When they arrived in the front hall, alto Qingye and his brother and sister were already drinking tea.

When they came in, the brother and sister got up and saluted, "regent, princess."

Gu linchao said faintly, "don't be polite. Sit down."

Alto Qingye felt that he didn't like to see himself today. He touched his nose and didn't figure it out. He turned to look at Wen, without hiding his amazement. "The princess is the best person the prince has ever seen."

Gu linchao glanced at him coldly.

He naturally knew that they returned to Xinjiang. Unlike Daye Dynasty, they had to talk about so many rules and etiquette. They were frank and straightforward by nature. They didn't know how to beat around the Bush and said whatever they had.

But when he heard other men praising Wen in an appreciative tone, he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

He had a cold look. At this time, he was more gloomy and sneered. He was really a barbarian. He was so abrupt and rude.

Wen was not aware of his difference. Instead, he was praised very happy and immediately said, "the prince is also very handsome today."

Gu linchao's gloomy face became more sullen and unhappy when he heard the speech.

This woman Wen Zhe is really ashamed of herself.

As a woman, she praises other men in front of her husband when he is dead?

Besides, where is Alto Ching Yeh handsome?

Is there something wrong with her eyes?

Waiting outside the door, Wang Houde and Si Yi felt the cold air pressure released by the master. They stepped back and rubbed their arms.

Alto Qingye suddenly climbed up on his back and felt a little cold. However, in the face of the praise of the beauty, he couldn't help laughing, and then said with regret: "it's a pity, it's a pity."

Wen Zhenzhen rubbed his nose and felt a little itchy. Shouldn't someone curse her behind her back?

Wen Yan asked curiously, "what a pity?"

"It's a pity that the princess has married the Regent, otherwise the prince will marry you back." Alto Qingye said bluntly.

Hearing this, Wen finally remembered Gu linchao next to him, and suddenly had a sense of danger.

Er, does Prince Alto have to say these words in front of Gu linchao?

She was about to say something and remedy it when a shadow fell on her head.

When I looked up, I saw Gu linchao suddenly standing between her and Alto Qingye.

Then, the voice of a prince wrapped in ice slowly sounded, "Prince Alto, if there is nothing else, you can go. I have something to deal with. I won't entertain you."

Alto Qingye was stunned. No matter how dull he was, he also heard his expulsion order, "I haven't left yet..."

"The Regent's house doesn't welcome you." Gu linchao glanced at him coolly.

Atuchiya immediately felt as if he had been strangled by someone, and there was a suffocating danger.

Did he offend him somewhere?

He was puzzled and touched his nose.

Wen Zhuo looked at Gu linchao with a cold look and swallowed his saliva.

This guy looks the same as usual, but the coldness on his body has a frightening coldness that fools can't feel.

Doesn't he care what Alto Ching Yeh just said?

Thinking about it, she came forward with a strong desire to survive, hugged his arm, and looked at Alto Qingye with great disgust.

"Although the prince looks good, he looks too ordinary compared with our Lord. You can't compare with our Lord at all. Even if I didn't marry the Lord, I don't like you.

Because any woman who has met the prince will never see another man. In my eyes, only our prince is. In this life, I only have a firm heart and determination to our prince. "