Before the high-level meeting, Chu Yang decided to make Shang Lige the Archbishop of 2012.

Gu mingchuang and Hu Li also agreed. After all, letting Shang Lige play on the road is a suitable job for her.

But these bird people, clearly have a candidate in mind, but they don't want to say it by themselves.

It's just like those men who love vanity and are modest after they marry a beautiful daughter-in-law. They have to be told by other men. It's cunning.

Sure enough, when Chu Yang revealed this meaning, the clever Jin Xi'er immediately proposed to let Shang Lige be the archbishop.

After listening to Shang Lige's words, the heads of the other departments were shocked at first, but then they all understood and nodded in agreement.

Although the heads of these departments are not as good at "Guessing" as Jin Xi'er, which one of them is not clever?

What's more, Chu Yang still controls their happiness for the rest of their lives. Only those who have lost their mind will raise their objection.

On the contrary, it was Shang Lige. After everyone supported her in 2012, she immediately got up and shook her hands: "no, no! I, I can't do it. It's OK for you to ask me to fight and kill, but if you let me shoulder such a heavy task, I don't have the ability at all. Chu Yang, you'd better have another... "

Without waiting for Shang lige to finish, Chu Yang grabbed her hand: "Jiu Er, you are now Chu's daughter-in-law, my wife. You'd better learn to take some responsibility for me. I believe you can

Now some of Chu's wives manage the domestic industry for him, or provide help (or convenience) to him in the army or the police. Everyone plays an indispensable role in him. Shang lige is very clear and helpless about this, because she always feels that she is just a killer, and she has no other use except doing something in secret.

When a person feels that he is of little use, he will feel inferior.

Especially after Shang Lige became Chu Yang's wife, if she didn't change, she would feel inferior in front of Chai Murong and others.

She knew this very well, so she had to be a useful person to Chu Yang. Now, there is such an opportunity.

In Chu Yang's encouraging eyes, Shang Lige was stunned for a moment, then clenched his hand, nodded and said, "well, I don't think I'll let you down."

Chuyang let go of her hand with a smile: "you never let me down, never before, never again."

The sweet talk between men and women is not as good as that of a man who keeps a large group of people praising his woman. This is a fact that can not be refuted, otherwise jiuer elder sister would not feel passionate immediately.


In 2012, Shang Lige was here, which was the end of Chu Yang's biggest heart trouble. No one knew better than him that jiuer would do what he wanted.

In 2012, the heads of various departments also saw it, and then secretly made up their mind that they must please the new archbishop in the future, and strive to be freed from the ice age as soon as possible.

After a simple and warm celebration, Shang Lige has become the new archbishop of 2012 from now on, which also proves that Chu has countless human and material resources, so that his eyes are smiling, which makes Gu mingchuang despise him once in his heart.

In fact, in real life, a lot of people who have no confidence, as long as they get a "I believe you can do it" from the person they love deeply, then they will be confident and courageous.

Less gossip, more books.

After the leaders of various departments sincerely expressed their loyalty to Shang Lige in the way of Maya, Chu Yang continued his plan: "ladies and gentlemen, who can tell us what are the five major predictions of Maya prophecy, and what is the most important one?"

Now that they are at the top of 2012, they naturally know what the five major predictions of Maya prophecy are.

Seeing that Jin Xi'er is going to stand up again, Hu Yeo doesn't want to let this woman take away all the limelight. He has to say anything first to please the great God and trust the archbishop.

So he quickly raised his right hand, stood up and said: "to the great God, the five great Mayan prophecies, the ancient Mayan evil prophesied their own destruction. It predicts that our generation will have high-tech such as airplanes and automobiles. He predicted that there would be a man like Hitler in modern times, and predicted the date of his birth and death. The fourth prediction is that our generation will end in the fifth solar age. The last prediction is that December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world. "

The five predictions Hu Yeo said can now be easily searched on the Internet.

However, no one can be sure whether the predictions of the Mayans for thousands of years are accurate or not. However, through the tests of scientists in recent years, it is also clear that there will be a big change in the world in 2012.

So, in theory, the authenticity of the five predictions left by the ancient Mayans accounts for more than 80%.

No matter whether these predictions were made by the ancient Mayans or not, the first four predictions have now been confirmed. This is also the main reason why all Mayans believe that the plumed serpent god will lead them to a new solar year on December 21 this year.

When they decided to hold the 2012 high-level meeting, Chu Yang and others had already looked at the five predictions in detail and saw the opportunity, so they asked this question at this time.

"Very well, high priest hueo's answer is correct." Chuyang smiles at huyeo with satisfaction. The latter suddenly feels that he is full of boundless fighting spirit

First, he aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and with a "kind" face, he easily eliminated the last fear in their hearts. Then Chu Yang gradually revealed his true face: "just now our high priest accurately said the five predictions of the ancient Maya, and we all know that the first four predictions have been realized. That's why I'm worried about the coming of the fifth prediction. Am I right? "

Other countries, especially the people of the eastern countries, basically regard these five predictions of the ancient Mayans as a chatting topic after dinner.

But for 2012's high-level, with the arrival of that day, they really feel uneasy.

Especially when Chu Yang triggered the "light and shadow snake" in the early morning, no one would not believe that December 21, 2012 was the end of the world.

Otherwise, how can Chu Yang cause such a spectacle?

This can only prove that this guy is the real feather snake god!

As long as there is a real feather snake god, then there will be that day!

So, when Chu Yang said frankly that with the approaching of that day, everyone began to panic, and immediately got everyone's approval: "yes, seeing that the end of the world is imminent, we have to ask the great God to save us."

Many people would like to ask Chu Yang: when that day comes, what will you do to lead us through the disaster? Is it true that, as archbishop salasis said, you will only take some virgins to other planets?

But we didn't ask, because... The secret can't be revealed.

You know fear is OK, what I fear most is that you don't know fear!

Someone in Chu's heart gave a secret smile, but his face was serious: "then who can tell me what the fifth prophecy of the ancient Maya prophecy said?"

After the speeches of Jin Xi'er and Hu ye'ao, others want to show it.

No, as soon as chuyang's voice fell, Carlos, the head of the experimental department, stood up and said, "according to the fifth prediction of the ancient Mayans, when time passes to December 121, 2012, it is the end of this human civilization in the Mayan Long calendar. After that, mankind will enter a new civilization that has nothing to do with this civilization. "

Because when he stood up to speak, Carlos forgot to ask the great God to speak first, so he was a little nervous, and he was not strong enough to speak.

But Chu Yang didn't care. He just nodded with a "kind" smile to encourage him to go on.

With the approval of the great God, Carlos was relieved: "according to the scientific prediction, on December 21, 2012, the north and south magnetic poles on the earth will be reversed, which will lead to the arrival of the ice age and flood. However, in the ancient Mayan prophecy, it didn't mention these. It only said that after the sun set that day, it would never rise again. From then on, the world would be covered with great darkness, and the surface temperature would drop to more than minus 100 degrees. If the temperature is extremely low, even the sea water will be frozen, and all creatures on the earth will be frozen to death... By then, only some people in Africa and Western China will survive. "

Over the years, it has been widely spread on the Internet that when the end of the world comes, only people in West China and Africa survive on the whole earth.

That is to say, when the day comes, except for the people in these two places, all the others will die!

And Chu Yang in waste so many words, induced everyone to talk so much, in fact, is to let these people say this most important sentence!

So, after Carlos finished speaking, Chu Yang took the lead and began to applaud, repeatedly exclaiming: "Dr. Carlos said very well, explained very well!"

What's so wonderful about this? I know what he said, and I also know that he forgot to say the mystery of thirteen crystal skeletons. If I were to be the first to say it, it would be even more wonderful than his performance... Many people, when chuyang applauded for Carlos, scoffed at him and regretted not standing up to speak.

Carlos really didn't expect that if he didn't have any innovation, he would be so valued by the great God, and immediately he was greatly flattered. He bowed down and saluted the people and showed humility.

Only Gu mingchuang and Hu Li, while clapping, were laughing in secret: you guys, I don't know that you've got into the trap set by Chu Yang for you, and you're still jealous here, ha!

After Carlos sat down in everyone's applause, Chu Yang pressed his hands and motioned everyone to stop clapping: "I'd like to say one thing first. I really like everyone to speak enthusiastically