Chapter 156 < 156lbs Dungeon Reset >

Name:Dungeon Reset Author:
In a few days.

“Yes! It's hard! ”

It was rewarding to dry out the sunstone.

The anvil frame is finally complete!

[The answer was to make several salt prototypes just in case they fail.]

“Yeah. They're all screwed up, and only two of them are solid. ”

The whole damn cement was still uncertain as to whether the proportions were wrong. T ra nsl a t ed b y jp m tl.c o m

“Write down this golden ratio separately. ”


Jungdown took out the blank paper grimoire and kept track of the percentage of cement he learned this time.

Bahamut gladly watches over him.

[It's good to see your own grimoire getting done.]

“The grimoire? This? ”

Tra n slat e d b y jp m t l .c o m At Bahamut's words, his gaze flashes back down from the grimoire.

Rat fecal fertilizer golden ratio.

Hot pepper farming observation journal.

Golden ratio of cement.


“ ……. ”

It felt more like an internet blog than a magic book, but the wizards' wizards' wizards' spells and their uses were similar in meaning that they organized their own know-how.

“Now, shall we remove the prototype from the frame? ”

You said it melts in water because it's salt. However, any time this thick rock salt melts....]

That was the problem.

It was never easy to melt this huge salt.

Bahamut was also sorry for not being able to help.

[I do not regret freezing, but melting is not my area of expertise, and I do not think it will be helpful.]

I put it so tight that it wouldn't melt into the moisture mixed with cement, it was never easy to melt it back into the water.

[It won't be easy to pull them off directly with a lump of dirt. The hole is so deep and narrow, it's hard to reach inside.]

Mud clumping skill has a disadvantage that it can only be used by hand. Tra n s lat e d b y jp

Even if you are careful, your arm doesn't fit well because the hole is deep, but if the frame breaks from the inside, the shape becomes completely twisted.

After all, there is only one safe way.

It just takes a long time to melt slowly.

But at that time, Jungdown smiled and said something out of the blue.

“Why do you need water? Better way? ”


The rabbit tilts its head.

[It wasn't melted with water? You said it was salt, melted into water, emptied the mold, and put iron in it.]

“I remember you very well. Yeah, I tried at first, but I came up with something much better. ”

[…… what's this noise again? Why do you keep pretending to be so mean? What is it?]

Jungdown closes its eyes and opens its mouth in a detached sage mode.

“In fact, while you were growing dicks, I was constantly suffering and suffering. Rumor has it how to make it better? Then I finally got a big realization. ”

And this is the result of that realization!

“Check your info! ”

As Jungdown reaches over the cement frame and mutters, an information window pops up. Tr a ns l a te d by jpm

[Salt Anvil +1]

- Durability: 100/100 (%)

- Optional: Return (Level 1)


The rabbit's eyes widened.

Somehow the ‘return’ option extracted from the return javelin was attached to the salt primordial.

[You enhanced the salt prototype?]

Jungdown shouts with a proud expression.




The salt prototype, which was trapped in the cement frame, fades away terribly at the end of the sentence, and then sneezes next to him and reveals itself again.

Suddenly, there was a miracle that the cement frame and salt prototype were completely separated.

[Ow! Ow!]

Tr an s la t e d by jpmt l .co m The rabbit shouted without me even knowing it.

“This ought to do it. Easy, right?"

[Awesome! You're really bald. I never thought I'd use return options like this!]

“Huh, let me do it. ”

The sinew of the downward nostrils stretches out to the end of the universe.

Even the rabbit couldn't help but admire his hair this time.

Normally, return options were mostly used for throwing weapons such as javelins, daggers, and throwing throwing throws.

He or he used to put a return on the arrow to prevent the archers from running out of arrows.

But that option! I never thought I'd be able to use it like this!

“This way, you don't have to pull the prototype out of the frame for no reason. There's no reason to dissolve it in water, so there's no reason to make it salt. ”

That's it.

Using this method, even in a more precise form in the future, it is not difficult to cast iron.

[It's amazing. It's the devil's brain.]

“Phew. I'm always grateful for good reactions. ”

Jungdown bowed his back and thanked a good audience of rabbits.

Then Jigsaw Bahamut came along and joined the praises.

[Truly... … I feel so humbled by your evil wisdom. This is truly a great invention! It's almost like magic.]

“Hmm. Magic. ”

The nose became more and more like Pinocchio.


Nonsense. Magic is never this crude. But I admit it's a great trick. >

“ ……. ”

It was an alpha that captures the center without being overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

He was a faithful and grateful son of a bitch.

The Alpha was satisfied.

At first, it was so nice to see the small sky temple getting more and more adorable.

A wagon shaped like an inverse pyramid carried by Golem slaves.

In the center of it, a tall observation deck stood up and held the center like a bulge.

At the top of the observation deck was an arrow launcher with a minimap on all sides.

It's so nice to see the dungeon beans tilting their heads around the temple.

A quiet pepper field, a brazier, a forge that will be finished soon....

“No, really? I'm just making it as a distraction...... ”

It was a straight down scratch with a sneaky face, looking at the excited Alpha alone.

You don't seem to have any ideas about the mobile battle fortress.

* * *

“How did they grow up so well, anyway? ”

I took a break and looked around at the hot pepper field I had left with the rabbit, and there were some very bad people waiting for him.

A few days ago, the only ones that were small were tall enough to reach his belly button.

[Hehe, you've finally visited my pepper field. Welcome to Pepper Field.]

At this point, the rabbit flew in front of him, stripping off his hair and exaggerating, and boasting to him.

[bam, look at this! Our Michael and Johnson grew up to be Miracle Johnson. I grew flowers.]

There were pretty pepper blossoms all over the orchard.

“Oh, a pepper flower? I'll bear fruit by tomorrow. ”

[Hehe, are you looking for fruit? It's right here.]



Looking at the only toenail nail that the rabbit proudly showed, my amazement burst from his mouth.

“Rat poop really works. It's only been five days since farming started! ”

All I'm saying is, this is amazing!

The big deal was not just pepper farming.

In the future, Jungdown will be able to shorten the duration of any farming.

Almost 30 times more effective!

Changing the proportion of fertilizer could have shortened or increased the duration, so it was a really amazing discovery.

“The water's good, right? ”

[Of course, my kids are growing up so fast, they're scared to drink water. Anyway, come back tomorrow. We Miracle Johnson will be even more awesome men.]

The Observation Journal was also a tight-knit rabbit.

And exactly the next day.

Jungdown was able to eventually harvest thicker and thicker footpeppers than stopping, and the rabbit squeezed his chest and mistreated.

(* Sobbing *) You cruel man! I can't believe you ripped my precious cock off like that!]

“Don't be afraid. They say the first harvest produces more fruit. ”


His words were correct.

The weekend farmer's prophecy was true.

And the next day, the red ripe red peppers were almost five times more on the pepper field.

[Hooray! A rich dick!]

The heart of the rabbit farmer, who cried for all eternity with tears, was very happy and proud.

I was moved by that and wanted to give something meaningful as well.

“Would you like to try the first fruit first? ”

Can I do that? Is that something you could eat without cooking?]

“Of course. As this is the first crop you've brought up, the first tasting is yours. ”


Jungdown handed one of the prettiest and darkest foot peppers to the rabbit.

A rabbit respectfully received with both hands trembling.

I was overwhelmed.

It's the first crop I've ever raised myself!

The rabbit opened its mouth wide with a bright expression and asked.


And... quack! You scream.



[Grrrgh! Queek! Water!]

The rabbit leaps forward, trembling with betrayal, looking for water.

It seemed really frustrating to see you squirming like a mad dog.


[Two, let's see, you devil!]

With a joyous chuckle, the smile is more demonic than the devil.

* * *

In fact, the busiest thing these days was the golems.

Half the golems were carrying the heavenly temple, and the other half were climbing up and making limestone powder.

It was the golems' job to grind and grind rocks and work hard with tireless stamina and overwhelming strength.

I worked tirelessly day and night, and the sheep piled up enormously, and Jungdown made it into cement and stored it in his belongings.

“Wow, how much is all this? At this rate, we'll have to build a building. No, why don't we put all this in water and put it in your belongings? ”

Suddenly, I had a good idea.

What if we took out a dirt brick and threw this cement dough at the monsters, just like we attacked the monsters?

Cement was basically an adhesive.

If an extremely heavy adhesive is attached to the monsters' bodies, wouldn't it be a great way to attack them, preventing their movement speed and movement?

Even the rabbit who heard the plan nodded with a soft look.

[That's not a very good idea.]

“Isn't that right?"

Meanwhile, Alpha noticed and expressed his opinion.

“Don't rush me. I'll start with an anvil. ”

“Yes, I will now. There's only one final step left in the grand scheme. ”

Finally, the final process of anvil construction, the time has come to melt the iron.

“Actually, this is the hottest and toughest thing. Ugh!”


I had to work in front of a really hot fire, so I threw myself out of work early.

His figure was quite firm.

Although fat was always made fun of by rabbits, it was compared to regular participants who were starving everywhere, and the proper muscles with fluids looked good.

[I'm lazy. I don't have abs.]

“What are you talking about! For a man, fine muscles and tight tendons are more important than abs! ”

[It's just a muscle in a furnace. Sad muscle in the world!]

“Yes, I'm sorry. Stop being angry. ”

[Hmph. Two more days will piss me off.]

It was a tightly stuffed rabbit eating his dick.

However, his jaw was still puffy.


[Oh, don't laugh! It's really spicy!]

The bunny's eyeball held its smile close and first put a kiln of baked soil on top of the brazier to make an iron basket for the iron.

As I made it, it suddenly became like an essence with a living water can.

It was very crude to look at.


You pour the shells of iron clams into the kiln.

For reference, iron melts at about 1500 degrees.

In fact, what was harder than raising the temperature tightly was keeping it steady until the armor had melted evenly.

Last minute work has begun.