Seeing that the situation in the parking lot was getting more and more chaotic, Li Yongping said quickly, "Mayor song may not have noticed the frivolous news on the Internet. It is widely spread on the Internet that Liu Mengmeng's gossip boyfriend is also the Third Prince of the Chu family."

Not to mention, song Yuansheng is not interested in following the gossip of a little star.

But at this time, after hearing that there was a lover of Chu and his girlfriend who had an affair with Chai Liang, he immediately began to fight: ouch, what's the matter? Chai Liang, Chai Liang, you bastard. Although you are qualified to walk horizontally in Southern Hebei according to your identity background, can you compare with Chu Yang?

If song Yuansheng knew that Qin Mengyao, the second princess of the Qin family, was also present and had already kicked others, he would definitely have more headaches.

No, no, we have to deal with it quickly, or it will end badly!

As soon as song Yuansheng thought of it, he heard Li Yongping say, "Mayor song, director Liang Xin of the Municipal Bureau is just on the second floor. Do you want me to call her and ask her to deal with it?"

At this time, the police can solve the current dispute, it is the most appropriate.

Song Yuansheng quickly nodded with a smile.

After Li Yongping made a phone call, song Yuansheng gave him a grateful smile. Just as he wanted to tell the driver to go and have a look, he saw a grass green warrior car and a black Pentium car driving into the parking lot one by one.

Originally, the warrior car was in the front, but after the two cars came in, they ran faster than it and drove out to the chaotic crowd.

After the car stopped, as the door opened, a young man in a blue shirt came out.

Seeing the young man, Li Yongping immediately whispered to song Yuansheng, "Mayor song, this man is the third prince over there in Beijing."

A few days later, when Chu Yang saw Fan Jing again, the image of this once powerful woman in Chinese politics was very different a few days ago.

At the auction of Dongfang pharmaceutical factory, Fanjing at that time was not old at all. Wearing a yellow mandarin jacket was the aunt sweeping the road.

But today, when Chu Yang came to No. 11 villa to find his sister Zhou, Fan Jing's image really gave him a bright feeling: now, Fan Jing is not as strong as when he was an official, nor the vicissitudes and depression when he was down. Now, she is a middle-aged beautiful woman with peace in her speech and behavior.

Countless facts have proved that the best cosmetics for women are not Chanel, Estee Lauder, or Dabao SOD honey, but a peaceful good mood and a healthy body.

After seeing Chu Yang, Fan Jing's eyebrows and corners of his eyes are full of smiles. Naturally, he takes out his mother-in-law posture of hurting his son-in-law and quickly asks him to come into the room and sit down.

Five, six, seven, eight days ago, before going to Indonesia, Chu Yang left Zhou Tangtang a bank card, which worried Fan Jing.

Now see her this kiss good son-in-law standing in front of us, naturally will be overjoyed.

All the happiness on Jing's face is the simple affection of the elder for the younger. Of course, Chu Yang can see that she is happy that she has adjusted her mind in such a short time. She walks into the main hall with a relaxed mood.

After serving Chu Yang with a fruit plate and a cup of tea, Fan Jing first asks his elders in Beijing how they are.

Chu Yang is not a good man, but he is a filial son. He respects his elders very much. Therefore, when Fan Jing asks about the physical condition of the old Chu people, even if he doesn't stand up and answer, he straightens up: "I thank aunt fan for his greetings for the old people in my family. They are all healthy."

Chu Yang's actions are not only a kind of respect for Fan Jing, but also a kind of filial piety to his elders.

After asking about the health of the elders of the Chu family, Fanjing also wanted to ask her how her son-in-law looked haggard after only a few days' absence. But when he thought about the seriousness of his going out, he thought that he might have gone through some suffering again, so he didn't ask any more questions, so he brought the topic to his daughter.

Regardless of chuyang's obstruction, after cutting an apple for him, Fanjing handed it to him: "chuyang, if you had come ten minutes earlier, you would have seen Tangtang."

Chu Yang is embarrassed to turn away Fan Jing's kindness, so he has to nibble at an apple and ask: "ha ha, if I had known, I should have called her first. Well, I wanted to surprise her, but she wasn't there... What did she do? "

"She drove to the provincial experimental primary school to meet Dongdong. She said she would take the child to tianxianglou to eat dumplings." Fan Jing took fan Dongdong to Jinan to go to school, just to give the child a quiet reading environment, and at the same time, let him accompany his daughter to relieve his boredom. Let's talk about it briefly.

Since Xiao Zhou's sister is not at home, and she is still eating out, Chu Yang is not convenient to stay at Zhou's house any more, so he stood up and said, "well, aunt fan, since Tangtang is going to Tianxiang building, I'll go to eat now."

Although Fanjing very much hopes that her son-in-law can eat at home, but also knows that there are many inconveniences when her daughter is not at home now, so she stands up and says with a smile: "Oh, you can go, do you want me to call her first and say something?"

Chu Yang shook his head: "no, she is probably driving at this time. It must be inconvenient to answer the phone. Anyway, I know where Tianxiang building is, so I can go there and find her directly."

When leaving Fanjing, it was already more than eleven o'clock, and Chu Yang drove to Tianxiang building.

When you turn left and you can see Tianxiang building, the red light is on.

Now Chu Yang, who has greatly improved his ideological awareness, naturally won't do that kind of thing of running a red light, so he fell down the window, put his left hand on the door and looked out of the window.

Chu Yang and this black Pentium side by side in front of the intersection waiting for the green light, is a grass green warrior car.

The driver was a beautiful sister in casual clothes. At this time, she just looked to the right... Immediately, her eyes were bright. She quickly fell down the window, leaned over to the right and cried happily: "Hi, chuyang!"

At more than nine o'clock this morning, Qin Dynasty, who was in a good mood recently, received a call from his sister Qin Mengyao.

Qin Mengyao said on the phone: Liu Mengmeng, a good friend and jade star, is arriving in Southern Hebei at noon today. She is going to pick up the wind and wash the dust for her in Tianxiang building and ask her sister if she is free. Let's go and have a sit together.

Liu Mengmeng is no stranger to the Qin Dynasty. For the time being, this girl had an affair with Xiao Chu some time ago. It was in the summer two years ago when sister Qin first came to southern Hebei, she almost abandoned Ma jianma for her sake.

It was at that time that the Qin Dynasty first met Chu Yang.

As time goes by, sister Qin has been far away from Hua Canyu, who has loved her so much for so many years, and she has poured all her maternal love on the guy she hated at the beginning.

Life is always full of drama. No one expected that the relationship between the Qin Dynasty and Chu Yang would develop to this point.

It was because he met Chu Yang for the sake of Liu Mengmeng's emergence that Qin Dynasty agreed after hesitating for a moment when his sister called her.

On the way to tianxianglou, the Qin Dynasty thought that he had to find a suitable opportunity to meet Chu's brother, hoping to dilute his pain of losing chaimurong with infinite tenderness.

There is a local saying among the people in Southern Hebei, which goes like this: Thinking of the bastard comes the turtle.

When sister Qin came to the red light, she was still thinking about Xiao Chu. Who knows that when she inadvertently looked out of the window, she saw the little man in her dream. Then she said hello to him with joy.

While observing the brand-new tread pattern of the warrior car, Chu Yang suddenly heard a very familiar female voice calling his name and subconsciously raised her head: "eh, Qin Dynasty? Ha, I really don't see each other in my life. I didn't expect to meet you when I wait for the green light here! "

To be able to suddenly see his dream man in the street, the Qin Dynasty ignored Chu's face, which was obviously full of vicissitudes. Instead, he asked with a smile, "yes, yes, what a coincidence. Where are you going?"

"I just go to dinner." Chu Yang raised his hand and rubbed his nose, then pointed to the direction of turning left: "I'm going to Tianxiang building over there. Are you going to do something?"

"What? Are you going to Tianxiang building, too? Ouch, it seems that we are really predestined... Well, I'm in plain clothes. Where can I go to carry out the task? I'm going to Tianxiang building, too. "

"What? You go to Tianxiang building, too? I'm afraid you didn't change your mind for me, did you? Hey, hey, you're kidding. You're kidding. " Chu Yang didn't expect that she would go to Tianxiang building, so he nodded in a small joke: "but you're right, we really have a destiny. Why do you suddenly remember to go there for dinner? It seems that you are dining with others

Qin Dynasty's Qiao blushed for a while, quickly explained: "it's true to accompany others to dinner, but those people are not others, one is my sister Mengyao, the other is... Hee hee, that person, you must know."

It's said that the Qin Dynasty went to tianxianglou just to accompany the little pepper of the Qin family to have a meal. Chu Yang naturally frowned. When he just wanted to say something, he saw that sister Qin had sold it again, so he asked: "who is that man?"

At this time, the green light is on.

Qin Dynasty's right hand shifted gear and turned to say, "it's your Internet gossip lover Liu Mengmeng."

Chu Yang was stunned: "what? Who? Do you think Liu Mengmeng is my Internet gossip lover

"Yes, now many people know that you are her mysterious lover. Hey, don't say you can't go to Tianxiang building." In the Qin Dynasty, Xiaoxiao first stepped on the accelerator to turn left.

Well, Tangtang, Qin Mengyao and Liu Mengmeng, why did they all choose Tianxiang building?

Is the food in Tianxiang restaurant delicious?

Do you want to use some small means to take the hotel away... After thinking maliciously for a while, the car behind honked, and Chu Yang had to start the car.