With these words, without waiting for Fanjing to say anything, he turned and walked out of the office.

What is this? I just cheat to ask you. If you didn't do it, you can explain it to me, and you dare to lose your temper with me! Looking at the door, mayor Fan Jing was very upset.

After Chu Yang left the office, he didn't say goodbye to Li Wendong and others. He went downstairs and out of the hall to the gate of the Municipal Bureau.

When he came to the city Bureau, he came together in a police car. When I left, I didn't say goodbye to Li Wendong and others, so I had to take a taxi to go back.

Taxi is like a man sometimes. When it's time, it doesn't want it. When it's not time, it always sticks its crotch high. Chu Yang had been waiting for more than ten minutes on the roadside at the gate of the Municipal Bureau, but he didn't see a taxi without passengers passing by. Just as he was thinking about whether to squeeze the bus or make a phone call to Yeliu soda, a clear car horn sounded behind him.

Chu Yang looked back and saw a blue and white Passat police car parked behind him.

The window rolled down. The expressionless Liang Xin stretched out her hand and gestured to him to get on the bus.

You're selling to me, but you shouldn't be so stiff. Chu Yang hesitates for a moment, and thinks that he should give Liang Xin a chance to make peace with him. After all, because of his practice in the interrogation room, he loses the man's open and aboveboard demeanor.

"In fact, you don't have to thank me for consciously cooperating with the government to maintain the image of the people's police, which is what every excellent citizen should do." This is Chu Yang's first sentence when he sits in the co pilot's seat.

"Where to?" Liang Xin didn't seem to recognize the irony in his words. She just asked him where he was going.

I don't know why. The more Liang Xin is like this, the more Chu Yang wants to attack her with mean words. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it: "I know that although I don't say it, I really appreciate that I have made you a great contribution, and I wish I could be my friend. But to tell you the truth, I'm not interested in such a pretentious woman as you. You look like a bull all day long... But in order to help you, just go to a five-star hotel and have a light meal. "

Liang Xin's hand holding the steering wheel was very hard, her finger joints had turned white, and her cheeks were very cute. After that, she started the car.

What he said didn't work. Chu Yang was not interested in talking to her anymore, so he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the chair

Liang Xin's driving out is not her original intention, but Li Wendong's arrangement.

Li Wendong thinks that Chu Yang has given such a big credit to the Municipal Bureau. It would be unkind to ask other people's children to call a car or squeeze a bus back. So after learning that he left the Municipal Bureau with an unhappy face, he wanted to find someone to see him off.

Wang Wenjie wanted to go very much, but he was stopped by Li Wendong. He asked Liang Xin to go and told her: at noon, you can ask Mr. Chu to find a hotel with better conditions, and the Bureau will give you reimbursement.

Liang Xin knows that director Li specially asked her to go, just to take this opportunity to solve the contradiction between them with Chu Yanghua. So, although she really didn't want to come, she didn't have the heart to refute the good intentions of the leaders, so she drove out of the city.

If Chu Yang no longer sneers at Liang Xin after getting on the bus, but changes into a villain's face and flatters her. Maybe she will really have a good meal with him and get in touch with his feelings... But it backfires. Someone's mouth seems to be smeared with excrement in front of her. It's not a common stink. If she tolerates it again, she seems to be sorry for her extraordinary Kung Fu.

After driving for a few minutes, Liang Xin suddenly said, "I know a place where the food is delicious."


Liang Xin gently touched the accelerator and sneered, "on the edge of the Yellow River."

"By the Yellow River? That's my good fortune. I made a small fortune there a few days ago. " Chu Yang very interested in the answer: "you said that dish, is not called steamed Yellow River carp?"

"You'll know when you get there!" Liang Xin finished, tightly pursed the corners of her mouth, slapped on the siren and then suddenly accelerated.

The Passat police car whimpered and went to the northern suburbs of Southern Hebei, regardless of whether the intersection was red or green.

"Hey," after hearing the siren, Chu Yang opened his eyes and sat up straight, looking out of the window: "it's just a meal. Do you need to be so anxious? I have plenty of time anyway. "

"But I'm in a hurry." Liang Xin gently clenches her teeth and stares at the front. With a slight swing of the steering wheel, Passat makes a small drift and passes by the right side of a car.

"Well, I said officer Liang, why don't you look good? You don't want to have another plan for me, do you Chu Yang's face finally changed color. He grasped the handle of the door tightly with his right hand. It seemed that he was going to open the door and jump.

Now I know I have another plan for you? It's late! Liang Xin looked at the front and said, "chuyang, if you don't want to go, you can not go. I won't stop you."

"Then stop the car."

"You do it yourself."

"I know, you, you are trying to revenge on me Chu Yang yelled, "stop, stop!"

Instead of stopping, Liang Xin stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

"I want to call the police!" Chu Yang takes out the phone and just wants to dial it, but Liang Xin grabs it. He smiles with pity: "Chu Yang, I'm the police. Do you still call the police?"

Chu Yang's face was a little pale and answered: "but, you seem to have bad intentions for me... You won't kill people just because of our little quarrel, will you?"

"No, I'm a policeman. How can I do that? At most, it will turn you into a Yellow River carp. " Liang Xin sneered: "didn't you just say you wanted to eat Yellow River carp stewed in clear soup?

"You're taking revenge."

"Yes," Liang Xinshuang nodded quickly and threw his mobile phone to Chu Yang, "I just want to retaliate. What's the matter? You can call the police if you have the ability. "

"Does the alarm work?" Chu Yang picked up his cell phone and looked ahead.

Not far ahead is the Xiaoqing River in Southern Hebei. After the Xiaoqinghe bridge, it's more than ten minutes' drive to the Yellow River.

"You'd better save the phone bill. Don't worry, I'll show you mercy, because you're the first man who dares to do this to me." Liang Xin swayed the steering wheel, wiped the right side of a bus, drove up the Xiaoqinghe bridge, and galloped along the railing: "I hope you can remember some lessons from now on, such as don't offend a woman again... Hello! What are you up to? Close the door! Danger... "

In Liang Xin's exclamation, Chu Yang pushes the door open, just like a fish leaping out of the river, jumps out of the car, flies over the bridge railing, and disappears in Liang Xin's sight.

Creak, creak... Because of the sudden brake, the tires of the Passat police car were rubbing with the bridge deck, burning a wisp of smoke. After several pauses, it stopped at the railing on the right side of the bridge.

It's very dangerous for a high-speed car to stop suddenly on the road. Fortunately, Liang Xin's speed was fast enough, and she was on the far right side of the bridge, so she was not chased by the car behind. But Rao is so, also the driver behind the private car scared boss a jump, blurted out to jump out of the car Liang Xin scolded a dirty word, and then stepped up the gas to run.

Police cars, police are not ordinary people can afford.

How did he really jump into the river?

Liang Xin, who was making a big noise in his brain, walked around the car in a snowy white way and ran to the railings near the bridge. Looking down, there were some darkened rivers, with a dull white foam flowing slowly towards the East. In addition to the occasional few garbage bags on the river, nothing can be seen any more.

Staring down at the river, Liang Xin looks at the river for a long time, then slowly collapses to the ground holding the bridge railing, takes out her mobile phone, and dials Li Wendong's phone number with difficulty.

"I'm Li Wendong." Li Wendong, who is negotiating with Mayor Fanjing about his work, frowned and took out his mobile phone to have a look at the caller ID, then went to the window.

"Director, I..."

Li Wendong hears Liang Xin's voice is different, and also hears the shrill sound of the police siren. He immediately realizes what's wrong and asks aloud, "what's the matter? Do you need help?"

"Chu Yang, he, he..."

"What happened to Chu Yang?"

After listening to Li Wendong mention Chu Yang's name, Fan Jing puts down his cup and turns to the window.

"Chuyang, he jumped into the river, Xiaoqing River."

"What?" Li Wendong was startled: "didn't I ask you to send him back? How could he jump the Xiaoqinghe River? Go down and have a look

"The water is too dark to see."

"You have to go down if you can't see!" Li Wendong yelled at the phone: "this is an order!"

"Yes, it's an order." Liang Xin hangs up the phone, closes her eyes, stands up and jumps to the river

Xiaoqing River, which originates from mulizhuang in the west of Southern Hebei Province, collects the spring water of Heihu, Baotu and Xiaogan, and flows eastward parallel to the South Bank of the Yellow River. On the way, it receives the tributaries of Xiujiang River, Xiaofu River and Zihe River, and flows into Laizhou Bay in Shouguang city. It has a total length of more than 240 kilometers and a drainage area of 11000 square kilometers.

In the past, when every household in the urban area of Southern Hebei was Chuiyang and spring water, the water of Xiaoqinghe River was so clear that you could see the bottom of the river from the bank. The name of Xiaoqinghe River was not false at all.

When he was a child, Chu Yang did not seldom hear the elders talk about the river. He even dreamed that one day he could come here to take a bath and catch fish. However, because Yun Ruoxi was strict with him, until he left Southern Hebei, he never had a chance to come to this river. During those years when he worked abroad, he dreamed of swimming in the river several times at night, and had an eye to eye relationship with a young fisherman in a small boat.

The last time Chu Yang went to the Yellow River Park through the Xiaoqing River, he missed the chance to walk and have a look by the Xiaoqing River because he was thinking about something. Today, after Liang Xin drove up the Xiaoqinghe bridge, he decided to use the opportunity to scare her to realize his dream of swimming in the Xiaoqinghe River.