The biggest wish of the two lions now is to have a good meal.

So after tearing No. 4's throat, he didn't attack the other six, but ate hard there.

However, Chai Fangsi obviously didn't want them to have a meal safely, so he gave orders to attack No. 3 and No. 5 at the same time.

So, No. 3 and No. 5 set foot on the journey of death without hesitation. They took out all their abilities and died under the kiss of a lion.

When the two lions killed three people, the remaining four biochemical people were all driven by Chai wantonly... This time, the four people persisted for a full minute before they were completely solved by the two fierce lions.

Seven people were killed by lions. The whole fighting field was full of blood. Some of the more than ten staff members had begun to vomit.

But Chai wanton's eyes are shining at this time. He is now convinced that Stephen's research is really successful!

"Well, very well, Stephen, you've made a great contribution to me this time, ha ha!"

Chai Fangsi patted Stephen on the shoulder, then looked up to the sky and laughed: if we find some skilled people to control, what kind of effect will it have if we let them deal with the two lions, or the enemy?

Of course, the "training" of biochemical soldiers is not as simple as pressing a controller on him or her. He may also have to take some chemical drugs for them, but Chai Wanfang doesn't care about these. He only needs to have a number of biochemical soldiers all over the world. That's enough!

After being patted on the shoulder by the great king Zeus, Stephen felt as if his bones were lighter. While he was trying to figure out what to say, a red light was on in the right corner of the arena, and then a siren sounded: blah, blah

After Chai Fangsi took control of Olympus mountain, he let Skynet install alarm bells in every corner of the building: once the enemy was found, the alarm bell would ring, and everyone on the mountain would be on guard.

After hearing the alarm, Stephen's face changed: "someone's coming to attack Olympus!"

Different from Stephen's nervousness, after the alarm rang, Chai Fangsi was not very excited. He just looked up and said, "chuyang, why are you here at this time? Don't you know that this is the most vigilant moment when I have just established my mind? Hehe, since you're here, don't leave! "


On the night when Olympus was destroyed, although there were no three main characters, King Zeus, Queen Hera and Hestia, someone saw the scene when Hestia was swept into the Kura river by the waves, so everyone took it for granted that Hestia must be dead after falling into the Kura river. As for King Zeus and queen Hera, Maybe he had been buried under the ruins for a long time. Even if he escaped by fluke, his vitality was greatly damaged. Even if he wanted to counterattack the Olympus mountain which was controlled by Chai wantonly, it was just like a fool's dream.

What's more, after a month's consolidation, the current Olympus mountain has been completely controlled by Chai Fangsi, and it will never appear in the scene of kukurkan Pyramid: because of the defeat to Chu Yang, the class will be "ended in dismay" and all efforts will be wasted.

So, after hearing the alarm ring, Chai Fansi decided reflexively: This is Chu Yang. Hum, if you're not in Huaxia to build a new Maya city for me, but if you come here to make trouble, don't go. Anyway, I just let you


It is often said that problems solved with money and beauty are not problems.

In fact, almost all the problems in the world are completed under the impetus of the two.

Chai Fangsi was very clear about this, so after he took control of Olympus, he immediately implemented the regulations with clear rewards and punishments: any "citizen" who makes mistakes will be punished by exaggeration.

Similarly, all meritorious people will be given super value money beauty.

This is the so-called heavy reward and heavy punishment. It can also be said that Chai Fangsi's knack for quickly controlling Olympus.

Human nature is originally greedy and selfish. After Chai wantonly implemented the carrot and stick policy, these citizens in the reign of King Zeus quickly abandoned their most important beliefs and became slaves of money and beauty. They all dreamed of working hard for the new king Zeus, dying in exchange for the material encouragement they needed.

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. This is not just a saying, but when and where to put it, there is a market, and Olympus is no exception.

From this we can see: belief is valuable, but in the face of material, it is still vulnerable!

As a result, when the "invasion of foreign enemies" alarm rings, all citizens eager to be rewarded for their meritorious deeds, like bulls beaten with chicken blood, rush out with staring eyes and howling.

What's the meaning of uniting as one and cutting off gold?

Look at the present Olympus mountain to know: when two strangers disguised as maids were found, they immediately fell into a heavy siege.

To tell you the truth, although these two men are very good and have really hurt dozens of people, those citizens who are enslaved by money and beauty are still excited to rush on them, just like the waves in the sea, wave after wave, regardless of their bullets and fists... No one will be afraid in front of money and beauty. This is a fact.

People often say: even if a person is more powerful, how many nails do he have?

To date, these two invaders are more powerful, but are they rivals of thousands of Olympian citizens?

Of course not, so they were captured alive after killing dozens of people. At the moment when they were found, it was doomed.

Had it not been for King Zeus and his family's strict order that the invaders must be captured alive, the two women who pretended to be maids would have been torn to pieces.


"I caught her first!"

"It's me! Can you hold her by the waist without me? "

"Don't argue. If I didn't get a kick from her, would you take advantage of it?"

Several people who held the short false maid in their arms were all fighting with each other.

It seems that he will die here today, but will Chu Yang know?

Huang Dongdong, who is full of blood and exhausted, looks at the bound Kawashima Fangzi after three or four men hold on to his limbs. He suddenly thinks of this problem and has a strange sense of revenge: if I die, you will feel guilty for me all your life. You will never forget me all your life. Maybe you can dream about me every night? Ha ha!

After thinking of this, Huang Dongdong suddenly felt that he had to die at Olympus in exchange for Chu Yang's lifelong guilt. It was definitely a good deal. He wanted to die immediately, so he stuck out his tongue and bit it hard

People always think: love is the most precious thing, for love, you can give up everything except life and family.

Indeed, in the history of human development, there have been a lot of lamentable stories, which are widely recited by people.

But in fact, in addition to the widely publicized stories left behind by those who have gone over for love, what else have they left behind?

What's left is still widely praised, and there's nothing else.

Most of us have to face the reality: work hard to make life more comfortable for ourselves and our family. We will never always be immersed in this great love recitation.

Can love be a meal, a house, a car and a bank card?

Is it true that people live only for love?


People live, is to live well, in any environment must strive to survive!

Try every means, pay all the costs, and strive to live, just like the grass growing under the rock, is an important guarantee and mission for human beings to live and continue civilization!

For example, Huang Dongdong's behavior of using death to prove love is really respectable, but sometimes it's so ridiculous that she will regret it afterwards

"She's going to kill herself!"

Several men holding Huang Dongdong yelled when they saw the girl's tongue sticking out. They raised their hands and pinched her cheek with a little force... In a moment, Miss Huang er's mouth was stuffed with a bloody rag, not to mention biting her tongue to commit suicide. Even if she wanted to protest loudly, she had no right.

Inspired by Huang Dongdong's desire to kill herself by biting her tongue, the man holding Kawashima Fangzi over there didn't put rags in her mouth. He just took the rope to strangle her mouth, just like wearing a bit for a big ocean horse. No matter how much she bit, she didn't want to bite her tongue.

After stopping the two women's suicide, at least seven or eight people pulled them to the new king Zeus who was standing in the distance.

Chai Fang Si was standing under a street lamp, surrounded by the Twelve Gods he had "promoted". He was wearing a golden robe, a golden mask on his face, and standing in the crowd with his hands down. A dozen people who were taller than him could not stop his "peerless demeanor". One could see that he was different at a glance.

Chai Fansi likes this feeling very much, this feeling of "standing out from the crowd", because big people are like this.

Those who pushed and pushed the two women to this side, when they were seven or eight meters away from Chai Wanfang, stopped and bowed to salute: "the great king Zeus, these two people who are beyond their ability sneak into the Olympus mountain and do wrong, now we have caught them!"


Just now, when his subordinates were scrambling to besiege Huang Dongdong and Kawashima Fangzi, Chai Fangsi was watching clearly.

In front of this scene, let Chai wanton is happy and disappointed.

He was glad that these people on Olympus had been completely overthrown by his reward and punishment system, otherwise they would not have attacked the enemy like this one after another.

He was disappointed that there was no one he wanted to see most of the two people he caught.

Today's Chai Fangsi, after his experience in Chinese officialdom, has a deep understanding of human psychology. Although he is disappointed, he still leaps out with his hands on his back. Like a king, he raises his hand with his chin raised high and says softly, "brajim, write down the name of the meritorious man!"