After all his hard work, Chai Murong finally found a secret passage in this luxurious room.

She didn't know whether she would go to heaven or hell after entering this secret passage.

But after decades of lonely suffering, she would rather go to hell than stay here any more... Maybe that chick who doesn't know how to get tough is in hell?

At the thought of the guy who never knew how to be considerate of the senior officials, Chai Murong had endless courage and went into the secret channel without hesitation.

It's a different kind of tunnel.

Generally speaking, underground tunnels are winding downward or parallel.

But when Chai Murong walked down the steps for a few steps, he groped in the dark and came to a step that went up and up.

Although her eyes have long adapted to the darkness, Chai Murong's big peach blossom eyes are still dark. At the same time, she also understands that her former living room is underground, and now she is walking from underground to the ground.

Chai Murong walked and walked. I don't know how long he had been walking, but it seemed that there was no end to the dark road that had been winding upward.

In addition to Chai Murong's slowly moving footsteps, there was no more movement in the dark path, which made her regret when she began to be afraid: I really should wait for Xie Yaotong. Even if I suffer from loneliness in that room, it's better than turning around like a fly here.

After about a few decades of being forced by someone in Chu, Chai Murong held the cold wall in the dark and cried wrongly: "well, when can we get to the end?"

There is no need to take off her shoes at all. Chai Murong also knows that her feet must have worn bubbles. Even if she wants to go back to that room at this time, she can't go back: because on her way here, she has not only encountered a fork in the road, but each fork extends downward, which seems to lead to a different room.

It is more difficult for a lonely person to find her way at countless intersections in the dark than for a beggar to find a place for him to eat and drink for free all his life.

If you enter another room by mistake, who knows if there is a bachelor who is crazy about women?

A smart girl like a senior official can't do that kind of stupid thing.

So, although the official was very sad to cry, what she did next was to sing "sailor" in her heart and go on: he said that this pain in the wind and rain is nothing, wipe away the tears, don't be afraid, at least we still have a dream! He said that the pain in the wind and rain is nothing, wipe tears do not ask, why!

"He said that the pain in the wind and rain is nothing. Don't be afraid to dry your tears. At least I have a dream... Ouch!" When she walks to Chai Murong, who is numb and weak all over, and sings this old inspirational song in a trance, her straight little nose is hit by a hard and cold thing.

All of a sudden, tears fell down. She covered her nose and squatted down. She scolded all the swearing words she could know in a low voice again and again. Then she slowly stood up and stretched out her right hand to touch forward.

Then Chai Murong found something called a wall.

Chai Murong turned his body and felt around carefully. After five or six minutes, he finally determined that all the places except the steps were walls.

"Can't you say that the senior officials have come so far to touch the wall here? What's the matter with me? " Chai Murong cursed in a low voice. She squatted down and began to touch it carefully from the bottom to the top. She didn't believe that those stupid things had made such a long secret passage. She came here just to have nothing to touch the wall.

Finally, when Chai Murong's little hands felt his lover's body inch by inch from the bottom to the mouth, he felt something like a bolt.

I'm really stupid. Isn't this the place where I hit the wall? Why didn't I touch here first just now?

In the heart of how much to point their own blame, Chai Murong left a pull that bolt... Suddenly, a lightning Teng to appear in front of her eyes, let her quickly close her eyes.

Where did lightning come from in the dark tunnel?

Chai Murong is very puzzled, very puzzled slowly opened his eyes, and then she laughed.

The smile, in the light is so beautiful can not square things.

Just now, when Chai Murong was pulling the bolt to the left, a small window like playing cards appeared on the wall in front of her.

There was a strong light coming from the small window, which made Chai Murong, who had been walking in the dark for a long time, unable to adapt to the light for a moment, so he thought it was lightning.

Looking at the light representing life, Chai Murong immediately realized that the source of the light was the end of the dark path.

Finally, there is hope to leave this secret passage... Chai Murong breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly put his eyes on the small window, ready to see what's going on outside. At the same time, his hands touched again in the position of the small window, hoping to find the switch to open a door.

Chai Murong's left eye slowly drew close to the small window, looked out... Then it was a Leng, and then suddenly retracted. Unconsciously, he grasped a rope head's right hand, and went to cover his mouth which was about to make a cry of surprise.

As soon as Chai Murong's right hand covered her mouth, she said in her heart, "fortunately, I'm very excited. I didn't make a sound when I spied on other people's secrets. It's just that the man is too abnormal, right?" At that time, the wall in the light and in the dark suddenly creaked, and the wall in front of her quickly split to both sides, making her close to the wall for a moment, and she staggered out of the dark road.


How come I haven't died like Anliya?

Lord, please be kind and take me away. Even if I go to hell, I don't want to live in this world and be destroyed by this man.

Wearing a red fur spacesuit with only his chest and lower body exposed, vias's pale, bloodless face was covered with long golden hair, and was tightly attached to the cold floor. His eyes, which were still full of spring water a few months ago, had no color of life. He was just staring at Anya who had been thrown into the corner and had become a corpse.

She had no strength in her whole body, and her arms were soft on the ground. If it wasn't for her hip being held tightly by cantambos, she couldn't keep the posture of kneeling on the ground.

Except for his head and crotch, the rest of his body was covered with candlelight and bloodstained whip marks. At first sight, he had just been subjected to inhuman punishment - whipping and wax dripping.

However, there was no pain on his face, but excitement, fanatical and rough excitement!

"Well! Well Cantambos, kneeling on the ground, breathes heavily and shrugs hard. The ugly thing, which has been "working" for an hour and has not shrunk at all, is pumping faster and faster into vias' body. Every time he moves, a few drops of blood will drip from vias' thigh roots to the floor.

Cantambos held vias on his left wrist and wore a string of bracelets that glowed softly in the light.

The bracelet, along with the body of vias, and the shining sun stone, will occasionally reflect the light on the chains and shackles above the room specially used for extorting confessions. When it is placed on the scabbard free samurai sword on the east wall, the two lights will collide in an instant and then separate.

"Ah, ah!" Feeling that the most ferocious moment will come in a few minutes later, cantambos, with his mouth wide open, uttered a wolf howl, and his action became more and more violent: "vaias, you scream, scream! If you will, I will never touch you again

When a man is about to arrive at Gao Chao, he hopes that his partner can cooperate with him to make a gentle song, so as to enhance his sense of strength.

Cantambos, the fighter of men, is also like this. That's why when the moment is coming, she desperately sucks the woman's hip with her hand and orders her to go to bed loudly.

However, this good wish of cantambos was shattered by the release smile on the corner of vias' mouth and the rapid expansion of his pupils.

But cantambos didn't know that vias had been tortured to death by him. He still tried his best to pull her hip and yelled at her.

The uncooperative of vias made cantambos very angry. He suddenly stopped pushing forward, bent down and grabbed her hair, lying on her back, chin against her cheek. He just wanted to shout something, but found that she was dead.

Although Mr. cantambos had a certain function after wearing the tangled bracelet, he hoped to play with women forever, but he didn't like to play with a corpse, which was the most comfortable thing. So when he saw that vias was dead, he scolded fiercely, released his hand holding his hair, and just wanted to stand up outside and call two women's department down, I heard a creak.

Cantambos turned his head and looked to the East. He saw a girl in sportswear, staggering out of the tunnel.

Cantambos, who died before Vyas finished her task, was very angry. Then he got up from the ground and kicked away the corpse in his crotch. He strode to the beautiful and stupid girl. He didn't expect that there was another woman in the church who was not inferior to the East demon. At this time, she appeared when I needed her most, It seems that God is so kind to me!


God, are you kidding me? Why don't I show up when I can't find the exit? I want to avoid others, but let me appear in front of this smelly man?

I don't know what's going on. Chai Murong, who suddenly stumbles into the room from the secret passage, stares at the peach blossom eyes and stands by the secret door, looking at the foreigner who has come by with a gun. In his heart, he is secretly complaining: no propriety, no propriety! I didn't see anything of this devil. It's really not... Ah, what did he come here for?