"Is Jiang Gongjin the lame man?"

To tell you the truth, when Chai wantonly brought Jiang Gongjin to work, Zeus did not look up to the lame man at all. The reason why he was arranged to be a small head in charge of finance was to show her magnanimity to the defectors.

But it was such a little man who was not seen by Zeus, but rescued Chu Jinhuan and killed the goddess Athena whom she had carefully cultivated, which was beyond her expectation.

Ares replied in a low voice, "yes, that's Jiang Gongjin."

It seems that I underestimate these people.

Zeus King flashed a trace of regret in his heart, but said coldly: "hum, death in peace, this is also the inevitable result of Athena. I have reminded her more than once before that she must not ignore the safety of the victory goddess temple, but she didn't think so every time. In the end, she was cut off in her sleep... Such a person's death is not a pity."

"Yes, you are."

Zeus did not say anything more, but slowly picked up a bottle of 84 year old Lafite and filled the glass again.

When King Zeus accused Athena of death, Ares did not dare to breathe.

As the main god responsible for the safety of the entire Olympus mountain, Ares, the "chief financial officer" was cut off in his sleep. As the "chief security officer", he also has an unshirkable responsibility. What's more, up to now, he has not arrested the murderer or recovered the "future husband" of King Zeus. He doesn't know what kind of punishment he will accept.

After seeing ares's uneasy mood, a trace of satisfaction flashed in King Zeus's eyes. She especially liked strong men to bow their eyes in front of her, which could increase her feeling of being king in the world.

Zeus King seems to be thinking about how to deal with Ares, has been sipping the wine, did not speak.

It was not until the cold sweat rolled down ares's forehead that she sighed and said, "well, if Athena is dead, she'll be dead. Just promote one from below. Ares, go on

"Yes." Ares agreed in a low voice, and said: "after the women killed Athena, they were led by Jiang Gongjin and fled to the Grand Canyon. It seems that they had made a clear evacuation plan before the action. First, after the alarm went off, they left two people to stop the pursuit. The remaining two people ran to the Bank of the Kula river with their children, but they were given by our hounds..."

King Zeus waved his hand to interrupt ares: "needless to say, I just want to hear the result."

"I understand." Ares raised his head slightly: "the two men who were responsible for preventing us from pursuing and killing jumped into the Kula River under our pursuit. The two men who ran away with their children rolled down the potzmer slope when the hounds were about to put them down, and then were rescued by the night owl, the former king of killers..."

After hearing this, Daimei, the king of Zeus, frowned and interrupted ares again: "what, did you catch the night owl, the former king of killers?"

Ares is very ashamed of the answer: "no, even we did not catch up with her, so let her save the two people and children."

"Oh?" King Zeus put down his glass and asked with great interest, "since you don't see the owl, how do you know that she saved people?"

"Because we chased three hounds and fourteen guards down the potzmer slope and all died under a three inch, seven point wide flying knife. As far as I know, in this world, only night owls use this kind of flying knife, and the strength and angle of the knife are just right, making it a surprisingly fatal blow. " Ares said in a low voice: "the fourteen of us who died didn't even have a chance to shoot, which also made the companions who met above lose their tracking coordinates. Without knowing it, they chased up the slope to the Bank of the Kula river."

Zeus King sneered and said: "ha ha, in this way, when you ran to the Bank of the Kura river and found no clues, you did a second search and found the bodies of those people and dogs under the slope?"

"Yes, yes." Although ares didn't look up, he was aware of the anger on the face of Zeus. He just raised his head and hung down again.

King Zeus put down his wine cup and stood up from the sofa. Today, she was not naked, but wearing a black leather suit and knee high boots.

In June, she was wearing such a dress. If there was no air conditioner in the room to cool down, she would be covered with heat.

The king of Zeus, who was dressed in a tight leather suit, looked taller now, which made her really feel the sense of success of overlooking others.

However, there is no complacency on her face now, just like her indifferent tone: "since the founding of Olympus in the late 1930s, in the past 80 years, it has always been the most mysterious and powerful place in the world. We hold 5% of the world's property and have the ability to change the fate of any mortal."

Ares knew that the two points mentioned by King Zeus were true. Olympus was indeed so powerful.

King Zeus walked back and forth in front of the sofa, with obvious anger in his voice: "in the past, you always told me that the security work on the holy mountain was the most rigorous place in the world, but last night, four mortals killed Athena, one of the Twelve Gods, and saved the child! But up to now, you have not caught any evil doer who dares to provoke the holy mountain. Ares, I wonder if you're old, too, and like Athena, you've turned into a waste of comfort! "

To the king of Zeus, Ares didn't dare to say anything. He just lowered his head, and the sweat on his forehead fell on the thick blanket.

The king of Zeus walked slowly to Ares, raised his right hand and slowly put it on his head. His body immediately trembled, fell down on his knees on the blanket with a puff, and kissed his shining boots with his lips. He cried in a trembling voice: "great, great king of Zeus, all these are my incompetence, Please see, for the sake of 13 years of hard work for Olympus, just bypass me this time! I, I will try my best to bring back that child and all those who escaped from here! "

King Zeus looked down at Ares, who was lying at her feet and kissing her vamp. There was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

In the past, King Zeus enjoyed the feeling of a man crawling under her feet. But since recently, he felt that most of the Twelve Gods under his command were obedient dogs and had no blood at all. He would only pretend to be gods and ghosts in front of ordinary people with the help of her Kung Fu.

These people, not only can't compare with the guy named Chu Yang, but also can't compare with Jiang Gongjin who dares to kill her Chai Fangsi while she's in high tide, or Hua Canyu who would rather die than leave Olympus, or even dare to save Chu Jinhuan.

Only those men who fight against Zeus by death can win her some respect. At the same time, they can also give her plain life and surprise her with passion.

It's one of the reasons why she finally let Chu Yang go when she was about to strangle him. (the most important thing is that she had a faint sense that there was a special relationship between that guy and her, She didn't kill him.

When a person stands high enough, he will feel lonely.

And now the king of Zeus is the loner standing at the top.

King Zeus had endless financial and human resources, and the whole world crawled under her feet... But these did not bring her happiness.

A person who no longer pursues the goal, living becomes simple living, no longer has any significance.

Therefore, King Zeus longed for more accidents and setbacks in her smooth sailing life.

Only in this way can the flower of life bloom more vigorously in her heart. If she is surrounded by obedient slaves like Ares, what interest does she have even if she is the king of the whole universe?

But then again, a successful person can't do everything by himself, can he? There must be a group of slaves around him. This is the main reason why King Zeus decided to let Ares go when he just wanted to kill him.

When ares licked the two boots of King Zeus with her tongue, she said faintly, "get up, let you go this time, not next time."

"Thank you, the great king Zeus!" Ares was overjoyed. After kowtowing on the blanket, he knelt down and climbed back half a meter. Then he slowly stood up: "I will take the night owl, the three demons and the child back to Olympus as soon as possible. Please believe that the great king Zeus can do it!"

"Don't bring that child back for the time being. I don't need him yet." King Zeus went back to the sofa, sat down and said, "you are now on your way to Mexico's 2012 underground city. I believe Chai Murong and her family have already started to make plans there. Remember, don't be polite to her this time. I can give you the power to kill anyone in 2012 underground city. Don't let me down again, Ares

Ares repeatedly promised: "yes, yes! I won't let you down. I'm going to Mexico! "

To the loyalty of Ares, Zeus yawned and waved: "go with Hades this time."

Hades, one of the Twelve Gods under the throne of Zeus, is the second master after Ares. He is cruel in nature and loves to eat human brain. He is in charge of the prisoners in prison No. 9 on Mount Olympus.

According to Greek mythology, Hades is the elder brother of Zeus, king of the gods, Poseidon, and Demeter. He is one of the four creation gods and the ruler of hell and the dead. He judges and punishes the dead.

But in reality, Hades is a subordinate of King Zeus. Together with the other eleven gods, he is called the Twelve Gods of Olympus.