She thought so, so she heard the Empress Dowager say, "I know you're going to enter the palace today. I told mother Zeng early in the morning to make soup for you two. The soup has been stewed on the stove all day. After a while, you two drink it while it's hot and then go out of the palace."

His face changed slightly, and he stammered, "no, don't use it..." he subconsciously looked at Lin Chao and saw him sitting there with a cold look. He didn't seem to react. What did the Empress Dowager say about the soup.

She paused for a while and made a tough proposal to the empress dowager, "I don't need to drink, but the Lord can drink more. The Lord is too thin and weak."

Gu linchao raised his eyes and looked at her. Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Wen Zhenzhen immediately moved away with a guilty conscience.

"My body is empty, isn't the princess the most clear?" Gu linchao suddenly whispered.

Wen Zhenzhen: "...."

What did this guy say? People who don't know still think what happened to them.

Sure enough, the eyes of the Empress Dowager laughed into a seam, and the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes were much deeper.

"Seeing you two so good, I'm relieved."

Wen Zhenzhen was silly and opened her lips to explain, but the Empress Dowager looked like she knew everything.

It happened that mother Zeng came in with soup. If she reached her mouth, she had to swallow it back.

Mother Zeng quickly brought out the soup and brought it to them.

Gu Lin frowned and refused. When he saw the deeply wrinkled face of the empress dowager, he swallowed it back.

He picked up the bowl and drank it down.

Wen looked at him in a daze.

Did this guy forget the last nosebleed?

She also expected him to refuse. Who knows, he drank so simply.

"Empress, you can drink while it's hot." mother Zeng advised nearby.

Wen opened his lips, suddenly lowered his head and said shyly, "empress mother, I, I believe it's time. I'm afraid it's wrong to drink this soup..."

The Empress Dowager and mother Zeng were stunned, but they soon recovered as usual.

Gu linchao thought for a while before he realized what the letter period was.

He curled his fingers uneasily.

"You child, since it's time to believe, how can you be so reckless and compete with others? What can you do if you hurt your body?" the Empress Dowager said nervously.

"Should, should be all right..." Wen said, to avoid the old man being too worried, so he had to say, "I found out after fighting."

Gu linchao listened to her as if there were no one else. The more he said, the more he slipped. His thin lips pursed, picked up the tea cup and drank tea.

"Alas, you girl, why are you so confused?" the Empress Dowager was angry and anxious.

"Don't worry, mother. I'm in good health. It's okay, and I won't do that again next time, really."

The Empress Dowager sighed, took her hand and charged, "don't think you can take it seriously now that you are young. I tell you, a woman's body can't be careless from the beginning. You have to take good care of her body. When she gets old, she won't be sick."

Wen hung his head and said, "you know, you won't make fun of your body in the future." after a pause, he caught a glimpse of the soup in mother Zeng's hand, "that soup..."

"Since you can't drink today, let chao'er drink." the Empress Dowager said helplessly.

Mother Zeng brought the soup to Gu linchao.