hands, their relationship began to crumble into an even worse form.

I envy you.

The small seed that started with these three letters started spreading and spreading leaves and flowers....

Eventually, I was devastated.

Let me get this straight.

They are extinct.

Stage-4 in the Castle of the Black Queen.

Nha-ang -

Their distorted desires and ugly nature surrounded them in the form of "nightmares."

Hundreds of Hugh Bernstein.

Realized nightmares were all holding the Butcher's Blade they so desperately wanted, and they were all in a state of photoexplosion.

It was the worst.


It was the worst.

‘Sa, save...! ’ Tra n sla te d by Jp mtl .co m

It was the worst.

There is an overwhelming crisis that cannot be overcome.

Eventually, at the end of their lives, they made the worst of the worst decisions they could possibly make as a last step towards survival.

Let's kill Hugh! ’

Yeah, yeah! If the main body dies, they all disappear! ’

Let's kill Hugh! ’

Kill Hugh! ’

Kill him!

‘Don't do this... ’


‘Please……! ’


Hugh Bernstein is desperate.

Seeing the evil look on the faces of colleagues rushing to sacrifice their lives.

T ra ns l ate d b y Jp mt l .c om His nightmare was nothing but a reality right in front of him.


When Hugh regained consciousness, everyone was already dead.

Ironically, the nightmares disappeared after all of our colleagues, not Hugh.

It was all their nightmare after all.

It was their... desire.

And the beginning of all this destruction was from the moment the unbearable treasure was in his hands, called the 'Butcher's Blade.’

By the way.

* * *

“…… A knife? ”

“Yes, a knife. ”

“A knife?”

“Yes, a knife. ”

“ ……. ”

It was the same no matter how many times I asked.

Hugh loses his words in a calm, steady pace.

It's just a knife.

A mere knife is a word that refers to a terrible thing that simultaneously brings you unruly blessings and misfortunes.

Why did you just find out? ’

Hugh had a hard time accepting reality.

Hotbani, it's because I didn't even notice the Summoners' hands, who were constantly acting crazy and following along the side of Jungdown.

Even though the colors in their hands were like shadows and they could only see the silhouettes, even if they looked carefully for a moment, they could not recognize the familiar silhouettes themselves.

They're all butchers' swords.

I can't believe you were ripping cobwebs out with a butcher's knife!

“How the hell……. Where is that...? ”

I couldn't figure out where to start.

But it was not a situation where I was free to answer.

“Found it! Here! ”

“The Berserkers are here! ”

A group of people rushing into the mosaic house eventually find the hot springs and find Hugh there.

Their eyes widen in greed, even the Butcher's Blade in his hands.

“I don't have any armor! Don't miss this chance! ”

“Block the exit! ”

“Don't miss it this time! ”

“Kill him!”

“…… Hehe, who missed who? If anyone hears me, I'll be the first to run. ”

Hugh twists his gaze and laughs at them.

And he muttered in a voice that only he could hear with his eyes open from Jungdown.

“If you want to live comfortably, you'd better not let them find the knife. ”

“ ……? ”

“They've saved lives, but they don't know how to thank and covet treasure. ”

“ ……? ”


While Hugh tilts his head down, not knowing what's going on, Hugh runs forward with just a few words.



The red energy spills through his body, speeding up faster.


The moment his fluffy blonde and blue-eyed eyes became red.

“Waiting for those who cannot afford the treasure is despair! ”

A true Berserker has come here.



The battle begins, and red blood splashes across the hot springs, rapidly spreading like red ink.

Hugh's combat strength was truly astonishing.

Explosively increases all stats related to combat, including strength, health, attack speed, and movement speed.

The rabbit shakes his head.

[Erik, it's here, too. I have to move again.]

“Yes. Why do people here fight when they meet each other? ”

I sighed a little.

I don't know what time it is.

While playing at the mosaic house, visitors used to visit one by one.

However, when the different groups get together in the same space, they start to fight each other without exception.

The house is small and there are many people.

It was only a matter of time before a life-threatening blood clot appeared as soon as there was a little conflict of interest between them.

[Is it because of Maple?]

“What's with all the hard work? ”

I wasn't just saying that.

The rabbit really thought it was all because of the witch.


Harpoons are gross, but they're amazing.

How am I supposed to live my life and work my ass off?

Come on, boys!

Not even Harpoon Island.

Even though she lived a day, she cheered for the moths who struggled fiercely, as if she also wanted to be imitated by them.

What if that emotion had been exaggerated and influenced by the little ones?

What if the outcome is that Harpoons are constantly creating a struggle by imitating themselves as participants?

“Isn't it too much of an elixir? ”

[The elixir, of course. But everything in the dungeon exists as a chief and an elixir.]

“Not really.”

The rabbit's horse was an elixir, so it was persuasive.

After all, the monsters in the dungeons have many characteristics that are not in the diary.

It was no strange thing to think about it, even if Harpoon had some kind of ability to stir up a struggle with maple.

“Mugando.... ”

Jungdown suddenly came to mind the meaning of 'gando'.

The word "intercession" means "hell that suffers without gaps."

It was a prison that must repeat its suffering forever without death or resurrection.

There is no hope for sinners in that prison.

When I think all hope is lost and the despair of today will continue forever.

Humans eventually become violent.

“I'm worried about Seung Woo... ”

I felt ominous for no reason.

No matter how good Ryu Seung Woo is, if he stays here, his personality may change in some way.

[Oh, yeah? If the Lightning Man turns black, it'll be the worst. This is not the time for us to be eating hot bars like assholes!]

The rabbit began to eat the hot bar stored in the bowl in a creepy feeling.

Then I got up from my seat and shouted curiously.

[One more bowl! Oh, that's not it. All right, the rally point! Pack your things!]

“Let's do it.”

Jungdown quickly packed his things.

Nothing was more pointless than getting caught up in other people's fights.

I had to visit Ryu Seung Woo before it was too late.

“The rest of the cobwebs are a pain in the ass, so let's just leave them here. Keep a straight line without viscosity. ”


As the servants guard their surroundings, the Grimbells wander about packing their belongings.

In the process, the remaining cobwebs clumped together and threw them roughly into the hot springs.


I remembered this splash in the eyes of Jungdown, who carelessly looked at a bunch of melting cobwebs in hot water.

“Huh? Are the cobwebs melting? ”

The hot spring water was so hot that the silk was loosening in the water.

He quickly pulls out a stick of wood and swings it over the melting webs.

Then the puffy, steamy water grass snagged onto the stick and rushed up.

The eyes of Jungdown, who was touching the water grass slightly with his finger, sparkled.

“I like this one. ”

The cobwebs didn't melt.

The paper melted halfway through the water and turned into tears.

Rather, if it melted into the water, it was a great loss.

I was going to use a non-viscous vertical rope as a rope.If it's melting water, how can I use it?

However, this half-melted condition did not completely melt and was the best for Jungdown.

“This would be great for gluing together. Why would I throw this away? ”

[Yay! What the hell, King Weed! What the hell are you talking about?]

It was a grumbling rabbit.

But even the rabbit was working hard.

The best fun to watch a fight for a former maid.

The rabbit ate a hot bar and watched Hugh and his group battle.

Boom, boom! Boom!

[Cheer up, Strength! Our side wins!]

And for Jungdown, it was the ultimate amusement to gather water from the fighting pits.

“Great. Excellent! Perfect! All you have to do is cement the rocks, spit the iron, and spider the rest! ”

It was an exciting moment.

It's all three stickers!

I can attach almost anything from now on!

But was the shout of joy shouted too loud?

The greedy gaze of the participants who were focused on Hugh turned to him for a moment.

“What is it? A treasure? ”

“Did you find any treasure? ”

It was just water grass.

“Let's get him, too! ”

“Kill him before he runs away! We'll find out what the treasure is later! ”

It was really just water grass.

However, the unaware participants have left half to deal with Hugh, and the other half come forward aiming for a clean slate.

Jungdown was cool.

“Do you want this? Then keep it. I can rebuild it later. ”


The chunk of grass that had been dragged up to the end of the stick was thrown at them without hesitation.

“What the hell! ”


The participant's blade slams forward like a baseball bat.

But instead of bouncing a baseball off the bat, you're stuck! He was embarrassed by the adhesion.

“Huh, huh? Why isn't this coming off? ”

A catastrophe struck the participant who inadvertently tried to tear down the spider webs, and he stopped sticking to the knife.

The temperature of the heated spider grass met the cold air and hardened at a surprisingly fast rate.

“Oh, this would be great for a quick adhesive. ”

His jaw twitches.

Sticky adhesives are useless everywhere.

In spider grass, water was a kind of hardener.

I felt that I could use it in a number of ways as I continued to study it in the future.