I don't know how long it took. Anyway, when Chu Yang felt that his whole body's depression was going to be released through a certain place, his left hand grabbed the right leg of the woman who had long been lost in the male power at that time, and suddenly raised it up. In a wave cry containing swing, she shot the angry bullets into the deepest part of her body.

It seems that even the soul is spurting out with this, Chu Yang really saw that the woman's chin was raised high, and she made a swan like gentle cry. Her right toe of the slender right leg, which was held up by him, was suddenly stretched straight, and then she quickly trembled a few times and slowly fell down.

Then Chu Yang, who had stayed for a long time with his eyes closed, heard his heavy gasping. When he shook his head and threw out the water drops flowing in his eyes along his forehead, he didn't see the mysterious woman who was almost dead, but saw the mirror sprayed with white paste.

Chu, who had taken off all his strength, staggered back a few steps. After he came to the cold wall on his back, he slowly fell to the ground. With his eyes closed, he let the cold water fall from the sky and drenched him thoroughly again. However, he had never been relaxed and peaceful in spirit.

After a long time, Chu Yang murmured: "hallucination to hallucination, let's see who is powerful. Well, it turns out that no matter how amazing and mysterious a woman is, with men, she will become vulnerable. "

I don't know if it's because he "taught" that woman a lesson in the hallucination. Anyway, after Chu Yang came out of the bathroom, he felt fresh and fresh, but he was a little weak. So he went directly into the bedroom, lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

At 7:30 p.m. on June 15, 2012, chuyang, who had slept all afternoon, got up and ate a fast food with local characteristics of Georgia, then turned on the computer.

According to prison 9, each player's coach will receive an email before midnight today.

Chu Yang according to the website provided by the other party login mailbox, only to find that there has been mail, time is an hour and a half ago.

This is an e-mail from the Organizing Committee of the Olympic fighting conference in Tbilisi prison No. 9, or an invitation from the athlete's coach.

Chu Yang carefully inquired where the e-mail came from, but found that it came from the distant United States. It seems that these people in prison No. 9 are also very careful. Even if they send e-mail, they don't want people to see anything from it.

"Dear Mr. Prissy, you can appear in front of prison No. 9 at 9:00 a.m. on June 16, 2012. At that time, please hold a white rose in your left hand and a black luggage bag in your right hand. This is your token as coach galama, the 32nd player in group F. please do not make the wrong time or take the wrong things, because this is an important certificate for the prison authorities to judge whether you can enter the prison according to these. Of course, your luggage can be filled with nothing or bundles of banknotes. I wish you a happy stay in Georgia. "

Price, the pseudonym of chuyang after he came to Georgia, was originally from Thailand and was the coach of "Vietnam player" galama.

After reading the contents of the e-mail, Chu Yang remembers the important tips, smashes and deletes the file, and then puts on his clothes, ready to go out and buy a black luggage bag and white roses.


Ten minutes later, chuyang, with his hands in his pants pocket, with a black briefcase under his left rib and an unlighted cigarette in his mouth, walked along Tbilisi's not spacious, but very clean street.

It should be very easy for any capital in the world, even in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, where civil war is constantly on the rise, to buy a black luggage bag and white roses, not to mention Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, where chuyang has joined the WTO since 2000.

But Chu Yang was very puzzled that he came out of Columbia Hotel and walked west along the street for two kilometers. During that time, he went into three large supermarkets and six flower shops, but he didn't find the two things he wanted.

"No, I can't buy these two most common things here?" After Chu Yang came out of a flower shop for the seventh time, he clearly felt that all this was probably being manipulated secretly, so he went back into the flower shop and said to the little flower girl wearing a red hat, "Hey, little sister, I have a question to ask."

The girl in Georgia is still very enthusiastic. Besides, someone in Chu is quite likable, so they asked with a smile, "Dear Sir, what can I do for you?"

Chu Yang turned to look at the door, and did not find any suspicious people, so he lay on the glass counter full of all kinds of flowers, but lack of white roses.

After seeing the handsome Chu Yang lying on the glass counter, the flower girl standing behind the counter's eyes lit up immediately.

What is this handsome guy going to do? Is he going to kiss me? Then I'll let him kiss me or not, but if he does, what will he do if he asks to have sex with me again... The little flower girl in her heart, after Chu Yang raised her head, turned her face quickly and didn't dare to look at him again.

Chu Yang, who didn't know why the little girl's face was suddenly so red, glanced at her strangely, knocked on the counter with his fingers and asked, "why don't you sell white roses here? And not only you don't have it here, but also other florists. Can you tell me what's going on? "

It turned out that he just asked this question... The flower girl who was very disappointed in her heart was smiling, and her neat white teeth could not hide the defects caused by the freckles on her nose: "you are the 19th person to ask me this question. It seems that you have never been to Tbilisi before, because we don't sell white roses here every year, Or a black bag. "

Chu Yang asked with great interest: "Oh, why is this?"

"This is in memory of a great patriotic poet in ancient China. On this day, he was stabbed to death by his 39th lover with white rose branches, and then he was put in a black luggage bag and thrown into the Kura river and into the Black Sea." The flower girl broke her fingers and said, "since five hundred years ago, in order to commemorate the poet, the brave Georgians decided that on the day of his death, that is, June 15, the whole country would not be allowed to buy or sell white roses and black luggage bags, so as to express their deep nostalgia for him."

Shit, 39 lovers? Even if he is not stabbed to death, he will be tired to death sooner or later. Well, that patriotic poet is really hateful. One day he will not die. If he has to die on this day, his legs will be thin. He really won't do anything good when he is dead... Chu Yang, who understands all this, shrugs his shoulders in a westernized way and asks: "Oh, as you say, So I can't buy either today? "

The little girl shook her head: "no, I knew there was a place to sell it."

"What's the name of that place?"

The little girl pointed to the east side of the window and said, "turn left under the stop sign over there, enter" Connor Street "and walk 400 meters. You will find a nightclub named" King Zeus. ". Every year today, only there can we buy these two kinds of things, but the price is frightening. A white rose can sell for 10000 lari, and a black luggage bag can buy for 20000 lari. "

The "lari" in the little girl's mouth is the currency of Georgia. According to the current international currency, one dollar is about 1.76 US dollars.

Why don't they rob me?

When Chu Yang heard that someone could sell a flower for more than 6000 dollars, he naturally scolded this sentence, but then he was stunned: King Zeus nightclub? Ah, I see. This nightclub must have a very close relationship with prison No. 9, and it may have an affair with the bullshit King Zeus.

"Do you understand, sir?" Seeing Chu Yang staring out of the window, the flower girl kindly said, "if you don't know how to get there, I can take you."

"Oh, no, no, I was just thinking, why do they sell things so expensive? Hehe, I'll go by myself. Since someone else can sell a white rose for ten thousand lari, your warm attitude can get twenty thousand dollars. " Chu Yang then took out two stacks of green US dollars from his black briefcase and put them on the counter.

Chuyang, who used to be mean in nature, can give 20000 dollars to a little girl this time. Besides being infected by his enthusiasm, the most important thing is that he is in a very good mood now.

Also, when a person finds that he can solve a huge mental problem with the most primitive method, he will be in a good mood.

Many years later, when the little flower girl became the mother of three children, she still did not forget that on June 16, 2012, a handsome man with an oriental face threw a lot of money at her, making her an old board with her own cream company with those 20000 dollars

I've never seen a flower girl with so much money. When she woke up from the shock, she found that the Asian handsome man had already come to the flower shop. She quickly picked up the money and had to go around the counter to catch up with him and return it to him: "Sir, please wait a moment, I can't ask for your money!"

Chu Yang, who came to the door, turned around with one foot and waved his hand with a smile: "little girl, the money is not for nothing, because I want to ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" said the little girl

"What's the name of the patriotic poet you said was stabbed to death by his thirty ninth lover?"

Without thinking about it, the little girl replied, "he's called sunshine in the wind."

"Sunshine in the wind? What bullshit name, why not Alexander, gorvishch or something. " Chu Yang shook his head a little incredulously, then waved to the little girl and went to Kant street.

According to the little girl's instructions, Chu Yang walked to the opposite road under the station sign, looked to the left and saw a narrower lane. On the stone wall with annual rings, there was a small blue iron plate with the words Kant Street written in Russian.

After entering Kant street, Chu Yang heard a burst of wild disco music far away. Looking ahead to the left, he saw a sign made up of colorful small light bulbs. There was a big naked girl on it, and the following was written in English: the night club of King Zeus.

Chu Yang is sure that he is not the first one to give money here. And the flower girl also said that today, she has met 19 people who want to buy those two kinds of things. Those people should also be the coaches of the players who come to the fight meeting. They should also greet the 39 lovers of sunshine in the wind like themselves

Chuyang pushed open the glass door of Zeus King nightclub. Before he entered the hall, he heard the deafening music and the scream of women.

Chu Yang couldn't judge the specific area of the whole hall, because the whole hall was shrouded by flashing lights. Besides seeing countless arms swinging upward and several naked dancing girls on the platform tens of meters in front, his eyes seemed to be unable to see anything else.

"Well, the night life abroad is really desirable. It's like taking off a dress at home. You have to hide it until the middle of the night. No wonder men always say that capitalist countries are paradise. It seems to make sense." Chuyang side body, along with the crowd forward.

Although he didn't know who to go to buy those two things, Chu Yang knew that as long as he got to the bar, he could get the answer he wanted.

After the boss's effort and sweat, Chu Yang had a hard time getting to the bar. He was about to ask the bartender who was dancing with the pop music behind the bar, but the music stopped suddenly. Countless high-intensity light sticks were on above the hall, and those young men and women who had already danced almost collapsed were just like a few of those who had lost their power, One after another, they took back their high arms and spread their heads around.

If I had known that, I would have waited for a while, so as not to get sweaty.

Chu looked at the hall of thousands of square meters at random, then pulled a high chair to sit on it and pointed to the bartender.

The bartender with two moustaches came over and saw that Chu Yang was an oriental face. He consciously asked in English, "what would you like to have, sir? We have the most authentic vodka, Wales, Remy Martin... "

"I don't drink. I just want to ask you about one thing." Chuyang, who is well versed in money, takes out several large bills and puts them on the bar.

Immediately, the bartender who saw the money and Chu Yang looked like his mother. His sunny smile made you wonder if he was your missing son. He grabbed the money in his hand and asked, "Sir, what question do you want to ask? I will tell you in detail what I know."

Chu Yang didn't talk nonsense either. He asked directly, "where can I buy white roses and black luggage?"

A person who wants to buy these two things doesn't go to the supermarket or flower shop, but runs to the nightclub to ask the bartender. It should be a very abnormal phenomenon, but the bartender doesn't show the slightest surprise. He just raises his hand and points to the top of his head: "Sir, you can go to room 386 on the second floor, where you can sell these two things."

"Well, thank you. I'll take this glass of water first. You can take another one to the original customer. " Chu Yang nodded, picked up a cup of ice water which had been put there for a long time and didn't know who it was, and went to the stairs.

Given that guy so many tips, if he didn't get something when he left, Chu Yang would feel that he was stupid. Although this glass of ice water is not worth a few money, it's better than nothing.

Chu Yang, carrying the ice water, just stepped on the first step leading to the second floor, but heard a very magnetic woman's voice behind him saying: "this gentleman, why do you want to take my ice water away?"

"Oh, I thought the bartender was for me. I'm sorry." Chu Yang turns around with the ice water, with a sorry and polite smile on his face, and looks at the woman behind him. When he wants to say something more, he is stunned.

There was once a woman standing on a pyramid full of clouds with bare buttocks. There were big birds with feathers all over her body. She could fly again and send out white radiation lines... It was the woman who appeared in Chu Yang's hallucination that made him nearly break down. At last, she was forced to take out her mace before she was finished!

Although Chu Yang's spirit is not influenced by that woman, his impression is quite hateful. He thinks that if he meets that woman in reality, he will ask nothing and break her to pieces!

But when a woman as like as two peas in a hallucinatory woman suddenly appears in front of Chu Yang, he is stunned, like a fool.