Only pedal in the car, Gu Ming Chuang turned: "sister-in-law, what else?" This pendant, ha ha. " Chai Murong smiles, takes out the jewelry box in his pocket and hands it to Gu mingchuang: "keep it, for your real girlfriend." Mingchuang shook his head and pushed away the jewelry box: "sister-in-law, I never get used to taking back the gifts I send out.

Although chuyang is not a thing, I can't take it back. " Ming Chuang finished, did not wait for Chai Murong to refuse again, raised his foot to get on, and then started the car.

Looking at Chai Murong standing at the gate in the mirror, Gu mingchuang sighed in a low voice and said to himself, "Alas, what a good girl... Except for her bad temper and daring to smash people with a thermos bottle, she is perfect in both appearance and temperament.

How could such a top-notch girl be fascinated by Chu Yang... I hope that the scene I played with Chu Yang just now can make Sophie retreat and go back to England obediently.

Or I'll be beaten in vain.

Damn it, I don't understand. He's the one who provoked me. Why should I accompany him? It's a pity that my good image... "Murong watched Gu mingchuang's car disappear in sight, then sighed low, turned and walked into the door.

In the wing room, chuyang sits on the sofa and smokes. Sophie stands in front of him and looks at him respectfully.

Manyu holds the refrigerator with one hand and looks at the couple with strange eyes.

Now, she also recognized this foreign girl who had no taboo about others and just "fawned" on someone in Chu. She turned out to be Sophie, the CEO of the British parasol company.

She wondered, how could the president of Sophie hook up with someone in Chu? Gu Ming broke away. " After Chai Murong entered the room, he closed the door behind him, went to Chu Yang and repeated: "Gu Ming has gone. He just came to China today. You should let him feel the warmth between brothers, but now he has gone." You have made him feel warm for me, "Chu Yang raised his head and said carelessly," what can make people feel warm more than half a bottle of hot water? " If you don't push me to the front, give me a slap... "Chai Murong's face turned red, touched his butt with his backhand, and said coldly," hum, shouldn't you explain to me why? " Explain what? " About President Sophie. " As soon as Murong's words fell, Sophie took them over: "can I explain it for him?" On the way home from the airport, Chai Murong and Sophie hold hands and seem so close, but she didn't expect that this foreign girl ran to Chu Yang.

All of a sudden, the official's favor for her is plummeting, so he consciously put her in the small three of Hua Manyu and Zhou Shuhan.

After a cold smile, Chai Murong sat on the sofa opposite Chu Yang, legs up, a look of interrogating prisoners: "I just want to find out how this is going on, as for who to tell me clearly, I don't mind." I'd like to apologize to you first. It was my sudden appearance that caused the misunderstanding between Chu Yang, Gu mingchuang and you. " Sophie bowed to the other three.

I don't care if I'm sorry or not.

I just hope you can feel guilty after watching the scene of "brothers against each other" just now, and then go back to England obediently, and never disturb me again.

I'm really not interested in being your patron saint... Chu Yang takes a look at Sophie, feels a cigarette to light it, and looks like he's carefree.

After apologizing, Fei raised her hand and gathered her golden hair. She did not sit down. She just stood there, her blue eyes looking out at the dark sky outside the window, with a trace of mystery from a foreign country in her voice: "my name is Sophie, chief executive officer of the British parasol company.

Before I went to the sun umbrella company, I had been a volunteer for the International Red Cross for four months Chai Murong and Hua Manyu all know that Fei's words belong to "official information", but her next words start to surprise them and bring them into a legend that sounds very mysterious.

My hometown is Mexico, the birthplace of Mayan civilization, and I belong to the descendant of plumed serpent god in Mayan civilization... "Sophie, in very clear and fluent Chinese, spent more than ten minutes explaining in detail how she met chuyang (during which many bloody scenes were omitted), and the legend of her origin and tribe:" I am the princess of zozier people, The reason why I exist in this world is to give everything for the plumed serpent god. " Fei said this, looked at Chu Yang, then went to him, slowly knelt down on the ground, hands folded his head, murmured: "great God, please accept your people's most devout worship." Then she spread out her hands, lowered her head, touched the ground with her forehead, and began to say her words that no one could understand: "ah, GABA, siagul, momsha, tell me virgermondo!" Yang spread out his hands and made a helpless gesture. He didn't care about Sophie. He said to the stunned Chaihua Er Niu, "have you all seen it? I'm not really to blame for that. " I see Any questions? " Manyu shook his head: "there is no doubt. Now I understand why you fought with the man who left just now.

You do this for Sophie. You think she will feel guilty and leave automatically. " In fact, according to Chai Murong's intelligence, she should also see that Chu Yang and Gu Ming are crazy, just for Sophie.

Chai Murong, who is in charge of the speech, is mainly carrying the burden of Chu Yang's daughter-in-law. When she sees a foreign girl holding Chu's legs, she is burning with jealousy, so she doesn't see all this.

Now, after Hua Manyu's instruction, she woke up and immediately regretted caring about Gu mingchuang.

If you don't say it, others won't think you are dumb.

Chu Yang said with a smile, "yes, I just don't want to tangle with Sophie... Sophie, get up. I don't like you kneeling down to me like this.

What's more, once again, I solemnly say that I am an authentic Chinese and have nothing to do with you zoziers.

No interest, no ability to be your patron saint. " Fei obediently raised his head, but said the words, still let Chu Yang headache: "you are our patron saint, who said all don't count, including yourself." After Sophie said this, Chai Murong didn't want to wait for Chu Yang to speak: "President Sophie, I know you foreigners have a firm belief.

But I want to remind you that chuyang is not only a Chinese who has nothing to do with zoziers, but also my husband in law! Do you think I will let my husband go abroad to be a guardian God? What's more, he's not as amazing as you say.

Apart from his two advantages of being shameless and beating women mercilessly, he really has no strong points! " In fact, I still have a lot of advantages... "Chu Yang retorted discontentedly, but then realized that it was not the time to boast, and quickly cut off the topic:" Sophie, why did you just say that I was your patron saint, even I didn't count? You get up first and sit and talk Because you have a sun stone in your hand. " Sophie didn't get up, but looked at Chu Yang's left wrist, and her eyes became fanatical again: "only the great feather snake god is qualified to wear this string of sunstones!" It's this tangled Bracelet! Yang frowned and grabbed Sophie's wrist. He easily pulled her up from the ground and let her sit on the sofa beside him. He said solemnly: "Sophie, if I didn't know who you are, I would have misunderstood that you are interested in this bracelet! In fact, this bracelet is not mine at all. It's from fox.

I've only been wearing it for more than two months.

If, as you say, who wears this bracelet is your great snake god, why didn't you zoziers go to those people to be your patrons before I put it on? " Because they didn't appear in the prophecy of Mayan civilization! " Sophie said, "as I said just now, after I parted with you from Afghanistan, I let the high priest sakkub do the calculation.

Through divination, we know your exact destination, which is why I went to England to find you.

However, in the past, I just had a good feeling for you in my heart, but I didn't mention it to you.

Because I haven't found that you are wearing the sun stone of plumed serpent god.

But today, I finally found it, so I'm sure you are our patron saint. " Do you mean that you found chuyang's residence in Mexico accurately through divination? " Although Sophie had said it just now, Chai Murong didn't believe it after hearing it again.

Yes Sophie nodded for sure.

At this time, Manyu also asked, "Chu Yang appeared in your prophecy?" Fei nodded again: "yes!" Can you tell us what kind of prophecy it is? " Hua man said, "what's the meaning of that strange sentence you just said?" The meaning of that sentence is to say, "Sophie put her hands together again, her face showing piety:" please the great plumed serpent god to save us, let the world peace. " After listening, Yang said with a silly smile, "Hey, ha ha.

When I was a child, I really had the great ideal of being a superman to save the world and make the world peaceful.

However, this ideal has never been taken seriously since I stopped squatting to pee.

But now you have mentioned my ideal again. Ha ha, it's really interesting. " Fei ignored Chu Yang's words and said to himself, "in the prediction of Maya civilization, the earth is not owned by human beings, but belongs to the earth. Now the earth we live on is the fifth solar age.

So far, the earth has passed four solar periods, and at the end of each period, there will be a soul stirring destruction story. " Chai Murong and Hua Manyu learned what Fei said when they were in school.

According to the prophecy of the zoerjin calendar in the Mayan civilization, there will be five suns in all.