From the day we were born, all of us are doing the same thing, that is, waiting for death, regardless of poverty or loyalty.

This is a truth that everyone knows, but no one is willing to see through this problem, because people are working hard to live, even one more minute.

This is also the truth that everyone knows, so when King Zeus said that Chai wantonly if he dared to tell others what he saw, then he died, he immediately replied in a low voice: "I still have a lot of things to do, so I don't want to die, I will completely forget all that just now."

"Good." Zeus King spit out these two words, tone with confidence: "you just see all this, is from the ten dimensional space. Just now, I took you to a few years ago through the wormhole... Of course, you can believe it, or you can think it's just your illusion. Specifically, I won't explain anything to you, but I can really have power that you can't imagine. "

Chai Fangsi, with his throat in his hand, looked pale as if he were a piece of white paper: "just now, just now, you took me thousands of years ago through the wormhole? This, this how possible

"Ha ha, what's impossible?" King Zeus said: "in fact, this is not a strange phenomenon. During the Tang Dynasty in your country, there were strange people like yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng. Since they can infer the events more than 2000 years after the Tang Dynasty, it shows that they also used wormholes to observe all this. Since they were able to do it more than 1000 years ago, some people will do it now. For example, I can do it, but you can't do it anyway. "

Lengleng silly stand for a long time, Chai wanton just light answer: "I know, if I can do it, then Chai family will not collapse."

"Well, you know yourself so well that I'm beginning to like you." The king of Zeus put out his tongue and licked it slowly on his upper lip. "Come on, I remember you have another question to ask."

"When can you return Chu Yangfeng to Hua Canyu?" After shaking his head and putting aside everything that King Zeus had just brought to him, Chai Fangsi, whose face returned to normal, looked at the white wool carpet and said, "I once promised him that I would make sure the child is OK."

Zeus the king of evil smile said: "if flower residual rain if wait, then you tell him, at least to wait for 16 years, wait for Chu Yangfeng have sex ability, I can let him walk freely."

Chai Fangsi was puzzled and asked, "why?"

"Because he is my future husband, I have to wait to have sex with him. I've been waiting for a long time. I can't wait." After King Zeus finished this sentence in a low voice, he no longer took care of the firewood. Instead, he put his right hand under the blanket, and his whole body twisted strangely. In a short time, his mouth began to sing.

Although Chai Fangsi said that he was still a man, he knew what king Zeus was doing. He felt his face was hot and his mouth was dry.

"I, I have to solve some practical problems in this way in order to... Oh, I have to wait for him." King Zeus groaned loudly and said this sentence. He grabbed the blanket with his left hand and threw it out, revealing a mature body with sweat in the blink of an eye.

King Zeus's right hand was rubbing sharply between her legs. Her white chin was raised high, like a big white snake, rolling slowly on the bed. In her voice, it was so sweet that stone people could not stand: "Chai, Chai Fangsi, i... Oh! I can tell you my biggest secret, I can go back to ancient times through what I have mastered! Just... Oh!! As long as I want, I can completely change a person's fate, but I can't go to the future. I can only calculate through the book of changes... Ah, I'm going to die... "

Can she go back to ancient times? Is there really ten dimensional space in the world?

"No, it's impossible. It's just a theory put forward by modern scientists. How can it come true? It can't be Chai Fangsi looked at the king Zeus who was completely occupied by the feeling of "self-defense" on his bed. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he thought of a sentence: whether men or women have the lowest self-defense, it's usually when this high tide comes!

Why did Chai Fangsi endure humiliation to become a warrior for Zeus?

Why did he let him fight, scold and humiliate?

What's more, she is now watching the "radio" action of an adult man, which is absolutely a shame for a man without clothes. No man can stand it!