Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a breath and have a proper outburst.


Love you!


As soon as Chu Yang, the leader of the 12th group of the fourth military base in China, stepped into the camp under his jurisdiction, he first tasted the taste of foot washing water.

Not to mention that, when he was thinking about how to deal with it, the girls who had been ambushing in the lounge on the first floor in the dark started a group fight of "robbing in the dark" with one voice!

Group fight!

Right fight!

At least seven or eight fists and feet were attacking Chu Yang's ribs, chest, legs, even buttocks and crotch.

In addition to ye Chuqing, who was smiling at the door, all the women in group 12, with the great hatred of refusing a man, yelled out loud and rushed forward together!

Yo yo, it's really against you! Don't think you're women, I'm sorry to beat you up... Chu Yang's mind turned around, and his legs suddenly caught three little feet without boots and only with silk stockings, They will kick a revolutionary comrade out of his infertility, so they all wear silk stockings.

After "catching" the three feet with his legs, Chu Yang didn't wait for those pink fists and fragrant feet to greet him, so he took advantage of the opportunity of bending down to jump forward and directly jumped on the three girls who were facing him. Relying on his man's strong physical advantage, he knocked them to the ground!

With the fall of the three girls and the cry of the other girls, Chu Yang hugs a girl's legs and turns over under his head and feet.

After avoiding the attack of two fists and three feet, Chu Yang had already stood in the center of the rest room, smelling the fragrance of shower gel and the stench of his body from the girls in his nose. Someone in Chu was so angry that he swung the poor girl in his hand and swept out to those shadows who couldn't tell who was who.

Although Chu Yang hated these smelly girls for giving him foot washing water, for the sake of all Chinese people, he just swept the poor girl to the other girls' waist.

If ah, just say if. If these girls were enemies, someone would hit them in the head.

"Ah! It's me Ouyang Lianlian, who seems to be flying in the clouds and driving in the fog, has not yet touched the bodies of her sisters after being swung up by Chu Yang as Ma Shuo. She shouts out: "be careful not to be hit by me!"

"Shit! What a mean man! Everyone step back for a moment, be careful not to hurt your sister! "

In the dark, I don't know which girl scolded, loudly ordered her companion to retreat for a while, and then waited for the opportunity to attack.

Hey, hey, hey, you think you can greet me with more people? Don't forget I'm a man! Chu a person in the heart so complacent think, see around those shadows all brush back, he won the power not to forgive people will hand Ouyang Lian horizontal fell out.

In a series of "ouch, shit!" In his scream, Chu leaped into the air like a lion leaping to its prey from the dark, and jumped into the middle of the girls. Under the cover of the dark and not afraid to hurt their companions, he took the "hooligan moves" of elbowing the girls on the back, knee hitting the girls on the buttocks, holding the waist and pulling the hair, They were beaten like "ghosts crying, wolves howling, yelling and scolding.".

For a moment, someone with the stink of foot washing water can touch the elastic softness. Even if he was kicked by a girl's foot, as long as it wasn't at the root of his life, he had the right to massage, and even took the opportunity to grab someone's little foot to tickle.

From Chu Yang into the door, to his active counterattack and take advantage of these few minutes, can be said to be killing all sides, majestic!

"Turn on the light! Turn on the light now! "

Those girls, since they can be qualified to come to the fourth base for training, certainly will not be the kind of coquettish girls who can only play with their mouths and dare not kill chickens. On the contrary, they are all elites from the major military regions and relevant departments. If we talk about the real ability, even if three people can't beat one Chu person, we will never let him make eight girls roll around like this.

Since he was the elite of the major military regions and relevant departments, he immediately found the earth shaking reason for being stirred by Chu Yang. That's why someone rushed to the wall and pressed the light switch in a loud voice.

Patta... With the clear beating sound of the switch, the lamp stick above the rest room on the first floor lights up.

On behalf of justice lights up, ye Chuqing looked at a room of people, first big Leng, then open mouth of laughter.

Ye Chuqing was stunned first and then laughed. It was all because these people in the room, after a few minutes of obsession, everyone's face was black. They couldn't distinguish men from women, and they couldn't see their parents

It turned out that the basin was put in the foot wash water above the two doors by the girls, and more than a dozen bottles of carbon ink were poured into it!

After Chu's brave counterattack, all of them tumbled on the ground for a few minutes. After that, they were all smeared like little ghosts. This makes ye Chuqing, who is going to fight as a new force, forget that she is one of the sisters in her laughter.

Ye Chuqing smiles, but Chu Yang doesn't.

As soon as the light came on, he knew that the time created by the girls might disappear. If you want to resist their downfall tonight, you have to beat these girls. As for those trivial things like taking a bath, I'll talk about them later. Anyway, I'm not afraid I have no time to deal with them!

Therefore, Chu Yang, who has always kept a clear mind, saw ye Chuqing standing beside him laughing. He didn't hesitate for a moment. He reached for her short hair and suddenly pulled it to his own side. He raised his right elbow to her back. He banged heavily, then let go. Then, ye's laughter stopped with a cry of pain, Lying face down in a pool of smelly water

Although ye Chuqing didn't take part in the fight in these few minutes, she was still the primary target of Chu Yang's attack.

There are three reasons why Chu Yang wanted to "dry down" ye Chuqing first.

1、 In front of the broad masses of revolutionary comrades, she once said frankly that she did not welcome Chu Yang.

2、 Since this girl dares to stand out before others raise their objection, it fully shows that she is a very independent girl, and is likely to become the main figure who opposes Chu Yang. So it's inevitable to hit her.

3、 Ye Chuqing is the only one of the nine girls who didn't take part in the war and wore army boots. At this time, put her down, butt down the fight, Chu Yang this shoes, naturally will not be too afraid of the first group of barefoot girl.

After the lights lit up the first floor lounge, the girls knew they were wrong.

Because at this time, all the girls' faces were smeared as if they were kids, and no one could recognize them. Moreover, because the women soldiers all had short hair styles, which were similar to men's. Therefore, it's very difficult for girls to recognize the "fish eyed" guy. Although someone is still wearing boots. But they are black boots. Compared with the black feet, who can distinguish them in a hurry?

It's very difficult for the girls to recognize Chu Yang, but Chu Yang just took this opportunity. After he knocked down ye Chuqing, like a bull in love, Chu Yang gave a low roar, bent down and bowed his head to the girls who were at a loss in front of him

Before turning on the light, Chu Yang took advantage of the chaos. After turning on the lights, he once again took advantage of everyone's similar looks.

If you want to say that someone in Chu is still a conscientious master, when he was eating "cheap tofu", he did not hit the girls' black faces, throat, Xiayin and other places, except beating them on the buttocks, using "grasping Nai dragon's grip" and hitting them on the back.

But then again, when Chu Yang was fighting with these girls, he was also scratched by some girls who didn't have "cherishing fragrance and jade" in his neck, back of hand and chin.

It's not that these angry tigers don't want to use their nails and teeth to break Chu Yang's face. It's really because this guy is so damned. He either blows hard with his head down or hides his face in other people's arms.

Click! Bang! Bang!

The tables, chairs, cups, fruit plates, apples and pears in the lounge on the first floor are crooked, overturned and broken with the seven minute scuffle

"All around him! Put your arms around him and don't let go Ye Chuqing bent and grinned, looked at the black shadow running around, yelled at her sisters.

The girls who are being agitated by someone in Chu are dizzy. After hearing ye Chuqing's cry, they suddenly wake up.

Ouyang Lianlian, who was mentioned by someone in Chu as Ma Shuo just now, was the first to wake up. He grabbed Chu Yang's back skirt, who rubbed her face with smelly water in her arms, turned around and ran away. With a low roar, he threw himself on his back like a dog skin plaster. He grasped his hair tightly with both hands and cried out: "come here! Come quickly! Come on... Ah

Before Ouyang Lianlian could shout out a third "come here quickly", ye Chuqing, who was as angry as a leopard, had a tiger on her body. Relying on her weight and impact, chuyang, who holds a piece of meat on Ouyang Lianlian's thigh, knocks it to the ground!

"He's down there! He's down there, all of you

In ye Chuqing's shouting voice, the other seven girls, one by one, were shouting, just like a superpower, rushing on ye Chuqing

what the fuck! What the hell is this?!

Chu Yang, who is under the pressure of the "meat mountain" of more than 800 Jin of nine girls, is really out of his way.

He didn't yell, "master, stay away, my grandson will jump out of Wuzhi Mountain!" The monkey king, so can only gasp, vainly with both hands on the ground.

In fact, it's not only Chu Yang who can't bear it. Ouyang Lianlian on his back has been out of breath for a long time, and she's dead with a loud shout! It's killing her!

"Tie his feet first! Tie his feet Ye Chuqing, as the third countdown of the pyramid, has the same taste, but she can still keep quite sober. She shouted loudly that the top people tied up Chu Yang's legs first. Then, everyone would get up again and think how to play the "no leg" guys. Has the final say been the last thing they want?

The top girl is Yang min.

"Oh! But there is no rope Yang Min agrees loudly and jumps over.

"Damn, I can't use your belt!" I don't know who scolded below.

"Oh! I see! " Yang Min nodded, deftly took off his belt, squatted down, pulled out a foot in army boots, tied it tightly first, and then all the girls yelled "hold him down!" He pulled out another one, and then tied the two feet in army boots tightly together.

After finishing this difficult and great work, Yang Min held his trousers in both hands and cried out with pride: "sisters, you can get up! Our time is coming soon

All the girls cheered!

Cheers, the girls have stood up.

"Everyone is ready. When the next sister stands up, she will kick the boy into a pig's head!" When the penultimate ye Chuqing pressed Ouyang Lianlian's back and stood up with a sneer in his mouth, he quickly jumped back to make way for Ouyang Lianlian. Then when he attacked again, he squatted on the ground again!