Looking at Huang Dongdong with a thirst for knowledge, Chu Yang said with a smile, "we are revealing a buried history. Unfortunately, no one believes it even if we say it."

Huang Dongdong licked his lips and said, "as long as you drive out these tanks, you can win the trust of others."

"It's not good for me. I'm not going to do that."

After shrugging his shoulders, Chu Yang stared at the scrawled Russian and read in a low voice: "today is December 21, 1947. The 9800 officers and men who participated in the construction of the secret ammunition depot have been withdrawn from the construction site where they have been working for more than two years since 1 a.m. this morning in 49 batches. Lieutenant samaraf and I did not participate in the withdrawal, Instead, he led the third platoon to take care of the aftermath, and will withdraw from the entrance of the underground river before dawn tomorrow. "

After reading here, Chu Yang asked Huang Dongdong, "do you see the entrance of the underground river that hasn't been drained yet?"

Huang Dongdong shook his head: "you don't know, I don't know. Ah, what he said about the entrance of the underground river, and he also deliberately mentioned the entrance of the underground river without water. Should it be the place where I woke up just now? Didn't you tell me where we came from? "

"Well, it should be there. How could I forget it?"

Chuyang nodded and continued to read: "during the retreat of those troops, my deputy lieutenant samaraf once asked major mimore of the 49th group of retreaters, and learned that these people would go directly to Czechoslovakia and reorganize into the 501 field division after going out."

Anyone familiar with world history generally knows that on August 20, 1968, the former Soviet Union gathered about 300000 troops from Poland, democratic Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria to attack Czechoslovakia. It took only six hours for the former Soviet Union to occupy the whole territory of the country.

In fact, many people don't know that 20 years ago, there was a small-scale war over territorial disputes between the two countries.

The reason why this is a small-scale war is only compared with the World War II, in which hundreds of millions of people were killed and injured.

In fact, in this war, the number of casualties on both sides reached about 70000, including more than 47000 in Czechoslovakia and more than 23000 in the former Soviet Union. The 501 division, which was changed by mechanized forces, was ambushed by the other party's four main divisions when it seized Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, with more than 9000 people in the whole division, Including major general moslev, all of them died for their country. Since then, the 501 Division has been completely removed from the Soviet Red Army.

For this war, which was hard covered up by the former Soviet authorities, because soon after World War II, all countries were repairing their vitality, and no country had enough to stand up and do justice for the poor Czechoslovakia, which made the contradiction not resolved. 20 years later, a large-scale war broke out again between the two countries.

Chu Yang and Huang Dongdong had seen the war which seemed to be a flash in the pan in the last century in the secret documents of the relevant departments in China. At that time, they still wondered: why was it not included in the military history of other countries? Did all countries in the world give Stalin face at that time?

However, they did not expect that the 501 division, which was totally destroyed in Czechoslovakia, was reorganized by the construction forces that built Mount Olympus.

The builders of Mount Olympus, the secret research base listed as a top secret and not allowed to be disclosed, and the 501 division destroyed by the whole army... As long as a person with a brain can connect these data, he can vaguely realize that there should be a dirty black hand behind the destruction of the whole army.

It was this black hand that led to the destruction of nearly ten thousand builders.

However, just in order to keep this secret arsenal of heavy weapons, is it necessary for the former Soviet government to exterminate nearly 10000 officers and men by means of war?

Chu Yang and Huang Dongdong were puzzled when they thought of it.

Huang Dongdong knew what Chu Yang was thinking, so he stretched out his hand and turned to the next one for him: "I think it's a coincidence that the whole army of the 501 Division has been destroyed, isn't it? Even if Stalin killed decisively, there was no need to send the whole army to hell in order to strictly keep a secret. "

Chu Yang shook doubtfully and said, "I think so too. But the destruction of nearly ten thousand divisions in a war is absolutely a major event in the world military history. Even if all countries were busy with construction at that time, there is no reason why the injured countries should not stand up and shout, but why did they just pass quietly?"

After a little sigh, Chu Yang began to read the following: "after seeing major mimore off, Lieutenant samarraf came back and asked me why he wanted to reorganize us into the 501 division and go to Czechoslovakia? I said I didn't know. So he asked me again, why do you always feel dizzy, in a trance and like to lose your temper in the last six months? I said maybe it's because I often work underground and seldom see sunshine, plus lack of oxygen? He shook his head and said, "No

When Chu Yang read here, he wrote less than half of the paper, there was no more words, but a blank, and turned to the next page strangely.

Huang Dongdong's eyes had been staring at the paper, so when Chu Yang turned to the next page, he saw what was written on it first.

This page, only one line of words, translated into Chinese is: strange disease, infectious, people feel trance, easy to go crazy and often feel dizzy strange disease!

Chu Yang also saw this line of words and read it out in a low voice. Then he was stunned: "strange disease? What kind of strange disease can make people often dizzy, and in a trance, easy to go crazy? "

"Is that what Lieutenant..." after Huang Dongdong said here, his face turned white and urged: "look at the next one quickly!"

Chu Yang quickly turned to the last one.

The top of this page is full of even more scribbled handwriting.

Chu Yang seemed to feel that the light was a little dim, so he leaned under his nose and read: "Lieutenant samaraf told me that the strange feeling of the construction forces in the past two years was a kind of strange disease, which was caused by long-term inhalation of the gas in the cave. Nierpova, a military medical expert, named the disease" love of death. ", This kind of disease can be transmitted through the air. In the first two years, the sick people will only feel in a trance and easily lose their temper. However, in another 13 months at most, they will have a strong illusion and regard the people around them as bloody monsters without human skin... "

After reading this, Chu Yang shivered. Now he has a faint sense of why the former Soviet government reorganized the attacked troops into the 501st division, and sent them to the battlefield, resulting in their total annihilation.

It is very likely that the government of the former Soviet Union, after checking out the symptoms of the engineering forces but failing to find a treatment plan for the disease, will not take the worst measures in order to avoid infection.

At this time, Huang Dongdong also wanted to understand this point. She just had a little bloody face and turned pale again, but then she returned to normal: if Chu Yang hadn't come to save me, I would have died. Even if she had inhaled the gas from the ten thousand year cave, she would have died in two years, and it would be a profit. What's more, we should soon find a way out and get out of here.

After thinking about this, Huang Dongdong's heart slowly calmed down, and instead of chuyang's hard work, he read on: "after listening to lieutenant samarraf's words, my heart suddenly cooled. I thought of my 13-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son. I love them. I love their mother more. However, in order not to let them catch the disease, I must never visit them. Lieutenant samaraf thought the same way, otherwise he would not have been so calm. He took out a box of vodka and told me to celebrate for our lovely family while we were still in normal spirits. "

Hearing Huang Dongdong's translation, Chu Yang's face returned to normal, and then read on: "all 23 of us drank 35 bottles of high vodka, and we were all drunk... I was the first one to wake up. When I woke up, I didn't find my dear comrades in arms. I just saw a bloody monster lying on the ground without human skin. "

"You, you read on in a low voice." Huang Dongdong grasped Chu Yang's arm at this time.

Chu Yang nodded and said in a low voice: "I know that these are not monsters. They are my comrades in arms who live together day and night. This is just my mental disorder. Although I am so afraid now, I feel that all this is so real in front of me. It seems that these monsters will stand up and tear me to pieces and eat me in the next moment."

Huang Dongdong subconsciously looked out, and his body began to shake, as if he heard a faint "Ho Ho" cry.

But Chu Yang was not affected. Instead, he continued to read: "I don't need to ask at all. I know that when they wake up, they will have the illusion of me, and tear all the" monsters "to pieces according to what I most want to do at this time... We really shouldn't drink. At least we can live longer, but we have already drunk, And with the permission of my supreme commander. So I have to take this responsibility and let these dear comrades in arms stay in their sleep forever. At least they can't see the scene that makes them crazy. "

Although Chu Yang's voice was very low, it was very clear in the extremely quiet space, as if he was the one who wrote this: "so, I picked up the gun and pointed it at them... Without ten minutes, I sent all 23 people, including lieutenant samalav, to heaven. Yes, they were shot and killed by me in their sleep. They should have gone to heaven. But what about me? Who's going to take me to heaven? Maybe I'm the only one? "

Thinking of the scene that this man killed his comrades in arms, even Chu Yang could be regarded as a murderer, but he could not help shivering: "really cruel."

Huang Dongdong looked at Chu Yang, nodded and said: "yes, it's cruel enough."

Chu Yang discontented said: "you don't look at me to say these, I mean the person who wrote these."