In this world, there are always some people with abnormal thinking.

For example, there was a TV show about a thief in the United States who happened to meet his favorite team playing a game when he entered someone's house to steal, so he watched the game with great interest and was finally blocked in the house by the owner.

Naturally, little hens and others will not be so stupid. But after they have done something they are proud of, they can't say it. They will feel very sad in their hearts. This will be a kind of regret of "going on a royal night".

So, when she thought that Lian Fangfei would die, the little hen told the truth of the Dynasty's tragedy without any hesitation.

However, not long after the little hen finished, even Fangfei had abnormal performance. She raised her hand and went to pick her hair, but she grabbed her wrist and couldn't earn it!

"You, who are you?"

The little hen, who felt something bad, was a little flustered in her heart. After a low drink, she swung her right hand, pointed her sharp knife at Lian Fangfei's long white neck, and rowed over.

However, before the knife in the little hen's hand reached Lian Fangfei's chest, she felt a sharp pain in her crotch. In front of her, Venus let out a scream, threw away the knife and covered her crotch.

Lian Fangfei suddenly grabs the little hen's wrist and knocks him out with a fierce knee. Standing at the door of the restaurant, Dongzi takes out his gun without saying a word. Just as he wants to raise his hand, he hears a sharp weapon burst from behind the sofa!

Dongzi only had time to hear such a sharp roar. Then he felt that his neck was tight. He suddenly stopped back and then dropped his head.

Just before all his consciousness disappeared, Dongzi saw a black thing under his own chin and wondered what it was

When the shrill sound sounded, he saw a little hen on his knee, and the first reaction was to jump at Lian Fangfei!

For the moment, no matter why Fang Fei is so bold, Chen Dao doesn't care. He just wants to restrain this woman and deal with the next thing. Although at this time, he also sees a man jumping up from the back of the sofa, he doesn't care, because the scab is just behind him.

As a martyr of the company, Chen Dao certainly knows the situation of the boss's family: the boss has a daughter in addition to a useless son.

Chen Dao didn't pay attention to what the boss's daughter does before, but now he does.

Chen Dao thought that even if Lian Fangfei had practiced for a few times, she could succeed in sneaking attack when the little hen was unprepared, but she would never be so severe.

But in fact, this woman is not only powerful, but also very powerful. With Chen Dao's skill, she didn't catch her in the shortest time. Instead, she gave her left elbow a hard push on the bridge of her nose.

With the emergence of nosebleed, Chen Dao's heart was filled with a huge fear: being cheated, this is not the real Lian Fangfei!

"Ah..." a very short scream came from behind Chen Dao as he staggered back.

"Scab!" Chen Dao suddenly looked back and saw the man who had just jumped out from behind the sofa, with his back to him, stretched out his right hand, five fingers of his right hand pinching his throat. The man's eyes had protruded out of his eyes.

"Chu Yang, remember to keep alive!" When Chen Dao was stupefied on the spot, Lian Fangfei, who gave him a big nose bleed, didn't take the opportunity to attack him, but yelled at him.

Chuyang? Is this man chuyang? How is that possible?

In Chen Dao silly than looking at his brother slowly paralyzed on the ground, the man turned.

After seeing this man's appearance, Chen Dao suddenly believes that the man in front of him is Chu Yang.

Seeing that the real Chu Yang appeared before and after his face, Chen Dao completely lost his will to resist. He raised his hand and wiped his nose, and said with a miserable smile, "you are the real Third Prince of Chu, who is called the king of killers?"

"Yes, I'm Chu Yang. You should have studied my information very carefully when you pretended to commit a crime." Chu Yang looks at Chen Dao coldly. It seems that he is looking at a dead man.

"Ha ha, how can you and Lian Fangfei..." Chen Dao said. When he turned around to see Lian Fangfei again, he saw that she had become another look, much more beautiful than the real Lian Fangfei.

Qin Dynasty right hand holding the gluten mask, light said: "since you can impersonate Chu Yang to commit a crime, then I can also pretend to be Lian Fangfei, to let you tell the real situation."

Chen Dao doesn't know who the Qin Dynasty was, but he knows that he pretended to be Chu Yang and did such a wicked thing. It must be the most luxurious dream to get out of this room alive from the king of killers.

According to Chen Dao's experience, he has 120 reasons to believe that they should have recorded what they have just "confessed voluntarily". In fact, Chu Yang doesn't need to leave anything alive, as the girl behind him says.

After thinking of this, Chen Dao hated the little hen: How did you search the house! Even such a big living person hiding behind the sofa, don't know, I'm a grass mud horse!

If Chu Yang is someone else, even if he is more powerful than Chu Yang, Chen Dao will not necessarily have this negative feeling in front of him, because at least he doesn't know him, so he will have the courage to fight to the death.

But Chen Dao not only knew Chu Yang (mainly through the photos on the data research), but also very familiar with this person's style. He knew that even if God, Buddha, and Harry Jesus arrived together this time, he would die. Moreover, the more he resisted, the worse he would die!

A person before death, even dare not resist, this is undoubtedly a very painful thing.

But who is to blame?

In this world, if someone does something wrong, he will be punished sooner or later.

God, he has always been a fairly fair guy. For example, he said now: "look at the sunshine in the wind. He is still coding at night. Give him a good date tomorrow!"


In the afternoon of July, people always feel drowsy. The blood sugar in the human body has also dropped to the lowest point in history. If something goes wrong, it's easy to lose temper.

But Cao Guodong, the director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau, is now facing a big problem. He is not only afraid to lose his temper, but also has to smile.

The grand director of the capital city Bureau of China is a resounding role. In front of him, the general vice governor has to bow and bow to please.

I can't help it. As the heart of China, Jinghua's position is here. People who go out from here can see the third grade officials.

But then again, if you drop a brick on the fifth floor of Beijing, it will hit three department level cadres. Sometimes it's better for the director of the Municipal Bureau to keep a low profile... In fact, Cao Guodong can't keep a low profile either, because he can't afford to offend the dozen people sitting in the office. He has to think carefully about every word he says.

All of them are grim faced and sit around the oval round table in the small meeting of the Municipal Bureau. Most of them are in their 30s and 40s. Their positions are not necessarily higher than Cao Guodong's, but they represent the major factions in China. Every word they say is what those factions want to express.

So, as the spokesman of Chu family, Cao Guodong had no other way to deal with these people except with a smile.

Tang Kun, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of culture (the spokesman of the Xie family), took up the tea cup and moistened his smoky throat, then said with a slow smile“ Ha ha, we are all understanding people. I won't say much about the purpose of sitting here. Anyway, we all know it. Keke, director Cao, it's been a week since Chu Yang escaped from prison today, right? I don't know what the Municipal Bureau (implying the Chu family in Jinghua) plans to do. When I go back, I can explain it to our director. "

The fact that a deputy director of the Bureau of culture actually intervened in the case of Chu Yang's escape from prison is evil in itself, but none of you who are sitting here feels abnormal.

Since the "Dynasty Massacre" in Southern Hebei, the actions of the major factions to fight for interests have finally jumped from behind the scenes to the front desk, and they have appointed spokesmen to attend a top secret meeting of the Municipal Bureau today.

This is unprecedented in the high-level officialdom. The faces of these big factions at this time, like the villagers' committees, are all what chiguoguo asks for, and they have no reserve at all (all these plots in officialdom are created for the corresponding stories. The positions of Shenao's Officialdom strategy, don't compete with brothers, thank you!)

As soon as Tang Kun's voice fell, the song male star section chief of the Water Conservancy Bureau (the spokesman of the Huang family) said with a gloomy face: "if the dynasty tragedy is far away from Beijing, then my cousin (distant cousin Huang sleeve move) was shot and killed, should the Municipal Bureau give an explanation?"

Following their words, the spokesmen of the Hua family, the Lin family, the Tian family and other major factions spoke one after another. Only Colonel Chen Wei (representing the Qin family) from the armed police detachment sat there with a straight face and said nothing.

Alas, it seems that we can only do it according to the instructions of the Chu master. I hope the Qin family can look at the face of the Qin Dynasty and don't throw out bigger problems. Hey, it's really hard to be a spokesperson in this situation... Cao Guodong got up from his chair with a bitter smile and pressed his hands down. Just when he wanted to say something, the door of the small conference room was knocked.

This meeting is at a higher level than the top secret meetings held by the Municipal Bureau in the past.

Before the meeting was held at 10 a.m., Cao Guodong had strictly ordered his subordinates not to disturb the meeting without urgent matters.

Because this seemingly inconspicuous meeting will involve the future trend of Chinese politics. Although these people will not say such stupid words as "I want the seat of mayor of Southern Hebei", Cao Guodong has to report the minutes of today's meeting to Mr. Chu in detail.

But now, just as Cao Guodong was about to open the skylight, someone knocked on the door, which made him frown. He walked around the table to the door and opened the door.

Outside the door stood Cao Guodong's secretary, a 23-4-year-old boy.