There are many fakes of those famous paintings in history.

However, these two paintings in Chen Yiqing's bedroom, which are facing the bed, should not be fakes.

These two paintings, whether they are paper or hanging shaft, have already had the age-specific dark yellow x color, and the most important thing is that these two paintings are not world famous paintings, and there are no celebrity seals and other things on them... To put it bluntly, there is no value for people to imitate them at all.

The one on the left is an old man riding a donkey. The old man narrowed his eyes, folded his hands in his wide sleeves, slightly drooped his head as if he was asleep, and let the donkey go forward by himself... Although the old man with a high hat narrowed his eyes, Chu Yang had a feeling that the old man was looking down at him on the wall, just now the back of his neck was cold, It's the picture!

An old man in the painting can make the bold Prince of Chu feel cold behind his neck without seeing him. It's really creepy. If ordinary people were replaced, they might have escaped from this room with their heads in their arms.

However, although the old man's painting was very strange, it was not the main reason for Chu Yang's shivering and stupefied on the spot.

What really made Chu Yang Muli feel cold on the spot was another painting on the right wall behind him, which he had seen for many years.

To be exact: Chu Yang once saw it in the illusion!

The painting is a woman, very beautiful, also very strange, especially her eyes, can let people clearly see a very distant era.

In the painting, a large group of barearm slaves are being whipped by soldiers with shields in their left hand and whips in their right hand on the desert barbecue in the scorching sun, bowing their waists and struggling to pull strong ropes along a yellow sand paved road, while the other side of the rope is tied to a huge stone.

This group of slaves dragged the huge stone slowly under the whip. Far away, there was a majestic pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid stood a tall woman.

This woman's whole body is red, even her white towering chest, full and mysterious private place, can see clearly, her whole body is in a kind of colorful Aurora, the whole body radiates circular golden radiation, there are many big birds with five colors and six colors of feathers, circling around her up and down, but on her body, But a white snake is swimming

How could there be a portrait of this woman in Chen Yiqing's bedroom... Chu Yang stares at that woman. When his eyes look at her and they seem to touch each other, he suddenly feels his heart thumping and then jumps.

The heart beats violently, making Chu Yang feel that his whole body is about to burst into countless pieces, unable to breathe at all!

"Ah, ah!" Just when Chu Yang felt extremely scared, he opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but he couldn't utter a syllable. A woman's voice rang from behind him. In the voice, you stood on the grassland and looked around, but you couldn't see anything. It was light but clear: "Chu Yang, what's the matter with you?" In the years of growing up, people have more or less had such a sense of terror once or twice: when they are absolutely conscious and in a dark environment, they want to shout or run away, but they can't move all of a sudden. They can only feel the horror of heart beating violently!

In medicine, this phenomenon is called mental weakness, but in the folk, it is called "ghost pressure".

Compared with the term "neurasthenia", the folk term "ghost pressure body" seems to be a more vivid interpretation of this great fear. It is a fear that even if you are brave enough, you will be scared into a cold sweat.

When someone is "pressed" by a ghost, if you want to get rid of this fear, you have to rely on external forces: as long as someone moves him, or in a word, even a child, you can get rid of the fear.

As for Chu Yang, after seeing the painting, he felt like a ghost: he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make any sound. He wanted to get out of the way, but his hands and feet, including his eyelids, didn't listen to him.

Just when Chu Yang opened his mouth and couldn't say a word, he turned his back to Chen Yiqing, who was lying on the bed. At this time, he turned over and sat up and asked in a low voice, "Chu Yang, what's the matter with you?"

These six words of Chen Yiqing are like the lightning that cuts through the dark clouds and the huge hammer that smashes the dark world, which suddenly pulls Chu Yang back from that terrible illusion.

"Ah, I, I..."

Chu Yang quickly lowered his head and staggered back to the bed. After sitting on the bed, he lay flat on the bed in Chen Yiqing's low voice and pulled down the mosquito net hanging around the corner.

Although Chen Yiqing was very angry with Chu Yang just now, after seeing him like this, he was still shocked. He didn't care to complain about him at all. He pulled the collapsed mosquito net aside, picked up his head and put it on his left leg, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with some cold hands, and said anxiously: "Chu Yang, what's the matter with you?"

Head pillow in Chen Yiqing that very elastic thigh, Chu Yang closed his eyes for a long time, he just opened his eyes dumb voice said: "no, nothing."

"Nothing? It's nothing. You look so pale? " Chen Yiqing touched the man's cheek painfully and turned on the lamp switch at the head of the bed across the mosquito net.

When the lamp on the ceiling and the desk lamp are on, Chen Yiqing's room, which just made Chu Yang feel gloomy, suddenly has more vitality.

"It's really nothing. Maybe I just went to hell." Chu Yang sat up and looked at the opposite wall again with some palpitations.

When Chu Yang looked at the two paintings again, they were just two.

One picture shows an old man riding a donkey, and the other one shows a very strange and beautiful woman. Apart from that, there is no special phenomenon, just two simple pictures.

Following Chu Yang's eyes, Chen Yiqing also looks at the two paintings.

Although Chen Yiqing sat behind Chu Yang, he could not see the expression on his face at this time, but he could feel his palpitation, and his heart suddenly moved: "Chu Yang, do you think there is something strange in these two paintings? Or, what do you see in these two paintings? "

Chu Yang's biggest wish at this time was to escape from the room. Even if he sat by the spring on the top of the hill for a night, he didn't want to stay here for a while.

However, this guy is also a very strong person, especially when he is guarding a woman. If he is still so scared when he is sober, what face will he have to call the boss in the future?

Therefore, Chu Yang didn't run out, but after biting his teeth, he turned to seize Chen Yiqing's shoulders and said in a low voice, "tell me first, where did you get these two paintings from?"

Chen Yiqing rubbed Chu Yang's cheek and said in a soft voice, "I don't know where the two paintings came from, because this house is the old house of our Chen family. It's at least 70 or 80 years since now. It's a building before liberation. My grandfather existed when he was a child. Later, my family moved to Mingzhu for some reasons. As for me, I grew up there. Only a few years ago, I moved back alone. "

Chu Yang took a deep breath, then nodded: "do you mean that when you move back, these two paintings already exist?"

Chen Yiqing replied: "yes, a few years ago, before I moved back, I thought the old house was in a state of disrepair, and I was going to spend some money to repair it. But when I came back, I found that the house had been kept very good. Even in the ten-year catastrophe of the last century, no one came here to "break four old buildings.". Ha ha, this is due to the respect of local government officials and local residents for Chen Laozu. "

In the last decade of the century, many antiquities were destroyed, and most of them were destroyed. However, some things, especially buildings, were preserved by people of insight. Just like the Forbidden City in Beijing, they should be the biggest four antiques in the world. Why are they so intact?

To put it bluntly, no matter how demagogic that movement may be, the idea of "fear of gods and things" has been handed down in China for thousands of years, which can not be changed by a single movement.

Of course, compared with the Imperial Palace in Beijing, Chen's old house is by no means a grade. However, the local people's respect for him has reached a very high level, so it is still possible to keep such an old house in a small area.

No matter what the person who proposed to protect the old house of the Chen family was thinking on the spot, they were undoubtedly right.

Chen Yiqing said that after seeing that Chu Yang's mood gradually calmed down, she couldn't help saying, "you can smoke. In fact, once in a while, it shouldn't do much harm to others."

Chu Yang did not speak, very obedient took out a cigarette to light on a, as if the beggar picked up a roast chicken, hard to smoke a mouthful.

When the spicy nicotine, in the lung after a circle and row out, Chu Yang's fear in the eyes of a small half, it seems that cigarettes in many times or played a calming role.

After coughing twice in a low voice, Chu Yang said, "I feel much better. Go on."


Chen Yiqing nodded, held Chu Yang's left hand in both hands, sat on the bed with his knees crossed, and said, "after I came back with the title deed, the local government soon handed over the old house to me. I just hired someone to clean it up a little, and then I came in. At that time, I saw these two paintings for the first time, so I didn't know how they came from. "

Chu Yang interjected: "didn't you ask?"


Chen Yiqing said: "at that time, I called my grandfather to ask him. His old man said that these two paintings were hung here when he was a child. He didn't expect that they could be preserved in the ten-year catastrophe. So he was very happy and told me not to move these paintings... So, I didn't move them all the time."