To tell the truth, Han Fang is still a good person in essence.

In the past, when he relied on the Xie family in Jinghua, he never bullied anyone. What's more, he didn't act arrogantly when he expected to have a few stinky money in his hand.

Generally speaking, Han Fang is a gentleman except when he does something that is not done by a gentleman

Especially after seeing Han Fang's miserable picture, Chu Yang doesn't have much hatred for him, otherwise he won't smile and say: "ha ha, you finally want to understand?"

Han Fang's face, wrapped in white cloth, also showed a flower like smile: "yes, I finally want to understand. I survived this time. It can be said that God is very kind. Chu Yang, in fact, there is no deep hatred between us, right? "

"Yes, if you don't use Ruan LINGJI to coerce me any more, then there won't be any unhappiness between us."

When Chu Yang mentioned the name Ruan LINGJI, his face didn't change much, as if he was talking about a stranger.

Chu Yang's reaction made Han Fang feel a little puzzled. He couldn't help asking: "I believe you already know why Ruan LINGJI followed me to Maya new town?"

Chu Yang nodded: "I know, she wants to take advantage of your idea of Maya new town to see how much weight she has in my heart."

Han Fang said, "yes, can you tell me whether your attitude towards her will change after this incident?"

Chu Yang affirmed: "of course it will change."

Without waiting for Han Fang to say anything, Chu Yang went on: "however, I don't think it's only her fault. After all, she is young and easily confused when she is confronted with external resistance."

Han Fang then asked, "what are you going to do to her?"

Chu Yang asked, "what do you want me to do to her?"

Han Fang was stunned and shook his head slowly: "I don't know, but I know very well that I don't have any confidence to compete with you."

Chu Yang stood up from the chair: "women are not robbed, but rely on their own charm.". If you have enough ability, you can take all the women around me. "

Han fangshai said with a smile, "are you going to leave now?"

Chu Yang turned around and said, "if you are a beautiful woman, I don't mind spending the night with you, but you are not."

After thoroughly "enlightening" Han Fang, Chu Yang also had a little pride: Although he never paid attention to Han Fang, after all, if he had fewer enemies, there would be fewer walls, and he would always guard against him, so tired.

Han Fang said with deep feeling in his eyes: "in the next life, maybe I will be a woman."

Chu Yang shivered all over: "then I'd better be a woman, ha ha!"

Chuyang low laughter, very natural and unrestrained raised his right hand to swing: "go!"

"Let's go if we say so. Let's rush into Kyushu. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Someone in Chu's heart hummed the song of a hero, and went to the door of the ward with high spirits. He just reached for the doorknob, but the door was opened from the outside.

The first thing that catches Chu Yang's eyes is a large collection of white carnations, and the second thing is a pretty face that is charming and painful


Following Mrs. han to take the elevator to the corridor of intensive care unit, Xie Yaotong's heart suddenly starts beating rapidly for no reason.

"Maybe it's because I'm about to see him, so I'm a little nervous? After all, we have been husband and wife for several years. I can visit him when he is in trouble, which means that I have forgiven him for his past. However, if Chu Yang knew, what would he think? Well, I don't care. Anyway, I just came to see him! "

Xie Yaotong muttered this sentence in his heart. After staying at the elevator door for a while, he quickly followed Mrs. Han.

Mrs. Han didn't seem to notice Xie Yaotong's dullness at all. She just walked gracefully to the intensive care unit first. Then she stopped and turned around and said to Dongzi in a low voice: "Dongzi, who is this? Don't I introduce you? If she comes to see the young master in the future, you must not stop her. "

When Dongzi went to the Han family as a bodyguard, Xie Yaotong had not married Han Fang.

It can be said that although Dongzi is only a bodyguard in the Han family, he is also an old man. At ordinary times, people in the Han family value him very much.

However, Dongzi used to work in the Han family. Only after Han Fang had an accident did he accompany his wife to the western regions.

Since Dongzi is an old man of the Han family, he has no reason not to know Xie Yaotong.

In fact, when he saw Xie Yaotong coming with Mrs. Han, Dongzi took two of his subordinates and made a gesture of "welcome". After smiling, he said, "yes, madam, I understand."

"Well, you go in, demon pupil. I'll go to the bathroom first."

With a complicated smile in her eyes, Mrs. Han went directly into the opposite bathroom.

"Well, it seems that my aunt still hopes that I can get together with Han Fang. Unfortunately, I'm doomed to let her down. This time I come to see Han Fang, it's just for my previous love."

Xie Yaotong sighed softly in his heart, nodded to Dongzi with a smile, and then pushed open the door of the intensive care unit.

Before he decided to come to see Han Fang, Xie Yaotong saw him. As for the expression on his face, he had no less than ten kinds of fantasies, including surprise, surprise, anger and so on.

However, Xie Yaotong is sure that no matter what expression Han Fang will make, she will treat him with a kind of attitude: just ask him a light Hello, show some concern, and then turn around and go.

However, the fact is far beyond Xie Yaotong's expectation. When she pushes open the door of the ward, she doesn't know how to say the first sentence clearly. Then she sees a person, who she would rather slap herself 10000 times than see in this place.

This person is sister Yaotong's old lover, Mr. Chu Yang.

After seeing that Chu Yang suddenly appeared behind the door, Xie Yaotong's face suddenly brushed white and said: "Chu, Chu Yang!"

God can testify for Xie Yaotong. She came to see Han Fang this time just for the sake of the past. She expressed her concern after he was injured.

Generally speaking, Xie Yaotong's behavior, if put on others, is not shameful. After all, it's just an ordinary interpersonal relationship: who stipulates that two people can't show concern for each other after divorce?

But the key problem is that Xie Yaotong's situation seems to be a bit tangled: she used to be Han Fang's wife, and after she divorced Han Fang, she hooked up with Chu Yang. At present, the relationship between the two men seems to be very discordant. Han Fang was plotted against in the western region Province, which is probably what Chu Yang did.

If this calculation, then Xie Yaotong as Chu Yang's woman, at this time even if not on his side, but also not convenient to visit Han Fang.

But in fact, Xie Yaotong has come to see Han Fang secretly.

If no one knows, Xie Yaotong will come. Afterwards, even if Chu Yang knows, he can't say what he doesn't want to come.

But the key problem is, after Xie Yaotong pushes the door of the ward, she sees Chu Yang... In this way, she quietly comes to see Han Fang's behavior, what will Chu Yang think?

Even if you are a fool, you should also say: after seeing Xie Yaotong come to see Han Fang secretly (don't forget that no one knows she came to Xiyu province), Chu Yang can't say very angry words, but he must be as uncomfortable as eating a fly. This is absolute!

So, Xie Yaotong just after seeing Chu Yang, immediately had the embarrassment of blackening in front of his eyes.

"Chu Yang, I, I..."

Xie Yaotong murmured, and suddenly an idea rose in his mind: I know, I know! All this is aunt's plot! She clearly knew that Chu Yang was here, but she didn't remind me. She flashed by the reason of going to the bathroom. The purpose was to put me in this situation. I hope I was misunderstood by Chu Yang! Auntie, you are so cruel!


Once there was a sincere love in front of you, but you didn't cherish it. Wait until you lose time to regret, the most painful thing in the world than this. If God can give you a chance to do it again, you may say "no separation" to that person. If you have to add a deadline before these three words, then you hope it will be 10000 years, right?

I don't know why, after seeing Xie Yaotong, who is holding a large number of flowers, appear at the door of Han Fang's ward, Chu Yang suddenly has these nonsense words in his mind.

With these thoughts in his heart, Chu Yang's eyes when he looks at elder sister Xie are also strange, just like the smile on his face, just like the man's version of Mona Lisa: pretending to be more profound.

Chu Yang and Xie Yaotong met for more than ten seconds at most, but he felt that it was so long after several centuries, and he felt a little chilly: you came to see your ex husband secretly behind my back! Ha ha, ha ha, is this a satire for me?

Chu Yang wants to smile very much. He pretends he doesn't mind. After laughing, he says hello to Xie Yaotong: Hi, are you here?

However, when he cracked his mouth and laughed, he was so hard that he just jerked a few times.

After seeing Chu Yang like this, Xie Yaotong's already pale face became more pale. He quickly said, "Chu Yang, I, I just came to see Han Fang. I..."

After Xie Yaotong talks, Chu Yang's spirits, which are floating around, suddenly attach themselves again, making him normal in an instant.

After a natural shrug, chuyang's face was covered with a smile like a spring breeze. He said faintly, "ha ha, you also come to see Hanfang. If we had known that, we should have come together. That would have made us more sincere, wouldn't it? "

Without waiting for Xie Yaotong to say anything, Chu Yang wiped her body and went out: "but Han Fang and I have said what we should say, so I won't disturb you. Let's go first."

"Chu Yang, you, you stop!"

I don't know what to say. Xie Yaotong turns around and grabs Chu Yang's arm. He wants to explain to him in detail: I come here to see Han Fang, just to see him, not as you think!

However, Chu Yang did not give her this opportunity.