When the boss asked the man what he looked like, the monkey closed his eyes.

Only in this way, he tried to make sure that he would not describe the man wrong: "he has long smooth hair, two good-looking moustaches on his upper lip, and some yellow complexion..."

It won't be him. He will never grow long hair, nor will he grow a beard, nor will he have a yellow complexion... Shang Lige's heart slowly sank down, and the excited flame just lit in his eyes darkened again.

The monkey didn't see the expression in the boss's eyes at all. He still said, "he's 25-6 years old. He's 1.78 meters tall at most. His teeth are white when he laughs..."

Monkey just said here, Shang Lige immediately interrupted him: "don't say, where is that man?"

"It's down in front of the bar in the lobby."

Shang Lige doesn't speak any more, puts down his wine glass, puts his hat on his head, and walks out of the office in a hurry.

When walking into the elevator, Shang Lige clenched his fists tightly.

Just now, when the monkey began to describe the appearance of the person who said that, she was once cold hearted.

But when the monkey said his smile, his age and his height, she suddenly had a strong premonition: this person must be Chu Yang!!


What kind of words should be used to describe Shang Lige's mood at this time?

Is it excitement? Or fear?


Since Chai Murong told Chu Yang that he had died overseas, Shang Lige didn't believe her brother! Her friend! Her lover... Died in silence.

Since he has chosen to be a killer who can kill and be killed at any time, Shang Lige has long thought about their fate.

However, she felt that even if Chu Yang really would die, he would die in a magnificent way, never like Chai Murong said, just like this silent death.

Therefore, although Shang Lige saw Chu Yang's suicide note, she refused to accept the news of his sacrifice, and insisted that one day, Chu Yang would appear in front of her, just like when they first met, he would smile and say to her: Hey, girl, don't always pull a face, come to smile for me!

It is this kind of obstinacy that makes Shang Lige never leave Southern Hebei. He asks the monkey to wait at the entrance of the hall every night and ask, "is the owner of this club a woman?" I'm not the only one.

Shang Lige doesn't believe in Buddhism, Jesus or master li... Even she doesn't have any faith, but she always believes that Chu Yang won't die like this.


Now, the monkey said that the man who asked this sentence finally appeared, but Shang Lige was excited, but he was deeply afraid.

She was excited because the person who asked finally appeared.

She was afraid, but because she was afraid that the person who said this was not Chu Yang!

If, if the person who said this is not Chu Yang but someone else, how can I punish this person? Was it a knife that killed him? Or cut off a piece of meat on him every day and let him die slowly?

This is what Shang Lige thinks when the elevator reaches the first floor and the elevator door slowly opens to both sides.

Elevator door slowly open, business song slowly raised his head, to the front of the bar.


Although the dress of Chu is not the same as in the past, when he and Shang Lige's eyes are intertwined, the latter's heart is still thumping, and then a voice rises: Chu... Yang!

There is a kind of feeling called the heart, there is a kind of Miss called the morning and evening.

When Shang Lige sees someone's yearning eyes, she doesn't need any words to express herself. She can be sure that this person is her brother, her friend and her lover --- Chu Yang!

Shang Lige looked at Chu Yang in front of the bar, slowly because of the emergence of tears in his eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly any more. After a long time, he held his heart in his hands, raised his head with a silent smile, and murmured, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Standing behind Shang Lige, the monkey sees that the boss doesn't walk out of the elevator. He just stands here and looks up. He doesn't know what he's murmuring. He's very puzzled. When he just wants to remind her who the person is, he sees the gentle man in a white shirt coming slowly.


In the past, monkey used to be a second-class killer who didn't know if he could have a chance to eat.

In a certain mission, he was almost killed by the target's bodyguard because of a miss. It was Shang Lige's timely appearance that rescued him.

Since then, the monkey has regarded the owl as a living parent.

If necessary, he can go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of fire for her.

However, in the two years after Shang Lige saved him, he didn't entrust him to do anything, only let him come to China a year ago.

Monkey had never seen Chu Yang before, and he didn't know that the guy who came in front of him was the old face of his parents.

The monkey looks at Chu Yang with vigilance in his eyes.

Chu Yang slowly walked into the elevator and came to Shang Lige with a sad smile on his face. He stretched out his right hand, raised her sharp chin with his index finger, and said in a monkey's arrogant voice: "Hey, girl, don't always pull a face, come and smile for me!"

what? How dare he call himself uncle in front of jiuer elder sister? Monkey also dare to pick her chin to call her girl... Monkey see, like his mother was teased, monkey eyes just want to make some action, but see that he never laugh, never cry, never lose his manners, but suddenly into the man's arms, tightly around his waist.

Shang Lige hugs Chu Yang tightly and uses up all her strength, as if to rub him into her body... Because she is afraid that all this is just a dream. As soon as she lets go, Chu Yang will disappear.

Chu Yang raised his chin, stroked her hair with his left hand, and patted her back with his right hand.

Two people are so tightly embracing, embracing.


Even if the monkey has no eyes, it's time to see something from Shang jiuer's actions.

He rubbed the elevator wall sideways and walked out of the elevator slowly.

Who is this man? I didn't hear that the boss had any relatives before? Is this man her boyfriend? But how? In this world, where can there be a man worthy of such a woman!

Monkey heart is full of doubt out of the elevator, looked up to see is silly looking at this side of Sun Bin, so he waved.

"What are you doing, brother?" Sun Bin followed the monkey to the bar, took a few steps, glanced at the elevator and asked, "who is that guy hugging me?"

"Our boss." Because Sun Bin's brother is holding the boss's small waist, the monkey can't look down on him now. He goes directly into the bar, takes a can of the best beer and throws it over: "he's also the boss of this club."

After catching the beer, Sun Bin was stunned: "Oh, no?"

"What won't?"

"My brother told me when he came that this club was owned by his wife."

Sun Bin looked at the elevator with disbelief: "you, your boss is a woman? Oh, shit, it's not really his wife, is it? "

Oh, there are men out there!

After hearing what Sun Bin said, monkey finally determined the relationship between Shang Lige and the gentle man, and knew that the man she had been waiting for was this man. He couldn't help but feel happy for her: Alas, it's not easy for the boss to keep the clouds open and see the moon at last for more than ten months... It's just that this man is not worthy of the boss, like a horsetail and a traitor.

Did not hear the monkey to answer his words, Sun Bin asked: "your boss is really a woman?"

"Yes, in Southern Hebei, who doesn't know our eldest brother is a woman?"

Sun Bin stayed for a moment, and then cried: "Mom, I'm going to send it now!"

The monkey, who was secretly watching the situation on the other side of the elevator, was startled by Sun Bin's shouting: "what are you shouting about? What do you mean you can make it out?"

Sun Bin said triumphantly: "I'm a brother and I'm a couple with the boss of Shuangxi club. Hehe, according to their relationship, it should not be a problem to arrange a security foreman for me here? "

"When a security foreman, also called hair?" The monkey looked at Sun Bin with disdainful eyes and felt that this guy really had no ambition.


For fear that after loosening, everything in front of her is just a dream that wakes up every night. Shang Lige holds Chu Yang tightly. After tears wet his shirt, she suddenly raises her head, opens her mouth and lies on a man's shoulder, biting hard!


In the heart of infinite emotion or go home good Chu someone, suddenly feel a pain in the left shoulder, can't help but cry out the pain, quickly release Shang Lige: "nine son elder sister, when do you love to bite?"

Shang Licheng loosened his mouth and looked up at Yan's red blood seeping out of his white shirt, just like he didn't see someone in Chu's eyes that contained "I'm so painful." he said in a low voice: "does it hurt?"

"It hurts!"


"It really hurts, or I'll give you a bite?"

Shang Lige stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked his bloody lower lip. Staring at Chu Yang's chin, he asked in a low voice, "since you know it hurts, why don't you go home early?"

Why don't you go home early!?

Go home!

Go home!!

What a warm word it is.

At home, sometimes it is the mother who stands under the pomegranate tree in the yard on the night of full moon, looking at the distance and missing the wanderer.

When I go home, sometimes when I see a couple kissing, my heart will suddenly tremble and think of my husband's wife in the distance.

But at this time, it is Shang Lige's complaint to Chu Yang that he goes home, with the complaint of missing that can't be described in words!

Chu Yang didn't know how to answer Shang Lige's question. He just put the white haired woman in his arms again and said in a low voice: "I will never leave you again after I come back this time."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, sure and sure!"


"Heaven and earth are old!"

Closing his eyes and smelling the familiar smell of Chu Yang, Shang Lige said, "I want to drink."

"Then we'll have a drink." Chuyang let go of shanglige with a smile, and looked back at Sun Bin, who was peeping over here: "Oh, by the way, I'll do some small things first."

Shang Lige just stares at Chu Yang tightly and doesn't blink. He doesn't look elsewhere at all: "what's the matter?"

Chu Yang turned his head and cried, "Sun Bin, come here for a while!"