"What's the matter?" night tassel asked immediately

"Well, I had enough to eat and drink before I remembered that I hadn't washed my face and brushed my teeth."

Night tassel hastened to push the rice bowl, said: "you don't so disgusting, I'm ok? I haven't eaten yet

Chu Yang looked innocent, raised his hands and sniffed under his nose: "there is some bad smell, but I can bear it... Ah, where are you going after dinner?"

After seeing Chu Yang's clean hands, yeliusu immediately realized that this man must have cleaned up his personal hygiene for a long time. At the same time, he also understood that the reason why he was "disgusting" was that he wanted to adjust the current atmosphere. So he gave him a white eye and pulled the millet porridge again, saying, "today is a good day for your pharmaceutical factory to open for trial production, It's said that the heroine of "runaway master" has been invited to be the image ambassador. Naturally, I'm going to give some money to the audience. I sincerely ask President Hua to accept it. "

"In fact, your best gift..." after glancing at the chest of the night tassel, Chu Yang licked his lips with a licentious expression: "it's OK to give it to me now."

"Don't dream. Will you go with me or go back to the president first?"

Taking a look at the time of the mobile phone, Chu Yang replied: "it's almost half past six now. I think Hua Manyu must have left sunshine Lingxiu city for a long time. I'd better take a ride with you."

South America, Mexico, there is no day and night in the 2012 underground city.

Although it has been more than four hours, and Beigong CuO has moved out the dead bodies of the nine men and women and cleaned them very clean, Chai Murong can't help vomiting when he is given the antidote by Xie Yaotong.

Gently patting Chai Murong's back who sat up slowly from the corner, Xie Yaotong said in a low voice: "do you feel better? Don't think about that. "

After looking at Xie Yaotong with grateful eyes for the first time, Chai Murong wrapped his clothes, and then walked to the center of the room with her help.

In the middle of the room, beigongcuo and Montgomery, with bare upper body, have been standing there for several hours, but their waists are still straight, as if they can stand like this for a lifetime.

When the heavy stone door was knocked three times, two times and five times from the outside, Montgomery was relieved and said to beigongcuo, "your idea has finally passed. The other three elders didn't see any flaws."

"Thank you. Then it's time for me to go, too." After bowing and saluting Montgomery, Beigong CuO didn't wait for his orders, and then walked to the door.


Beigong CuO stopped, turned around and looked at Chai Murong, who called him: "what else do you have?"

"I have something to ask you."

"Go ahead, please."

"Just a moment." Chai Murong went to Wenchi and wiped his face with water. Then he went to the reclining chair and sat down. Instead of asking Beigong what was wrong, he said to Montgomery, "elder two, I won't say thank you. There are still many opportunities for us to work together. Now I just have a few questions for you to answer."

Montgomery nodded and did not speak.

Chai Murong askew her head and asked the question she had long wanted to know: "after I started fasting, by chance, when I was calling my man's name, I suddenly felt that he could hear me. I can guarantee that this is not an illusion. What's the matter, please?"

Montgomery looked at the string of sun stone bracelet on Chai Murong's right hand and simply replied: "bishop, I can't explain it to you clearly, but I know a little bit."

Without waiting for chaimurong to ask any more questions, Montgomery went on to say, "you and your man, viper, the patron god of our church, originally appeared in the last words of bishop salacissa, so when you call his name with your heart, he should be able to hear it."


In just had this kind of feeling, Chai Murong once said with Xie Yaotong.

Xie Yintong naturally won't believe it, making Chai Murong think it's just wishful thinking.

But now, Montgomery, one of the four most important elders in 2012, clearly told her: "when you call his name with your heart, he should be able to hear it."

Suddenly, Chai Murong was startled: "ah! No, he can hear it! "

"If it's someone else, maybe not, but you are not ordinary people. You should be able to have this kind of spiritual interaction."

"Scared! Then, isn't he going to be afraid when he hears my voice in the middle of the night? "

After confirming that Chu Yang could hear her shouting, Chai Murong immediately forgot the danger of being nearly turned and said with great interest, "but I used to shout his name in the distance before, but why didn't I feel that at that time?"

"There are two reasons. I can't explain them clearly for a while and a half. I have to say it briefly." The old prodigy frowned for a moment and said, "before, he was wearing the sun stone bracelet, but now you are wearing it, and you should have shared a room with him recently. It's because of these two unexplained reasons that you can have telepathy with him. "

The old man could even guess what I had just been "done" by that guy. It seemed that he was also a monster... After burying Montgomery in his heart, Chai Murong was very puzzled and asked: "if so, why can't I hear his voice? And most of all, I can feel that he can hear me calling him. I want to tell him where I am, but I can't yell it out. "

"It's just like the upgrade of fighting monsters. Now you can't wear the sun stone bracelet for a short time, so you can't use it calmly."

"As for why you can't hear what he's saying, it's because he's not wearing a Sunstone bracelet, so he can't transmit information to you through the parallel space of reality," Montgomery said, pinching his fingers and closing his eyes

Chai Murong frowned: "parallel space?"

"Yes, parallel space." Montgomery said: in short, the reason why this strange phenomenon occurs between you is the same as your body and soul. By using the power contained in the sun stone, you can make the willpower pass through the parallel space. Have you seen science fiction movies? How much should we know about four-dimensional space, parallel world and so on. In fact, Maya prophecy is based on accurate calculation, through the four-dimensional space to know in advance what will happen in the future... "

Listening to Montgomery's endless explanation, Chai Murong thought all this was very interesting, and even thought: I have to practice hard, so that I can talk to him anytime and anywhere in the future, which will save a lot of phone bills.

Looking at the bishop seems to have the trend of wandering, Montgomery stopped talking and asked: "I don't know if the bishop is satisfied with my explanation?"

"Ah, just so so." Chai Murong nodded quickly, then raised his right hand, looked at the sun stone bracelet and asked, "before I put it on, I have seen other people wear it. So, can anyone who has worn this thing telepathize with Chu Yang and, oh, the plumed serpent god through that parallel world

"It's impossible, because this bracelet can't be worn by anyone except you and the plumed serpent god. Who is beyond his capacity... "

Chai Murong interrupted Montgomery and asked, "like the guy I killed?"

"Even if you don't kill him, he will burn himself to death."

"Does he know that?"

"He's a bishop, and when he asks us about this, we don't hide it."

Chai Murong some strange asked: "that he knows will burn himself to death, still wearing this thing, this is not a fool?"

"What is a fool?" Montgomery asked in dismay

Chai Murong's face, in Xie Yaotong's smile, turned red: "Oh, nothing. It's our vernacular, which means fool. Cough

Montgomery nodded thoughtfully: "Oh, so it is. Lord cantambos is not a fool. He did it by providence

"Can you explain it?"

"No, I've said enough today. Your eminence will understand later."

Chai Murong nodded in disappointment and then asked, "Oh, yes, the last question."

"Go ahead, please."

"If I call him here, will it have any effect on him?" Chai Murong pondered for a moment, then said: "that is to say, he did not know where I was when he heard my voice. Would he think that he had gone to hell?"

"If you yell like that throughout the fasting period, I'm sure he'll go insane."

Chai murongdun was scared: "scared! It's not that serious, is it? "

"In the last words of Archbishop salacissa, your lives are one. This sentence means that if one of you dies in this space, another person will die immediately. Therefore, you'd better treat him well in the future, which is also treating yourself well. "

"What? What do you mean by this is that if he is killed by that fox, I will die with bad luck? " Chai Murong cried: "is this too unfair? No, no, I protest! Since it's not the same year, the same month and the same day, why do you have to die the same year, the same month and the same day? Don't forget I'm one year younger than him

"It's the will of the gods from Olympus. You can't change it." Montgomery finished this sentence, no longer pay attention to Chai Murong, turned very chic flash.

Looking at the two closed stone gates, Beigong suddenly remembered the legend of 2012.

Legend: 67 years ago, a girl related to the British royal family appeared in the prophecy of the "gods" at the age of 21, becoming the first female bishop in 2012. After fasting, he was defiled by the men in the four religions, and the dirty scene was captured by the relatively crude camera at that time.