After seeing the tangled bracelet on Chai Murong's wrist, Xie Yaotong doesn't believe what he sees is a ghost trick.

But at the same time more confused: Chai Murong and miss Ben are upright Chinese, how could she be the messenger who never came out of the victory goddess temple in Greek mythology?

Xie Yaotong looks at Chai Murong who says hello to everyone and turns around in a hurry. Her mind becomes blank for a moment, but she immediately understands one thing: since Chai Murong can become the new archbishop in 2012, she must be assisted by Chu Yang! In this way, Chu Yang could not have died in this budding Island incident! But I didn't expect that he and Chai Murong would be in charge of such a huge 2012. According to their personality, can they go along with the most mysterious people?

Xie Yaotong was in a state of extreme confusion in his mind. He could not help but put his hands over his ears and yelled out something. Fortunately, the elder puyesaf gave out a break at this time, which made her have her own thinking again: "stop!"

If you ask me to stop, I'll stop. Do you think I'm stupid? But where can I go if I don't stop? It's better to be obedient, stop, make friends with them, lift Xie Yaotong out, and then deny killing a foreign devil

Chai Murong, who stepped out of his right foot, slowly put it down, then slowly turned around and blinked his eyes: "who told me to stop just now? What can I do for you? If you have something to say, you'd better speak quickly, because I'm very busy now. "

"Please come in!"

Puyesaf was not angry with Chai Murong's childish, ridiculous and arrogant words. Instead, he slowly stood up from his chair and invited her in with an extremely respectful voice.

With puyesaf's rise, the second elder and the third elder and the fourth elder all stood up.

Seeing that all the four highly respected elders in the church stand up, those who can only be regarded as peddlers and pawns compared with them in the church dare not trust them.

So, except for Xie Yaotong, who still has water in her head, all the people stood up.

Next to Xie Yaotong is a female supervisor in charge of the logistics of the underground city. She gently kicked Xie's chair leg with her toes.

At this time, Xie Yaotong just like a dream, also stood up.


Eh, how can these people be so polite to senior officials? Can I say that my beautiful and healthy image has convinced them? I'm afraid it's wrong

Chai Murong, who thought he would be plucked by the barbarians and dragged into the house, heard puyesaf invite her in and stood up with hundreds of people. The senior officials looked at all this and suspected that he might be dreaming, so they secretly pinched him on the outside of his big leg with their left hand.

When she felt really painful, she knew that it was true, not a dream.

But she didn't understand what was going on in front of her, so she stood in front of the door.

Puyesaf left the chair and led the other three elders to the door. When they were three meters away from chaimurong, puyesaf stopped, bowed, covered his heart with his left hand, and said again, "please come in."

Although Chai Murong, who has read a lot, is now in a great shock, she understands the meaning of saluting people with one hand covering her chest: it represents a high respect, which is second only to the five body throwing to the ground and kneeling on both knees.

Why are these people so polite to me?

Chai Murong was staring at the unreal scene. She subconsciously walked to the conference room with a knife until puyesaf asked her to go in for the third time.

Just as Chai Murong stepped into the conference room, she heard the rapid footsteps coming from the corridor behind her. She looked back and saw that two foreign devils in black were running to this side like crazy, and immediately she realized that it was bad: bad, I killed that pervert devils, probably because they were found, so the east window incident happened!

Chai Murong guessed very well. As soon as she got this idea out of her mind, the two devils who came running from afar yelled to testify for her: "no, no! The leader has been killed

That's what I did... What? Leader, is that abnormal foreign devil the leader?

Chai Murong's lips moved and her big eyes swept to both sides. Even though she was resourceful, she knew that there was no hope of escape except to calm down and refuse to admit it later.

The two black clothes took less than ten seconds to finish running. Chai Murong walked for a long time and panted to the five meters in front of the big conference room.

The first person who came to us stopped with a creak and pointed to the direction behind her. When he wanted to say something, he saw Chai Murong covered with blood. At the same time, he saw the knife in her hand. He was stunned and speechless.

When this guy and his companions went to the torture room to send a beautiful woman to cantambos, they found that their revered leader had been assassinated and died. In extreme shock and fear, they were so surprised that they didn't see the world. They came running and jumping

Puyesaf waited for the man's breath to be a little calm, but without waiting for them to say anything, he said faintly: "I know. You should step down first."

Do you know? You know how the Archbishop died before I say anything? What do you know?

The two guys who came here had never met the four elders, but they saw that the four old guys seemed to have extraordinary bearing. Even their leaders stood obediently in the back and didn't fart, so they were very smart or confused and nodded, then turned and left.

Gee, it's strange. I thought I was doomed this time, but it doesn't look like that.

After seeing that the two left without saying a word, Chai Murong gently breathed out a breath, turned and looked at puyesaf, pointed his left hand back to his chin, and directly shifted the topic: "you, you just said invite me in?"

Since people didn't seem to pay much attention to the killing of the abnormal foreign devils, Chai Murong would not be stupid enough to take the initiative, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Yes, please come in!" Puyesaf and the other three elders bowed to salute again, and then separated the two sides behind the door to make way for the officials.

In a daze, Chai Murong dragged the knife to the center of the conference room.

As she walked, she saw that there was no sofa or sun chair around the wall. Then she stopped and asked the old men who followed her, "where do you want me to go?"

Puyesaf did not speak, but raised his hand and pointed to the most Western and central chair, which was 3.6cm higher than other chairs.

Chai Murong used to be the boss of Yunshui group for a long time. Naturally, he knew the rules of sitting there on such occasions.

Now, she saw that people pointed to the chair that only the boss could sit down. She shook her head in disbelief. She raised her hand with a knife and pointed to the chair in the middle with the tip of the knife: "you mean, let me sit in that chair?"

"Yes, that's a chair for you!" Puyesaf and the other three elders whispered yes.

Is it because I've done a lot to kill people that they treat me so well? Ge Laozi, which Comrade can tell me what's going on?

After confirming to several old men who "respect the old and love the young" that she was really placed in the position representing the big boss, Chai Murong, though puzzled and surprised to the extreme, did not say any more nonsense. She simply moved to the front of the chair.

When Chai Murong walked to the chair, wherever he went, all the people bent down and covered their chests with one hand to salute her.

When Rao Shi Chai Murong was the chairman of Yunshui group before, he was used to being "loved" by people. However, there were not so many people in the conference room at that time, and the luxury of the conference room could not be compared with what we saw.

So now she suddenly enjoyed this feeling, so she naturally straightened up her chest, walked to the chair and sat down, then slapped the knife in her hand on the conference table: since you respect high officials like this, I'm not polite. As for what will happen next... How do you like it, It's a big deal. I'll leave the body here today!

The idea that this dead pig is not afraid of boiled water soup rises, Chai Murong seems more calm.

After Chai Murong sat down, the four elders sat down again. Then puyesaf raised his hand and pressed it down. He said, "what the hell are you doing? You all sit down and wait for your instructions!" I'm going to make a gesture.

As a result, more than 100 2012 leaders from all over the world immediately sat on their chairs.

After Chai Murong sat down, she didn't speak at all. She just took out her dignity as the chairman of Yunshui group and swept to both sides calmly. Her right hand was always placed in the nearest position to the knife. She was ready to wave the knife to defend herself as soon as she saw something bad happened. Although she knew it was all in vain, when she was in a strange and dangerous situation, A knife that looks very sharp can give her more confidence, can't it?

Chai Murong sat down and looked at the crowd with a dignified face, which was a habit formed during the meeting of Yunshui group.

However, in 2012, the leaders were shocked and admired: no wonder Archbishop salacissa said in his last words that there would be an emissary from the temple of the goddess to be the new archbishop. He only looked at the ability of people to keep calm in the face of so many heroes, and the sharp look in people's eyes, I know this girl is the one!


I don't know this one, I haven't seen this one, and I don't have any impression on this one. Why does this one look so familiar? Oh, so she is Xie Yaotong.

When Chai Murong saw Xie Yaotong, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then he spoke with a quiet and gentle smile.