Cut, you just how old ah, in front of me and I talk about fate, joke!

Chutiantai heard night tassel say that she didn't come with chuyang, which is predestined, so in the heart sneer, very disapproval.

After seeing old Chu's indifferent appearance, yeliusu didn't mind: "ha ha, deputy director Chu, I know you are determined to shut down the security company because you think I'm not worthy to be your daughter-in-law."

After sighing, yeliusu continued: "well, I know that a person of my origin is not worthy to be your daughter-in-law, but I want you to calm down and understand the role of the security company in chuyang. I don't boast that when Chu Yang and the women around him encounter setbacks in Southern Hebei, the security company can always play the role it can play in the first time. I believe you will know this in the future. "

Chutiantai's face changed with the incessant flow of night tassels, and there was no longer disgust in her eyes.

Night tassel stood up from the sofa and walked around with her arms around her: "deputy director Chu, to put it bluntly, the whole security company is a private soldier of your son. If it's not for those of my staff who need this mess, you can disband if you like, I don't care. Ha ha, but in fact I can't do it, because I have to be responsible for my people who have not been able to get on the right path easily. "

Chutiantai lit a cigarette and asked“ What do you want to do? "

"It's very simple. I left the security company, and I think that's what you want to see." Night tassel light said: "but you can't dissolve the company, because it has a very important role for Chu Yang."

Chutiantai didn't say anything, just smothered.

"Well, that's it. I believe deputy director Chu will come up with a correct solution. And I promise you that I'll never show up in front of your son again. That's it. You're busy. Don't disturb me. " Night tassel said, turned to the door.

Looking at the background of the night tassel, chutiantai opens her mouth, but in the end, she doesn't say anything. She just watches her walk out of the office.


After walking out of chutiantai's office, night tassel doesn't go to Liangxin any more, but directly drives back to the security company.

Now that Chu Yang is in the City Council, she doesn't have to worry about Zhang Dashui any more. She has her own business to do now.

Night tassel to do is very simple: back to the security company, immediately Xiangling and other backbone recruited to the meeting room, announced her decision to leave the security company.

The influence of night tassel in luojianmen can be described by the word "commander in chief". Both the disciples of luojianmen and the veterans have high respect for her.

Now, after hearing that she said she would resign from Southern Hebei and entrust everyone to take care of xiaofengsao for her, these people are all in a hurry. One by one, they clap the table and stand up, shouting that they want to go in and out with her!

To this, night tassel is very pleased, but she still sternly scolds these people: "what are you doing? Do you want to go back to the old days?"

I won't say much about the days before. Anyway, compared with now, it is definitely a fall from the sky and a fall from the ground.

"Mr. yezong, although the days before were bitter, we can't let you bear the responsibility alone and watch you go by yourself?" At this time, Xiangling's eyes were already red.

The night tassel waved her hand and said with a gentle smile“ Ha ha, to tell you the truth, my brother-in-law once told me before he died that my biggest task in the future was to lead the whole luojianmen to the right path and not to live a life of fear. Fortunately, through these two years of efforts, I have achieved certain results, which is worthy of my brother-in-law and everyone. "

Gently tap the table, night tassel continued: "to tell you the truth, I really feel a little tired recently, it's time to rest. Alas, although I am going to leave Southern Hebei this time, I will visit you often in the future. Don't forget that xiaofengsao is still here. Well, let's not say anything more. Now I announce that Xiangling will take over the general manager of the security company. When Zhang Dashui comes back, he will take the post of deputy general manager. As long as everyone keeps his work in order and depends on our contacts, no one dares to take the initiative to look for trouble. "


After arranging the company's affairs in detail, yeliusu specially instructs Xiangling to keep it from xiaofengsao (the guy who lives in school now) for the time being, and then, regardless of everyone's hard persuasion, resolutely leaves the security company she is fighting for.

Because of the strict order of the night tassel, all the staff of the company are not allowed to come out to see each other off, so when she walks out of the hall alone, she suddenly feels a sense of fear and loneliness.

Yeliusu was protected by her brother-in-law from the day she was sensible. As she grew older, she became the new leader of luojianmen. Even in the most miserable days, she had a little coquettish around her.

But now, in order to make all her brothers live a stable life, she had to leave the place where she was reluctant to leave because of a very childish mistake.

Dream, always with vigor, very beautiful.

But the reality is always so cruel.

Before getting on the bus, night tassel did not dare to look back, because she was already in tears.

By this time, it was already dark, and the neon lights on both sides of the street outlined a night scene with mysterious colors. But the night tassel, who once pulled down the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, had to leave here in this lonely way.

In Southern Hebei, there are brothers and sisters with night tassels, her relatives and the men she cares about, but there is no soil for her to stand on, so she can only walk in the dark.

Listening to saxophone's "home" on the car CD, night tassel drove back to the alley where she used to live, where there was a famous hotel decades ago: Fulinmen.

After parking the car at the side of the door, night tassel took out the key and opened the rusty iron lock on the door.

As the door was pushed open, the heavy wooden door chirped.

Since the establishment of the security company, night tassel has rarely been here except for the death of her brother-in-law and sister. So when the two door panels were pushed open, there was a dull and humid smell immediately.

Standing at the door, gazing at the silent night, I remember the scene more than two years ago

At that time, the man stood in front of the bar and asked the little coquettish who was doing his homework: "Damn, how do you talk... Yes, yes, if I stay in the shop, do I negotiate with you? But what about your family? What's more, I don't know if there is any difference between living for one day and one month? "

After seeing this man, the first thing that night tassel thought of was that he was looking for trouble. She said coldly, "little coquettish, why don't you write as soon as possible? What do you do? Oh, you're here to stay? "

"Well, I'm here to stay. Are you a waiter in this hotel? "

At that time, when Chu Yang asked this sentence, night tassel didn't answer him, so the guy continued to say: "Hey, I'm asking you, are you a waiter? I want to stay in the shop. Do I ask you about the price or something? "

After thinking of this, the night tassel standing at the door suddenly laughed and said in a low voice, "I'm not the waiter here. I'm the wife of the owner of this hotel."

Night tassel clearly remember, that guy at that time after listening to her say this sentence, the face is a kind of surprised expression.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you haven't heard such a name and relationship before, have you?"

I don't know what's going on. After more than two years, but night tassel can still recall the scene when she first met Chu Yang. She doesn't know what's going on, but she does have a feeling that the scene happened yesterday, and that man should appear in front of her soon.

After slowly closing the two wooden doors, the hall of Fulinmen is more dark, which also makes the night tassel feel more real as if it was yesterday.

After a moment's silence in the dark, the night tassel touched the switch and turned on the light with a snap: "all this is over. From tomorrow, I will learn to forget and start my new life

Clenched the right fist to wave in the mid air, the night tassel is to give oneself the unknown tomorrow to cheer up.

She came back this time to give her dead sister and brother-in-law another three sticks of incense, and then left Southern Hebei overnight.

Night tassel has no specific plan for where to go, but now she has a bank card with millions of dollars. As long as she has the money, she will not die of hunger.

When people are lonely, they always have some light sadness, especially the night tassels at this time.

She looked at the furnishings carefully in the hall on the first floor. Then she walked up the second floor with a backpack and wooden stairs.


A long time ago, the second floor was just the place where night tassel and little coquettish lived. Later, a guy named Chu once lived here several times.

After walking on the second floor, night tassel thought of that guy again and the way he took advantage of her.

"Why do I always miss him?"

In my heart, I began to feel tired of the night tassel. I had to shake my head hard and throw his shadow out of my mind. Then I turned on the light switch in the corridor and walked slowly to the original "boudoir". I just wanted to open the lock with the key, but I was surprised to find that the copper lock was missing!

Suddenly, the tassel of the night was on the alert.

In the past two years, because of Chu Yang's relationship, although she had a good time, because security is a special profession, she naturally formed many enemies.

So when she saw that the lock of her room was gone, she immediately raised her vigilance, pulled out a short dagger from the back of her waist, put her body on the wooden window, and listened to the movement around.

Fulinmen is located in a not too wide alley.

Because the houses and the upper bunk are old buildings, the government did not develop them in order to preserve the national culture, but prepared to wait until the right opportunity to move all the residents away. Therefore, this place is not very prosperous. Only by listening carefully at night can we hear the car horns in the distance.