Let a person in the ice and snow, almost motionless adhere to more than ten hours, this is absolutely a very deadly thing.

But Shang Lige doesn't matter, just like she was born to do this.

Gu mingchuang has been walking for nine hours. In addition to the time when she came here in the early morning of this morning, she has been lurking here for more than ten hours.

As for how Shang Lige sticks to it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that when she scans ahead every two hours, she always finds something different.

It is said that in this kind of snowy and uninhabited field, the world is full of white snow besides white snow. Even if you run through a white rabbit, I'm afraid you won't be noticed.

However, that's just the idea of ordinary people. Shang Lige found nine carefully changed places in the last two scans.

Shang Lige slowly put down the telescope, thin lips evoke a sneer.

After more than nine hours of lurking and observation, she can now basically confirm that there are nine secret sentries lurking in the snow right in front of her and on both sides.

Not everyone who lurks in the snow for a long time has the patience and ability of Shang Lige.

As for the back of the mound that Shang Lige couldn't see, she didn't think about it at all: since she couldn't see the back of the mound, how could they find her even if there were 100000 soldiers and generals lying in ambush there?

Therefore, Shang Lige didn't worry about the back of the mound at all. Instead, he closed his eyes and immediately came up with the precise positions of the nine secret sentries in his mind, figuring out what kind of attack to take in order to pull them out quietly.

Shang Lige lurks very hard, but she knows that other lurks are just as bitter, and they lurk aimlessly. No one knows when someone will come here.

The most important thing is that even if they change shifts, they have to wait until late at night. Otherwise, if others see someone lurking here, their previous efforts will be wasted.

After careful calculation for several times, Shang Lige felt that he could kill the nine secret sentries in silence. Then he completely calmed down and closed his eyes to have a rest.

Shanglige should have a good rest before the night, so as to have a full spirit.

Soon, with Shang Lige's eyes closed, the world of snow fell into endless white again.


Jaskov, 32, is at the golden age of his life.

In the past, when King Zeus "ruled" Mount Olympus, jeskov was a member of the guard camp, but his performance at that time was not very conspicuous, so he was always unknown.

At last, as if he had seen the sun and the moon through the dark clouds, the arrival of Chai wanton made him see great hope.

In particular, the two commanders of the guard camp all died one after another, so like many people, jeskov aimed at this position, eager to attract Chai wanton's attention with a wonderful performance, so as to improve his status.

Jeskov didn't wait too long, so the chance came... Zeus the great Chai imprisoned Zeus to wolf's eye, just to use her as bait to "catch" some people.

If anyone has made remarkable achievements in this "fishing" operation, then the vacant position of commander will probably fall on him.

Jeskov was very clever. He saw that Chai Wanfang had been hanging the position of the leader of the guard camp empty all the time. The purpose was to lure everyone to compete for the position with wonderful performance.

Jeskov understood Chai wantonly used this way to control his subordinates. After all, he knew the simple truth that "you have to pay as much as you want.".

Moreover, jeskov has already determined that with the unique terrain of wolf eye, once someone comes to rescue Zeus, the result will be 100% broken.

Although the ambush also has great danger, once it is successful, the benefits it receives are also beyond value, so he enthusiastically signed up to participate in the fishing operation.

Of course, he is not the only one who holds the idea of jaskov. There are twenty-three others. Maybe, maybe more.

The word "maybe more" is used here because jaskov only knows that there are twelve people lurking around wolf's eye, but he doesn't know who else constitutes a fishing net, a net that will never let fish escape.

Two hours ago, after a little movement of his numb limbs, jesskov closed his eyes and calculated how long it would take to take over.

This time, a total of 24 people signed up to participate in the lurking.

The twenty-four men were divided into two groups, each group of twelve people, and they were ambushed in the snow nest under the wolf's eye in four directions. From 0 o'clock the day before yesterday to the early morning of the next day, it was a shift.

So far, it's jaskov's second 24-hour incubation.

Just now, while moving his limbs, jeskov once looked at his pocket watch. He knew that it was only about three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was nine hours before zero the next day.

Thinking of staying here for another nine hours, jeskov felt like he wanted to collapse. He was looking forward to getting there quickly, and he was ambivalent. He hoped that time would go slower, because only when he was on duty here could he catch those "fish" and make contributions, right?

Therefore, this kind of contradictory mood makes jeskov hope that the fish will appear soon, or save him from this kind of waiting in advance, so he prays in his heart: "God, may you bless me, so that I can catch the fish first when I open my eyes!"

In fact, jeskov did not believe in God, but like all the people of Olympus, he believed in King Zeus, even if he became Chai wanton now.

But this time he began to pray to God for the first time, because before that, he had prayed to two Zeus kings, but he didn't receive the desired effect.

Since King Zeus was no longer "effective", before praying, jeskov changed to pray to God, hoping that the Legendary God could pity him and bring him hope.

Maybe jeskov's sincerity finally moved the God, maybe he was a blind cat and met a dead mouse... But anyway, his prayer played a role when it was getting dark.

Just as jeskov opened his eyes and moved his paralyzed limbs again, he heard a very slight rustle behind him. At the same time, he felt the thermal reactor in his hand, which also vibrated rapidly!

"Someone's coming!"

After clearly feeling the vibration of the reactor, jeskovsky was filled with great happiness and excitement.

He knew: if it was just a small animal like a hare, it was not enough for the thermal reactor to respond, and this time period was not the time to take over, it would only mean that there was a fish to take the bait... Although the fish's action was so careful that it almost completely concealed his ear power, it did not conceal the thermal reactor.

The great excitement after the fish suddenly took the bait didn't make jeskov lose his mind. He didn't suddenly jump out of the snow nest, but

What is it?

Jaskov wanted to do something as he imagined, but his thinking stopped suddenly at this moment.

Because his mouth was covered by a hand, at the same time, a thin and fast sharp knife pierced the snow on his body, accurately penetrated between the third and fourth ribs under his left rib, and immediately inserted into his heart, making his heart thump a few times, and then slowly calm.


After dark, it snowed even more. Because of the terrain, the wind around wolf's eye was also strong, which made the snowflakes hover rapidly in mid air.

Shang Lige squatted on the side of the snow without moving. After confirming that jeskov would never make a sound again, he released his mouth and slowly pulled the knife out of his body.

As the knife slowly pulled out, the red blood also dyed the white snow red, and melted some, but soon it was covered with new snow mixed with whistling, and no red could be seen.

After successfully solving the first secret sentry, Shang Lige didn't rush to attack the second secret sentry, but squatted there for more than ten minutes before slowly moving to the left.

Shang Lige kills people with disturbing ink.

But this is the most terrible.

Shang Lige slowly moved to the second secret sentry, quietly.

Don't say it's night time, and there's a snowstorm affecting your sight. I'm afraid that even in a sunny day, it's not satisfactory to see the moving shanglige.

There's no way. Shang Lige may not be as flirtatious as Chai Murong and others, but when it comes to killing people, those girls are not worthy to tie up and carry her shoes.


After dinner, Chai Fangsi slowly takes off his napkin from his neck, grabs the mask on his left hand side and carefully puts it on his face again.

In the past, Chai Fang Si usually had an early rest after dinner.

According to the laws of nature, the real way to maintain one's health is to work at sunrise and rest at sunrise. Chai Fangsi knew this very well when he was an official in China.

But this evening, he didn't want to rest so early, because he remembered that he hadn't seen Skynet for a long time.

Chai Fangsi himself can't deny that among the people he wants to kill most, Skynet should be the one behind Chu Yang.

However, because of the need for Skynet's strong assistance, Chai Fangsi naturally refused to kill this powerful eunuch.

When he thought of calling Skynet "gelogou," Chai Fangsi was proud for a moment, but he immediately changed his mind.

Because Chai wanton is a eunuch now. What's the qualification of elder brother to laugh at the second brother? It can only be said that they are birds of a feather.

Of course, Chai Fangsi suddenly wanted to see Skynet, which was not aimless. He thought of what Zeus told him: now there are too many leaders and politicians in Mayan new city. If he can get in and control them smoothly, it will be equivalent to controlling most of the world.

Control most of the world?

Hehe, it seems that Caesar, Alexander and others, who are the most powerful in the history of the world, did not achieve this, did they?