Fan Jing sneered and patted the table, which made Li Wendong's head drop lower.

"Director Li," Fan Jing took a breath, "I doubt the working ability of your Municipal Bureau now. The criminal police captain of the Municipal Bureau is not as sharp as the bodyguard of a private enterprise. What does that mean?"

"It shows that I am not competent." Liang Xin raises her head and answers for Li Wendong bravely.

Fan gave her a cold look and didn't speak.

Don't talk, sometimes it is default. All of you know this.

Li Wendong sighed: "well, Captain Liang, you can't blame me for this. I have a greater responsibility. I will write a written review... "

"Write a review? Writing a review will forgive you for your carelessness? " Fan Jing just won't be angry with Liang Xin, the team leader. She just presses Li Wendong to train fiercely.

"Or, or..." or I quit? But then we have to call a standing committee, right? Li Wendong thought so.

Seeing that director Li couldn't lift his head after being trained by Mayor fan, Liang Xin stood up, looked down at his toes, and said in a very sincere tone: "Mayor fan, I have been in contact with those two killers, and director Li didn't interfere in them... Mayor fan, I, I resign."

You two are very loyal. If you both resign, who will clean up this mess? Fanjing didn't speak, but looked coldly at all the people in the room.

Those interpols who had come to southern Hebei for the first time and considered themselves superior were all sitting on the sofa and almost stuffed their heads into their pants.

The Southern Hebei police represented by Li Wendong and Liang Xin didn't recognize the male and female evil spirits. There is still a reason for that. However, they are all from the criminal police headquarters, but they don't see any doubt. This is really shameless.


Silence means no one speaks.

At least no one spoke before mayor van did.

When everyone felt that they couldn't stand it, Fanjing spoke in a normal tone this time: "I need someone to report the truth of the incident to me carefully."

"Here's the thing." Liang Xin "bravely" stood up again, took the two "Interpol" in the morning and took them to Yunshui group building until they hung up. She told them in detail. During this period, he did not mix any personal feelings, and was completely in the most just position.

I've heard from Tangtang for a long time that chuyang has set up a bodyguard company, and the Municipal Bureau has always regarded them as the biggest suspect in the recent mysterious kidnapping case. At that time, I also inferred that Tangtang had better not get involved in the matter of the bodyguard company. But who could have thought that if it wasn't for Chu Yang's bodyguards, it would be... What would it be like? Fan Jing didn't dare to think about it. She just knew one fact: if it wasn't for the bodyguard of chuyang bodyguard company, she would be the mayor.

It took half an hour for Liang Xin to make the whole story clear.

"Well." Fan Jing nodded and asked: "Captain Liang, who is Chu Yang now? Did he come to the market

"... here it comes." Liang Xin hesitated: "it's in the interrogation room below."

"What? In the interrogation room? " Fan Jing was stunned.

"On the way to the city Bureau, he has been sneering at me and the police..." Liang Xin's words are getting lower and lower.

"Oh, I see. Just because he is dissatisfied with the fact that the police are always following his company employees, after helping the police get rid of the killers, he will satirize the incompetence of the police with complacency."

"Yes, it is..."


This is the second time that mayor fan slapped the table because he was angry after he came to the Municipal Bureau. It's just that this time it's stronger. In pain, she grinned secretly.

"You put him in the interrogation room because he satirized that the police couldn't tell the truth and incompetence?" Fan Jingli said: "in fact, what he said is not wrong at all! Your city is incompetent! They are not only incompetent, but also deliberately retaliate against those who have rendered meritorious service! "

"Yes, yes, we are incompetent." Silly child, silly child, even if Chu Yang is making you angry, you can't put him in the interrogation room? You know, he is likely to be mayor fan's son-in-law. Alas, alas! Why don't you tell me about it? Li Wendong complained about Liang Xin in his heart.

In fact, in addition to the title of director of the Municipal Bureau, Li Wendong also has a halo of secretary of the political and legal committee above his head, which is also a powerful figure on the Municipal Standing Committee.

However, Li Wendong, the director of the Bureau, is a member of fan Jingyi. Therefore, when Fan Jing is angry, he can only listen.

"Director Li, if the Municipal Bureau can't handle the case properly, it can submit it to the provincial public security department." Although Fan Jing is angry with Liang Xin, she has to give Li Wendong face.

"Mayor fan, we are confident that we can handle this matter well!" The truth of the case has come to light. Only a fool would bother the provincial department at this time. Moreover, according to Li Wendong's understanding of Fan Jing, she has seen that she said this to give him a step down, so she immediately straightened up her chest.

"Good," as expected, Fan Jing immediately changed the topic: "is that to invite Chu Yang first? I want to ask him something. "

"Yes, I'll send for him now." Li Wendong looks at Liang Xin, Liang Xin looks at Wang Wenjie, and Wang Wenjie looks at the floor

"I'll go." Liang Xin murmured and turned to walk out of the office.

"Well, director Li, all directors, when I came here, I promised to hold a press conference at 11 o'clock to give a satisfactory reply to the concerned citizens."

With these words, Fan Jing glanced at the three interpols.

Li Wendong understood, immediately went to one of the criminal police in front of him and said something.

That Interpol, immediately stood up, said a few high sounding words, hid his face with his two companions and rushed out of the office.

If you want to say that when Fan Jing gets angry in the office of the Municipal Bureau, you have to find a person who is not afraid, that is Wang Wenjie.

After Liang Xin brings back Chu Yang, who came to the city bureau to explain the incident with the police, she crams him into the interrogation room without saying a word. At that time, Wang Wenjie also argued with her about this, saying that someone in Chu was a meritorious minister and should not be so neglected.

But along the way, Liang Xin, who was angry by chuyang's sarcasm, almost took out a gun and killed him, just coldly said, "I'm the criminal police captain" and ignored him.

At that time, Wang Wenjie felt very shameless. At this time to see her obediently to please Chu Yang, heart naturally happy: Yes, you are the criminal police captain, of course, you invited him!

Xiao Han of the city criminal police team is very unlucky today.

Not long after I went to work in the morning, I ran to the bathroom several times because of my upset stomach. I couldn't stand it. I ran to the bathroom and hung a bottle of water, which stopped my desire to run to the bathroom. As soon as he came back to the city Bureau building, he was called to the interrogation room with Captain Liang, and told him to watch the guy in the interrogation room.

At that time, Xiao Han, who stood at attention to show obedience to the ugly Liang team, was still puzzled when he saw the guy who was carried into the interrogation room: what's wrong with this man in Liang team's hands? But why not handcuff him?

Xiao Han is very puzzled. But it's not just that this guy didn't wear handcuffs, but that this guy walked into the interrogation room upright. As soon as Liang Xin left, he immediately fell on the ground.

"Hello This guy's strange performance, scared small Han a jump, he thought this guy is sick, quickly opened the door and asked: "what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK. It's just too hot. We need to cool down." The guy, who is still pretty good-looking, looks up from the ground and smiles at Xiao Han with white teeth.

"You are sick!" Xiao Han put his hand on his forehead and tried it. After feeling the temperature was normal, he went back to the back of the interrogation table. As soon as he lit a cigarette, he heard the noise of people outside.

Xiao Han stood up and went to the corridor to take a look out. Then he saw dozens of reporters, all looking at the interview supplies. Regardless of the master's stop, they rushed in.

"Damn, how come there are so many journalists? It must be for those mysterious kidnappings. " Xiao Han shook his head and went back to the interrogation room. When he returned to the interrogation room again, he found that the guy who was not handcuffed was plastering his face and tearing his hair, which was still a thief.

A little stupefied for a moment, Xiao Han knew what he was going to do. Immediately sneer: "Hey, you do this, is to give people a false impression that you were tortured by the police in the city bureau?"

"Hey, hey." That guy laughs: "have this meaning."

"I advise you, don't do this shit." Xiao Han sat down slowly and took a puff of smoke: "there are monitors in the interrogation room. Do you think you can rely on our police if you wipe them? retarded! You play slowly. If you don't think the effect is good enough, I don't mind lending you a knife. You can shine on your cheek for two times, which will be more realistic. "

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't think so." After he made himself look like a martyr who had been on the execution ground, he sat on the interrogation chair and began to close his eyes.

After Xiao Han despised this guy in his heart, he put his feet on the table and began to help himself again.

Anyway, when Captain Liang left, he didn't ask him to do anything to the interrogated. He didn't need to offend others. Besides, this guy looks very elegant, and he's wearing an expensive suit. He looks like a little white face who is taken care of by a royal sister or a little rich woman... He doesn't have to offend such a spineless man.

Two people spent more than half an hour in the interrogation room, and Xiao Han wondered why there was no one to bring the boy up for trial. Just as I was about to go out and ask someone, footsteps came from the corridor.

Xiao Han immediately took off his feet on the table and sat upright on the chair.

The door opened and captain Liang Xin came in.

Xiao Han stood up: "team Liang."

"Well." Liang Xin coldly said, "chuyang, you come with me... Xiao Han, did you torture him?"