When receiving Chai Murong's call, Hua Manyu was sitting on the sofa of her home in gouyue community eating oranges.

"I'm two now, so I can't forget to eat and sleep for the company like you. Where else can I be when I'm not at home? " Hua Manyu said, pulling on his slippers, went to the window, opened the curtain, looked down, and said to his mobile phone, "Chairman Chaida, I see your car."

"Well." Chai Murong gritted his teeth, looked up, and then pushed the door to get off: "you wait for me on the top. I think it's time for us to come to an end. "

Hua Manyu gave a silent smile, shrugged and said, "why, do you want to duel with me? I can tell you, although I'm pregnant, I can still beat you into a pig's head. "

In order to annoy Chai Murong, Hua Manyu didn't wait for her to retort, and continued: "even if I can't beat you, my son will surely avenge me when he grows up."

"Cut the bullshit and wait for me."

“Ok。” Hua Manyu stops the phone and starts to run in her mind: Why did she come to me all of a sudden? Does it mean Chu Yang? But he is far away in Huaxia, where he can't be contacted. "No, no, you must have arranged all this. You've all come together to cheat me. After I kill his child, he will appear in front of me, won't you? " Hua Manyu's hand trembled violently, trying to tear open the kraft paper bag, but he couldn't hold the seal.

"You, you're lying to me, aren't you?" Hand shivering always can't grasp the seal of the kraft paper bag, let Hua Manyu suddenly roar, raise your hand to throw that kraft paper bag out!

Chai Murong looked at the flower ramble sitting there like a dementia, staring at the paper bag motionless, and a trace of joy rose in his heart: my man died, you are also sad! splendid!!

"I didn't expect that you had such a deep feeling for him. You are the closest of skin for six or seven days at most. It's really strange. How did you sublimate to this point?" After seeing Hua Manyu like this, Chai Murong felt much better. She stood up, picked up the kraft paper bag, tore the seal and poured the contents on the tea table.

Jingle a sound, a golden red Medal of martyrs, and a small envelope, fell on the tea table.

"The ancients have said: white head as new, cover as old." Hua Manyu licked her lips. When she picked up the letter, her hand was no longer shaking, just like her calm voice: "the thickness of emotion is not measured by the length of time. Similarly, the depth of love is not determined by the number of times. It's like you've lived with him for so long, but now you're still a "original product."

Chai Murong nodded: "yes, I agree with you very much. I know that human face is directly proportional to human behavior."

"If I were cheeky, he would not be forced to go to Huaxia fourth base." Hua Manyu took the envelope and handed it to Chai Murong: "come on, your name is on it."

On the envelope was written "Chai Murong personally".

Looking at the envelope, Chai Murong's eyes flashed a trace of tenderness, she slowly shook her head: "you come, I'm afraid tears will wet the letter."

Hua Manyu didn't say anything more. She tore open the envelope and took out a thin letter.

After seeing this letter, Hua Manyu suddenly laughed: "Chai Murong, your wife is really a failure. Even if he is really dead, it can be concluded from the letter he left you that there must be not much about you in it. In other words, he has nothing to write about you. "

"There is so little paper in his suicide note because he didn't expect that he would die." Chai Murong said, put his head on Hua Manyu's shoulder, like a sister, and began to read the letter left by someone in Chu with her.