Wang Wenjie once tried to tell Liang Xin what to do when someone in Chu was forced into a desperate situation by the company's desperate plan.

However, Liang's sister, who was in a bad mood at that time, refused him in a righteous way, which made Comrade Wang lose face. When he thought about it again, Liang Xin and Jin Junxiu got their marriage certificate like lightning.

Wang Wenjie is still a little sorry that Liang Xin didn't get together with the man he introduced. However, it's just a matter of fate. He can't be forced to see that Liang Bureau finally has a man to ask for. He is very happy as a colleague and subordinate.

It's said that the wedding of a director of a provincial capital city Bureau, even if it can't be as popular as that of some coal boss's daughter, is it better than that of ordinary small officials?

But in fact, Liang Xin did not greet the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, the mayor, or other brother departments, except for the three or two direct leaders in charge of the public security department, Li Wendong, the former director of the CPPCC, and a group of people from the Municipal Bureau.

Liang Xin insisted on holding the wedding ceremony in a low-key way, and gave the reason that "I am a party member and should put an end to extravagance and waste" to stop the old couple.

In this regard, the couple feel very helpless, but also very sorry, because the man who is about to marry his daughter is not a guy in their mind.

However, the fact that his 30-year-old daughter was able to marry off was a relief to the couple. As parents, they just wanted their daughter to be happy.

Originally, according to Liang Xin's idea, there was no need to make up for her wedding day. At that time, she just put on a wedding dress and held a ceremony with Jin Junxiu in the hotel.

But Lao Liang and his wife don't agree with each other. Although they can see that their daughter is always absent-minded and absent-minded these days, they all think that today is a big event in her life. Even if they can't hold a very popular wedding, they can't be inferior to ordinary people.

My daughter is a city bureau director, right?

Liang Xin, who couldn't resist her parents, finally had to compromise. At three o'clock in the morning, she got up and asked two makeup artists to make up for her.

When Wang Wenjie and his colleagues arrived, Liang Xin's makeup was basically finished.

Although Liang Xin used to make people feel less like women, it was just because of her dress and occupation.

As a matter of fact, as long as people dress up a little, they can see that the elder sister turns out to be a fake beauty. Although her hair is a little short, the makeup artist cleverly puts on a shiny crown for her. Although she is a little "tough" compared with the average girl, she still has a kind of admiration that she is a clothes shelf after wearing a white wedding dress

Liang Xin, who is used to wearing strict clothes, is now wearing long white lace gloves. Looking at the girl with most of her snow shoulders in the mirror, she is intoxicated with herself.

"Actually, my sister is very beautiful and windy. Why didn't you see it before? " Liang Xin grabs the skirt in both hands and turns it around in the same place. She says to herself, "is this person in the mirror me? Oh, it seems to be true, otherwise the tongue would not hurt like this. "

"Wow, I'm not breaking into yaochi now, am I? How else could I see a fairy in front of me? " Just as Liang Xin looks at herself intoxicated in the mirror, Wang Wenjie, who appears at the door of her bedroom with two police officers, gives a loud, exaggerated cry.

The appearance of Wang Wenjie and others awakens Liang Xin from intoxication. She turns around and her eyes are wide open. When she wants to shout something, she suddenly remembers that she is a bride now.

The bride is "gentle and shy" and can't lose her temper.

Thinking of Liang Xin here, she quickly took back the reprimand in her throat, and then turned into a groan that made people feel toothache: "hum, Wang Wenjie, do you think I'm a bully today, that's why you dare to make fun of me so wantonly."

"I dare not, I dare not." Wang Wenjie, startled by Liang Xin's stare, rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "it's just from the heart, from the heart. Liang Ju, to be honest, I didn't expect you to look so beautiful in your wedding dress. Alas, now I really regret it. Why should I get married so early, otherwise... "

Liang Xin rolled a white eye son: "otherwise you go to divorce immediately?"



Today is the day of Liang Xin's great happiness. Her identity is no longer the director who pulls her face when she meets people, but a happy little daughter-in-law who can make everyone joke. Therefore, with Wang Wenjie's joke, the gang of boys of the Municipal Bureau began to be lawless and clamored to take a picture with the well-dressed Liang Bureau as a lifelong memory.

Although from the moment when she put on her wedding dress... To be exact, from the moment when she got her marriage certificate with Jin Junxiu, Liang Xin no longer gave any hope to a guy, but when she was about to marry someone else, she still had a great depression in her heart.

However, with these colleagues, sister Liang would not show this kind of loss. She just forced herself to smile. At the mercy of these guys, she put on some very gentle shapes and took a picture with them.

After Wang Wenjie and others came to the door, the old Liang and his wife had nothing to do. They wanted to give everyone a full cup of tea. A clever Secretary of the Bureau, Xiao Sun, had already snatched it and wanted to give you cigarettes. These guys who usually smoke all the time waved their hands and said "no". They also said that they should never smoke in Liang Bureau's boudoir. Otherwise, what would they do if they smoked the bride?

The enthusiasm of these guys makes Lao Liang and his wife stay in their own house, but they seem to be guests in other people's houses. In the end, they simply ignore everything, so they just hide in their own house and let them make trouble.

Marriage is the best occasion to have fun.

After Xiao Sun, the last secretary who reported the photo taken by Liang Bureau, took three or four photos in a row, Wang Wenjie, who just ran out to answer the phone, gave everyone a wink.

The dozen policemen who came with Wang Wenjie knew it was time to end the game. They let Liang Xin go and crowded on the sofa in the living room.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? It's so mysterious." After seeing Wang Wenjie wink at everyone, Liang Xin immediately finds out.

Anyway, these guys are all under her own hands. Liang Xin doesn't have to pretend to be a lady... It's a very painful thing for her to let a girl who is used to being a lady.

Liang Xin, wearing a white wedding dress and seven inch high-heeled red leather sandals, sits on the sofa with her arms in her arms. She just wants to habitually raise her legs. Fortunately, she immediately remembers that she is wearing a skirt now. She quickly tightens her legs, points Wang Wenjie's nose with her right hand and asks, "come on, look at your smiling face. What's so shameful?"

"Wronged, Liang Bureau, this is absolutely a strange injustice. How can a director of a Branch Bureau of my hall have a thief's face?" After Wang Wenjie cried out this sentence in great pain, he didn't wait for Liang Xin to scold him with a smile, but his face was straight: "Liang Ju, today is your happy day. When the bridegroom comes, you can't have a bridesmaid, can you?"

"Bridesmaids?" Liang Xin frowned: "not to mention, I really didn't expect to have a bridesmaid to get married."

At the present wedding ceremony, how can the bride not have a bridesmaid around her? This is a thing that even children know, but Liang Xin just forgot.

What does that mean? This can only show that she was completely absent-minded about the marriage.

Wang Wenjie complacent smile: "Hey, I knew you didn't think of here, so I have already prepared a bridesmaid for you."

"What, the bridesmaids are ready?" Liang Xin and others all looked at Wang Wenjie with strange eyes: "what can you do? How do you know I (our Liang Bureau) don't have a bridesmaid?"

"Well, my brilliant Liang Ju, if you don't have a bridesmaid at your wedding, it's like cooking without salt and flowers without green leaves. It's an unforgivable mistake."

Wang Wenjie sighed heavily, walked back and forth in the room for a few times and said: "fortunately, I'm still a passer-by. I finally found this defect in time before the bridegroom arrived and made timely remedy."

Liang Xin was obviously impatient with Wang Wenjie's eloquence and said coldly, "OK, Wenjie, don't talk about it here. Can you speak more simply?"

As soon as Liang Ju got angry, although she was as cold as a rose at this time, Wen Jie knew that the woman would turn over and disown at any time, so he answered quickly“ OK, OK, I say, can't I just say something? I've already found the bridesmaid for you. She should be here soon... "

Wang Wenjie's voice did not fall, open the door of the living room, there is a girl wearing a white wedding dress.

After seeing this girl, Liang Xin stood up from the sofa and stared with surprise: "Zhou, Zhou Shuhan, why are you here?"

Liang Xin, who is dressed in a white wedding dress, is more like the bride's girl. She is Wang Wenjie's bridesmaid, Zhou Shuhan.


The moment she saw her sister, Liang Xin's first reaction was that her appearance must have been arranged by Chu Yang.

Liang Xin's second reaction is: the last glimmer of hope in her heart, a glimmer of Chu Yang may appear before Jin Junxiu comes to marry her and affectionately say to her, "don't marry that man, marry me!" Finally, my hope was mercilessly shattered.

Zhou Shuhan took the initiative to be my bridesmaid. Is this his compensation to me? Now that she appears, Chu Yang won't come back... Liang Xin stares at Zhou Shuhan, and her eyes are full of pain and despair that blind people can see.

Just as someone in Chu discovered that this girl had already occupied a certain position in his heart after receiving Liang Xin's wedding invitation, Liang Bureau knew that even if she married Jin Junxiu, she would never forget that guy after Zhou Shuhan appeared!

Chu Yang and Liang Xin did not go through any hardships of life and death, but had two conflicts.

Therefore, both of them think that at most, they can only be regarded as a pair of good-looking friends.