As soon as he reminded, Wen remembered and stammered, "I, I want to get up at night..."

Gu linchao was stunned. Without talking any more, he got up and lit the light in the room.

Wen Zhenzhen hurriedly got up, put on his shoes and rushed out.

But before long, she turned back, hung her head and said in frustration, "Lord, where's the Gong room? Can you take me?"

Gu linchao paused and said, "wait a minute."

Wen was about to cry, rubbing his legs and said, "Lord, can you hurry up?"

Gu linchao looked at her and saw that she was in a hurry. He had to give up and light lanterns. Instead, he took a night pearl out of the box on the table, "let's go."

Wen Zhenzhen was attracted by the night pearl in his hand, followed him step by step, and looked at the night pearl in his hand all the time.

Outside Gong's room, Gu linchao handed her the night pearl, "it's dark inside. Take it."

Wen Zhenzhen reached out and took it. He thought of something and said with some worry, "what if the night pearl falls into the pit?"

Gu linchao's face stagnated. "Aren't you in a hurry? Don't you care if it can't fall into the pit?"

"Of course I have to ask clearly. The night pearl is so valuable. In case it falls into the pit, the Lord can't ask me to compensate." Wen said persistently.

Gu linchao helped the forehead, "don't worry, if you fall into the pit, you won't compensate."

"That's what you said." Wen Zhenzhen relaxed and took the night pearl into the Gong room.

Gu linchao had a good ear. Hearing the sound of her untiing her pants, Jun's face was hot and hurried away.

After a while, Wen Zhenzhen came out again, but he said with a panic on his face, "Lord, what should I do? The night pearl fell into the pit."

Gu linchao: "

"You said you wouldn't ask me to pay," Wen said timidly with his head down.

"How did it happen that it really fell?" Gu linchao twitched in the corners of his eyes.

"It was good. I always held it in my hand, but when I put on my pants, I couldn't open my hand. I didn't pay attention for a moment, and the night pearl fell down." Wen said with a sad face, "what should I do? Should I ask someone to pick it up?"

Gu linchao: "

"Why doesn't the LORD speak? Are you angry with me?" Wen Zhenzhen shook his sleeve and felt guilty. "I'm so stupid that I can't even hold a night pearl. Please punish me..."

Gu linchao pressed the center of his eyebrows and said reluctantly, "forget it, it's just a night pearl. If it falls, it will fall. Let's go back and watch."

"OK." Wen is very clever.

Back to the house, Wen went to clean his hands, and then walked back to the couch.

She took off her shoes, climbed into bed and lay down.

Gu linchao came over and saw her shoes lying horizontally. He bent down and placed them for her. Then he went to turn off the light and lay back on the couch.

"Lord, I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed first." Wen zhe said, yawned, turned his back to him and turned sideways.

In fact, at the moment, she had no eyes at all.

Under the cover of the quilt, she took it out of her arms and took out something wrapped in a handkerchief.

She just took a look in the quilt. Shouldn't Gu linchao find out?

She comforted herself so much that she couldn't help pulling off her veil.

A round object immediately falls on the quilt and shines the dark quilt as bright as day.

She was surprised, wrapped it up again with a handkerchief and stuffed it back into her arms.

that was close!

Wen Zhenzhen didn't dare to play with the night pearl anymore. He quickly lay down and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, Gu linchao had already seen it.